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guys----what r u lookin 4

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what r u looking 4 in a lady....i mean ne thing will do like 4 example umm nice teeth, legs etc...


and another thing what assests turns u on when u look @ a gurl(instead of the obvious) or when u start talking to her what do u look for


oh yeah and what kind of gurls do u like, like 4 ex....a party gurl, a drama queen...what???


~just curious

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It's hard, because the girls I fall for are always different. So.


1. Unique. Not weird, not "out there," but different in some way.


2. Friends first, with lots of laughing.


3. Pretty face, nice figure, though a good connection can trump looks, I suppose. I have to admit that I base a lot of my thoughts on visual cues. I am a sucker for a cute face and big eyes. And curves.


4. Solid foundation. I don't want a girl I can't trust or that doesn't know what she believes in. There are things in life that are wrong just because they are, and so the whole "party girl" thing turns me off. I can't respect girls who don't respect themselves or their bodies enough to see what's really important in life.


So, I look for the perfect, non-existent girl. The one I thought I had found changed dramatically overnight.

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i notice eyes first, and/or a pretty face. Maybe its just me but i can't resist a girls eyes sometimes. Personality comes in too. I love a good sense of humor, someone i can joke and laugh with is important. Self-confindence. I like a girl who is up-front, one who lets me know if she likes me with flirting and things like that.

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I'll sit back and watch the way she moves//interacts with others. I guess if I were to notice anything it would be their face. I'm more of an intellectual seeking person more than your physical build. So if she is smart I'm there and it helps if she looks good too. (of course)


and how you treat other people...

the first girl I was interested in really set the bar on all this and I can't find anyone to live up to her.... so I kind of put myself in between a rock and a hard place.


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I wouldn't date a friend - I wouldn't see the point in it, and most of my friends that are girls probably think bad things about me LOL.

The stranger would have to be slightly shy and reserved. The kind of girl thats good looking, but she doesn't offer herself on a plate, or wear short skirts etc, so no other 'player type' guys will try their luck with her. By being good looking and uneasy, most guys would admire her, and think they wouldn't stand a chance with her, because they would be to shy, or don't think they are good enough.

Mentaly she would have to be smart and fun, but not like arrogant or boring or pompous etc, you know, I know some smart girls that would 'put me down', or would scare me off with their eagerness to study. Basically a girl that is fun to be around (but not overly fun), and knows whats going on in the world etc.

Physically, she would have to be not fat, and not skinny. A girl that has control over her body, or atleast tries to. Tanned skin would be nice, and a good body. She would have to have an OK+ Face (ie a face that doesn't have a feature(s) that would turn me off).

Clothes, I like girls with a taste that I like. However, sometimes when I see a girl dressed not that well, it makes me smile and want to take them clothes shopping (ie when they make an effort but their clothes don't match etc).

Girls that swear, or try to impress me, or talk endlessly to me, well thats turn off's. Another turn off is when a girl constantly compliments you, and tells you that if she didn't have a BF she would ask you out etc - it's a turn off cuz I wouldn't want my GF doing that to someone else, and I wouldn't want their BF beating me up.

However, the crunch for me would be how she acts towards me. If she shows nervous signs of interest around me, thats a plus. Infact when girls I don't fancy do this it's nice.


The most attractive thing is eye contact.

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I like girls who make me feel confident to talk to them. Sometimes you dont want to be the aggressor. But there is a line. I definitely DONT like girls who are flirtatious with guys. That is a major turnoff.


Physically, I notice hair, and legs (especially if they are athletically inclined) and neck.


"The Girl Next Door" look really gets me too.

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In my opinion, the better the personality, the less looks should matter, but they still do count. I like both blondes and brunettes; hair color doesn't matter, but I really prefer long, straight hair. It's so feminine. I also like for the girl to have a light skin complexion and a decent looking body - not overweight nor bony. Intelligence is a must, and like other guys who have posted, I don't like the overly flirtatious type. There has to be a balance - I don't like too loud and flirty, nor too quiet and closed. Many girls are so shy and reserved that, they might open up to you on some level, but they will still be too insecure to be in a relationship. She should also be caring, honest, romantic and all those other good qualities.

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I like a girl that believes in herself. If she doesnt have much self-confidence for herself, how am i supposed to confidence in her?


As far as physically, id like a girl with a cute face, and beautiful eyes (im a sucker for blue, or green eyes). Id like them to be a little shorter than me, but not too much (5'6"-5'8" is perfect). I wouldnt want my girl to be really skinny (like to the point where they are bony), but im not one for a thick body. I like to take care of my body, i go to the gym, and i excersize, so i would like my girl to be like that as well.


Personality wise, i would want a girl that is layed-back, and loves to get out and do things. I would want her to be smart, and is oriented tword a good goal in life (college, and a career).I dont want a girl that smokes, or get drunk all the time, although sometimes its ok

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I like a girl with a nice natural face, that isn't caked with make-up. I like a girl who wears designer clothes, that looks like they have hundred-dollar haircuts, etc. Nothing catches my attention more than a nice label on a shirt.


I look for a nice figure. I'm 6'4", so I like a girl that's tall as well.


I hate girls that think they're above a certain person. I get so frustrated with my friends when they see a girl they like and they say, "she's too good for me." Man, nobody is too good for you! If a girl thinks she's too good for me, I'm quick to tell her the truth. Humility with a quiet confidence shows class. One example, I drove my beater to the local convenience store, saw a nice looking girl, and smiled at her. I was dressed in sweats, hair kind of messy. I was just getting cigarettes, right? Anyways, she shakes her head and completely ignores me. THE VERY NEXY WEEK, I'm stopping at the store with my Mercedes this time, dressed in Prada and Versace. THE SAME GIRL is there, and says, "Nice car, handsome." I chuckled and said, "I had the same thing last week when you didn't have time for me." I could tell she felt like a big idiot.


So to summarize, I like a natural, pretty face; Tall, long legs; Keen fashion sense; humility with self-confidence.



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CAn i just ask if all you guys list these great features why is it that whenever you go out all guys just seem to be interested in your chest?


We cannot help it. We are built to like breasts, and it's genetic.


Of all the primates, how many have breasts that are always full? Not gorillas, not baboons, not chimpanzees, only humans. Think of other mammals, dogs, cats, etc. Some like cows have udders, but they do not display them front and center. (Not sure if a cows's udder is always full size.) Also, the extra size of a woman's breast contributes nothing to its function. The size of a woman's breast, except during and in the months after pregnancy, is almost entirely from fat cells. So why did human women develop breasts that are always full? How did this development come to be? Simple, they attracted men so women developed them.


Why did they attract men? Probably because the old ways stopped working. Males in toher mammals know when women are fertile becaue they can smell it. Male dogs smell when the females are in heat. Same with many others. We on the other hand cannot tell when a woman is ready to breed. We just have sex more regularly. So how did women come to display their health and ability to breed? They developed breasts.


So, simple answer is men cannot help it. They like breasts. However, note that they also like to see the other things too.

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So by your theory Beec women with bigger breasts are more ready to breed? Thats why guys go for them? That doesn't really make sense.....


I understand guys like breasts and when your with one yeh its great, but its the unwanted attention that really annoys me, plus always the concern that the guy only like you bcoz of your boobs.

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well, the face is important...long hair... if you like a guy, eye-lock with him ALOT... it gives him/us the message your into him...but the curves, and attitude count alot too... by attitude, I mean snuggleing,hugs,kisses... all of thoes things. but what you do or say isthe most important...



The other day, my step sister commented that the only people who really respect you are the kids who arent really popular... I gave her an odd look, but I guess its true... us punkish-nerds and the other not very popular kids hate to see girls upset because the popular dude they were dating dumped you because he was just using you to bragg and say "hey look what I got" (yes I used the term 'what' because girls seem to be treated like things(mostly)) but diffrent ppl look for diffrent things... obviously like I just said unpopular kids who have no one to show off his GF too tend to care more... and popular kids tend to go for looks.



well I hope this helped and when choosing a guy... uhhh, this is the usual...NOT ALWAYS but



good looks=popular people,pimps,etc

brains, and personallity =nerds,and the random lonley or not entirley popular


and sometimes, you get a good lookin guy who is nice, and cares about you.


Hope I could help




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for me i look for a girl with good looks and a good style in clothes i like a girl with a nice clean white smile and i really like ti when girls have tans...my prefrences r preppy girls, surfer girls, southern girls, an girls that play sports like volleyball,basketball,tennis etc. btu also personality wise someone i can just be myself with, someone that can be ur bf or gf and ur best friend , some1 u can tel them anything, and that will always be there 4 u no amtter wut u do but yah thats just me

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Well, what Iw as trying to say is that it is instinct. It is the animal instinct built into us by genetics. Animal instinct has built into men an apprecaition and desire for the female form. If that is all he looks at, then you have a problem. If he does not look at your body, then he doesn't really want it. Which would you rather have? A guy who wants your body or not?

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wow the group here is quite different than any other forums I've been to, I am actually "normal" here, heh. Compared to the general population I think I have very different standards, but many of you actually described exactly the type of girl I'd be into.


yea I'm totally into the "girl next door" type. maybe a little bit shy but with a quiet confidence. good morale values. and it really turns me on if she's different, but different in the way that's like me. I guess generally I just like someone who's similar to myself. The party type is a turn off, and so is dressing in fancy clothes, excessive jewelry, make ups, or fancy accessories, etc


as far as looks go, I find I mostly dig someone who's just clean and healthy, smooth straight hair can be really nice too. but other than that there's no definites, I usually just know the first time I look at their face. There's something about their expression and mannerism that just all come together and tells me right then if there's going to be any feeling for her in the future.



in response to the breast thing, I actually never look at a girl's breasts when I talk to her. especially if it's someone I like, I can't help but wanting to look at her face because she's just so cute. if you ask me afterwards if she has large breasts I couldn't even tell you cuz I just don't know.


yea I don't know what's wrong with me either, lol

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Well personally, the things I look for in a girl are as follows:


1st Impression:

A nice smile





From first impressions it goes as follows:




Not afraid to try stuff



Ideally it would be someone close to my age, and with at least some interests the same as mine.


On the physical side of things, I dont have any set rules or anything, but for the sake of this post I prefer:

Average body over skinny girls

Nice smile (braces dont bother me...in actual fact I think they're cute)

Long or medium hair....I'm not real big on the very short haircuts.


I like the in between girls personally. A girl who is nice, quiet and romantic generally, but knows how to go out, party and have fun when the time calls. I don't like the party girl who just wants to go out and get drunk every weekend, and is all about the latest fashion, etc. I prefer a girl that is comfortable with who she is.

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