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Survey: How long were you with ex/reason for breakup?

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1) How long were you with your ex?


2.5 years almost


2) How long has it been since the breakup?


I don't really know... I guess we technically broke up at the end of May, so about three months. It wasn't really a clear-cut "I hate you" break-up we just sorta decided to not be together around that time and we both started seeing other people.


3) Why do you think you two broke up?


Distance had a lot to do with it. We live 2 hours apart so basically I didn't have a BF all week and then we were together so much it got to be too much all weekend. I did all the driving as well, every weekend, so it became too much after a while. Other problems? Money I guess, sex... We just weren't a good match. I wanted things he couldn't give me and he didn't care about me enough to put any effort into it. He isn't a bad person, just not right for me.


4) Your age


I'm 21 (almost 22) and he is 29 (almost 30).

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Together: 22 months

Apart: 2 months (today would have been our second anniversary)

Reason: Circumstances (conflicts with his daughter who didn't want her dad in a new relationship -- nothing really to do with me -- and finally grieving for his deceased wife, who passed away 3 months before we met)

Age: Both of us are 44

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1) 2 years, 3 months (last 3 months long distance).

2) 9 months

3) Didn't give a reason. My guess: she wanted me to be closer to her - I was uncertain whether I could get a job closer to her (we were 16hrs apart, by car) - she got bored, maybe found someone else or just gave up. I think it was similar to justagirl20f situation - I would fly over to her every month to see her, she didn't give much effort, and we weren't a good match (in terms of outlook on family).


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1) 11 years together

2) 3.5 yrs. since breakup

3) left me for someone else!!! (he's kicking himself now btw-he's miserable without me he says! Oh well, too bad, so sad!!) i've since moved on with my life.

4) female-31

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1year 1month engaged 4 months ago today

2 weeks tomorrow

traumatic life changing even for us both, that made him realize how crazy in love with me he was that he had blinders on the whole time.went from throwing himself on the floor crying begging me to stay til the next day him telling me on instant messenger that it was over and didn't love me anymore

i am 27 and he is 30

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1) 2.5 years together

2) Almost 3 months apart

3) She left me. Told me I never tell her how I feel, couldn't see a future together, and did not feel like her own person anymore.

4) I am 33, she turned 23 today.


It's been a really hard day for me because I cannot spend her special day with her. I sent her flowers to work (one red rose surrounded by 5 yellow roses), and met her for 10 mins this morning to give her a card, present, and a letter explaining myself a bit further.

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1) 2,5 years.

2) 6-7 months.

3) Officially, she said she needed to experience more things(men). I didint agree at the time but now see that it was better this way. Also nearly 1,5 years up to breakup was long-distance relationship which didin't help. Overall we where a good match but we met too young unfortunately. wish we had met later in life or already had experienced more things.

4) Me 22, she 21

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1: 2 years exactly

2: 1 month

3: She is still immature and needs to figure her life out. I proposed to her and she said she felt she wasn't ready and it ended there. It was my worst fear come true (asking a girl to marry me and having her deny me then baek up with me).

4: I'm 26, she's 22.

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