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He's mad about me from the 2nd letter when I showed no effort or interest


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Ok, I get a lot of letters on the dating website. It happens because my photos are really nice. My replying ratio: 40%. That means that I reject 60% of letters where men don't put any effort to know me better or to present themselves. So I've got a letter from a man who has read all my profile, looked at my photos and decided to write me. We're working in different countries now but are planning to return to our homeland at the same month and stay there for long.


So we changed 3 short letters (his smalltalk about my profile and our similarities). But then I've got a letter where in the end was this sentence: "When are you going to return?! I can't wait to meet you!!!". Have you noticed how many symbols he uses which shows emotional expression? And when I simply asked him why he wants to meet me so much he replied twice a longer letter (like full A4 format) telling me: "I'm not planning to be a career man. I like the family happiness more, calm life with beloved person which I'm searching so hardly.. Eh.. I would like to walk with you in some valley during the sunset.. I can't wait to meet you because I really like you!!!". And then he began asking some more details about me like if I have some siblings and in which district do I live (hoping he's living at the same).


Isn't it weird? I mean he's SO MUCH into me and I even didn't put any effort to make that. ANY! I was so short in replies, without any smiles, emotions, any interest. And he sound like a mad guy! I even don't know how to tell him in a nice form that I like hard to get men. What's wrong with him?

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OK I have a silly question...are those letters from him that you posted translated into English from another language? Because if he is writing in English but that's not his native language, he could just be using the wrong words for what he really means to say. For instance, a native English speaker might say "You're beautiful and I can't wait to meet you" while someone whose command of the English language is not as good might say "I can't wait to meet you because I really like you!" If that makes any sense...


Anyway, it's possible he just finds you very physically attractive and wants to meet you for that reason. I think most guys would get excited about meeting a girl they find very physically attractive if she seems nice, just to get to know her. I think he is just trying to be flirtatious, which is coming accross as a bit over-enthusiastic (perhaps partially because of a language barrier, but not sure about that part.)

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What's wrong with him is that he isn't a mind reader.
jaja this is true, hes not a mind reader, take in mind your talking to people on a dating site, alot ofpeople in dating sites are like this, i had a ton of girls tell me your welcome to come over, or i really want to meet you, im not sure why there likethat but it happens alot. i guess they just really want to find love
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are those letters from him that you posted translated into English from another language?


Yes, I translated those words, sorry for poor grammar. We're not English nor American, so I need to translate for all of u to understand


Hopefully you look a lot like your photos, I am sure that is what is driving his enthusiasm. Did you find his photos equally attractive?


Well I look like in my photos, but NOT in a way too sexy way to attract some freaks I don't know if I like his pictures, cause they're too small and too blurry to see his face and body. I would give him 6/10 for his face and 8/10 for his body.

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ok, so today he went too far by sending me a bunch of kisses and so on. I see he's really into me, but what can I do if I don't feel any attraction because he shows a crush on me and I don't see anything interesting in him or his life. So I just told the truth that I'm not that into him and asked not to overdo these "emotions" I think I had to do it earlier.

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