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  1. GunnerX


    This is an obvious question with obvious answers, but some ppl may thing diffrently...I ask because other fourm's members acted diffrently about them. how many girls/guys like nerds...and like i mean love,friendship,or intrest... any of that... When I came to my old school in 4th grade... no1 liked me... everyone was mean...so i started hanging out with all the other rejects,and/or nerds... I thought they were soo cool, ive been with them, and some ppl say one of them for years...but the only problem is that no one exept nerds, like or date nerds...we always had crushes on cute popular girls... but every time they date one of thoes "Im strong, cool,popular, and better than all of you rejects!!!" kind of guys. when one of our hearts break when it happens, one of us laugh and say"looks like dating future toilet scrubbers is on the rage"...Is that how it is with you, or is ohio messed up?...lol. POWA TO DA NERDS! 0X
  2. omeaga has got it all down fo ya... there is nothing more to be said... make yor move, and keep us posted \
  3. omg,Amannamederic... you sound like me... im the shy, punk-dressed nerdy kid last year... but I have not changed the way I look at all (that I know of) and girls are always staring at me, bumping into me,and talking whilst looking at me... what has changed???????why are ppl staring contently at me??? what happened to the lonley,punky nerd, who was never spoken to during the schooldays??? HELP ME DR.PHIL!!! PLEASE!!! lol, jk but really, this is weird...give us some Ideas
  4. she's all yours dude... if you think diffrently, try these: 1)Drop off a card,letter, warhead(JK) , or a poem at her work when she is away... if she knows how you feel she feels the same, she may send you something back... 2) darnit, just ask her out... when I was younger, there was this girl, but I was too afraid of what would happen if I asked her out...but she got another guy... btw... nice arvatar fang...
  5. woah,woah,woah. hold up. i dress like that and wear decent cologne yet, My face (or whatever) seems to make me absoulutly unattractive, so apperently the way you/I dress, dosent matter
  6. well, the face is important...long hair... if you like a guy, eye-lock with him ALOT... it gives him/us the message your into him...but the curves, and attitude count alot too... by attitude, I mean snuggleing,hugs,kisses... all of thoes things. but what you do or say isthe most important... The other day, my step sister commented that the only people who really respect you are the kids who arent really popular... I gave her an odd look, but I guess its true... us punkish-nerds and the other not very popular kids hate to see girls upset because the popular dude they were dating dumped you because he was just using you to bragg and say "hey look what I got" (yes I used the term 'what' because girls seem to be treated like things(mostly)) but diffrent ppl look for diffrent things... obviously like I just said unpopular kids who have no one to show off his GF too tend to care more... and popular kids tend to go for looks. well I hope this helped and when choosing a guy... uhhh, this is the usual...NOT ALWAYS but YOU THEM good looks=popular people,pimps,etc brains, and personallity =nerds,and the random lonley or not entirley popular and sometimes, you get a good lookin guy who is nice, and cares about you. Hope I could help ROCK ON 0X -GunnerX
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