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He did it again..


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Ok met a guy at start of year, he stuffed me around big time...Made dates forgot, rang me when drunk but insisted he wasnt after a shag...I ended up ditching him deleted everything about him. Months later he starts calling again I ignore him for a month but he keeps calling. In the end i said havent you got the hint im not interested you messed me around. Of course it was my fault. Apparenlty I wanted a relationship and he had too much going on. I said ok just mates he went away from 6 weeks to get away from his problems i.e. job and family issue's. During this time he msg'd me constantly usually when drunk asking for a relationship and saying time away from his probs has made him realise he wants me. I said your problems will come back when you return. He said he had grown up in 6 weeks and given up booze and drugs.

He comes back we caught up once but he put a few smart arrogant messages on my fb...I was drunk one day and had enough so i told him off and to get lost.....well get f...........He told me after this he didnt wanna try with me.He gets a new job...We spoke I apologised. He said we can meet up soon.

Since then he has made 2 dates with me, cancelled the first due to being stressed he then say's he may need to put his private life on hold. Friday I accidentally sent one of the messages to him again on fb where i told him off but i explained my fb messed up. We were meant to meet yesterday he say's he upset with me cos i resent that message I explained it was an accident. He then goes on and on about his family issue's and how he cant get involved with me. Is it something ive done?

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I agree with Annie and don't think it's something you did as I wrote on your other thread -I think it's one of those cases where you two are not a good match together - you bring out the worst in each other - and he is not a reliable person and seems to have a drinking problem.

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I dont think we do that, I know from mutual friends he has always been a bit loose. He has been left by 2 woman in the past cos he works so much and i think likes to party and just forget his woman.


Do you think my sending those messages changed his mind? Why did he come begging back in the first place after I had deleted him begging for a 2nd chance?

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Because he knows he can treat you like a doormat. Is that what you want?


not at all, i stood up for myself the first time and he was apologetic, then when i stand up for myself again he makes me feel like its my fault...do you think me sending those fb messages and one accidentally re-sending again when i told him off for his rude messages on fb made him change his mind? he also said on monday dont wait around for me as i have messed you around, how can someone change their mind like that?

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I dont think we do that, I know from mutual friends he has always been a bit loose. He has been left by 2 woman in the past cos he works so much and i think likes to party and just forget his woman.


Do you think my sending those messages changed his mind? Why did he come begging back in the first place after I had deleted him begging for a 2nd chance?


And why do you want to be with someone you are so critical about?

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i do feel like a fool i shouldnt have picked the phone up again after i ignored him for a month, he told me he had grown up and done soul searching in 6 weeks hmmm i dont think so...i even questioned that. my only issue is cos i told him where to go cos of his arrogant messages was that me overreacting and do you think thats why he changed his mind?

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After this long, it doesn't matter why he changed his mind anymore. He changed his mind. Period.


I think you need to move on. Why can't you seem to do that?


he changed his mind, he did this 4 months ago so im upset with myself for getting sucked into him again..

he sent me a text this morning giving me stick about my footy team again, i am going to ignore him now...

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