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Ways to Tell if A Man is a Pick-Up Artist Con


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It's always a good reminder to be nice to someone asking you out.




That reminds me of something an ex said a long time ago. Boy you men can really play your feelings close to the vest!


And that's all fine and dandy, and a lot of women are nice about rejecting a guy, but some aren't. As far as playing feelings close to the vest, that's how we avoid becoming needy, clingy types. Anymore it would seem we have to be a jack of all trades. We have to bring some level of value. If I'm a homeless, nervous, clingy man by nature, obviously I will remain single. A man with a good job, confidence, and doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve will be much more likely to attract women and hence have a partner. Have you ever heard people refer to dating as "a jungle?" That's why PUA's exist. To make money off men who are tired of rejection, who want to become good with women. Now, these methods only work on a select type of woman, which is probably what most men don't want. But the reason they turn to PUA is because they have not had success with women in the past. Yes, the practice and playing of a numbers game ends up hurting everyone involved. But when a man has tried and failed to attract women or get a girlfriend, or even lose his virginity, societal pressure forces him to seek help, and the most convenient help is PUA. Instead of turning to the attraction/self-confidence help books I have mentioned, they turn to methods that create a predator mentality, and promise a chance at a limitless amount of women. Social stigmas make men feel inadequate when the years start ticking by, and they're still single, or haven't slept with a dozen women. But whatever, I'm done trying to give explanations on this thread. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm sure Lonewing will just swoop in, call PUA a complete lie, not recognize the reasons it exists. So, I'll just agree with him. Yep, PUA is a lie. It's methods are simple and easy to spot. Smear on some cologne, throw on a shirt, and go hit on as many women as you can. Just watch Jerseyshore, look at how those guys act and there ya go, you have a baseline for players. So ladies, just avoid men completely and you avoid players and pick-up artists, simple solution. In fact, I say we all swear of dating and humans should just stop mating. After all, the world population is spiraling out of control as it is. On average, about 140 million people are born every year, and about 57 million die, so we have an excess population globally of nearly 84 million people each and every year. Oh sure, as education increases, and food becomes scarce that will come down, but still do we really need more people? So, why date? Why marry? Why have kids? After all, we men are just malicious animals out for sex, so why give in to us. It just ends in tears anyway, and you'll like just add to the surplus population, decreasing resources and opportunities for the rest of humanity.

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Here's a serious quesiton for allthe PUAs:


If you know ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING about a girl, because you just walked up to her for the first time ever, then how do you know she's someone you'd be interested in?


Not a PUA, never used such measures, but what does it matter Lonewing? Since we men are just out for sex anyway. She's hot, we're horny, that's all that matters, right?

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Here's a serious quesiton for allthe PUAs:


If you know ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING about a girl, because you just walked up to her for the first time ever, then how do you know she's someone you'd be interested in?


I'm not a PUA either, but I'll gladly answer. I'm interested in women that are hot and (preferably) non-psycho; that's all I really need to know. I always laugh when people say, "What could you possibly have in common with that 21-year-old girl?" The same thing I have in common with everyone else: absolutely nothing. It's about sex, not about developing an emotional whatever connection.

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Here's a serious quesiton for allthe PUAs:


If you know ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING about a girl, because you just walked up to her for the first time ever, then how do you know she's someone you'd be interested in?


I'm not a "PUA," but this is an extremely easy question so I'll answer it.


I don't.


That's the whole point of talking to her...to find out if she's someone I'd be interested in. If the conversation goes well, I'll set up a date. After a 1-on-1 meeting where we talk longer I'll know if we're compatible or not.


That's pretty much what most people who aren't stalkers/obsessive do. They meet someone that grabs their attention, they have a brief convo and set up a date, and then that meeting gives you all the info you need.


Am I supposed to be in love with her before I ask her out? I guess I don't understand why you're asking this question.

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All human beings are PUAs...everyday men pick up woman, and woman pick up men so don`t get paranoid here! I read some blogs about picking up woman. I do it to get a laugh, and to be aware of not make it the end of the world if a woman doesn`t want you. And that is the key to be successful with woman IMO. Calm down, listen, observe and communicate and be yourself... If you have no luck, move to the next one.

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Nope, you are all liars and manipulators, just ask Lovewing, I'm sure he'll be happy to elaborate on your attempts to meet women actually being veiled tries at just getting them into bed. Seriously, I'm really trying to ooze immature sarcasm in this thread since any legitimate attempt by men to explain why they've researched things such as PUA (even if the men are not intending to use women) then they'll just be labeled liars, manipulators, a general all around curse upon mankind

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Why do you think Mystery Method and The Game are falling into obscurity after having such a high place only 5 years ago??? It's for precisely the reaosn you state.


What you fail to reconginze, though, is that your new method, whatever you want to call it, is still based upon the same premise; walk up to a girl you know absolutely NOTHING about, and come onto her like you're serious about being with her. Date her for a couple weeks, seriouslike, and then one you've had enough, [becasue she's not the right one, obviously], dump her and move on - it's her own damn fault for falling for you in the first place, right??


This is what PUA teaches - the art of PICKING A PERSON UP. That in and of itself - IS A LIE.


Hence why people like the OP HATE PICKUP ARTISTS!


Because Mystery Method doesn't speak for all PUA's. It's not as black and white as you think, or PUA would be falling into obscurity and it isn't. You really think a philosophy dedicated on hurting people's feelings is going to catch wind and get more popular? And that's not to say that PUA hasn't evolved in itself either. Adam Lyons says this in the video I showed you (assuming you actually watched it). You keep assuming that all PUA is the same, and it isn't. And like another poster just told you, it's not about going up to someone with a present agenda to get them into bed. Some guys may be out for that, but not all (not that you need PUA to do this, this isn't what you're paying for when you get into it)...and a good amount of the community, I'd say the majority have good intentions. A lot of men that get into PUA are in it just to build confidence and get their foot into the door. PUA can help with that. It's not meant to turn you magically into a player. You can't just assume that everyone that participates is out to bang some girl with intentions of malice. You obviously believe this is the main emphasis on PUA which like I said before varies for every other person, not to mention the people that are actually teaching it. I'm assuming your experience regarding the community is just based on hearsay though. PUA isn't about lying, which you seem to believe. Building up better charisma skills doesn't equate to being deceitful to someone. What's funny is a lot of women that are involved with PUA understand it and aren't offended by it in the slightest. But I guess they've all been influenced too by the PUA gimmick right?

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I knew someone who was a PUA. And he was a pretty noble person. He knew how to talk to women, but at the same time he wasn't out to get * * * * * every time he flirted. Nor was he a liar. He just had good charisma skills and knew how to talk to women. Believe it or not that is actually possible. Shocking I know.

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So, why date? Why marry? Why have kids? After all, we men are just malicious animals out for sex, so why give in to us. It just ends in tears anyway, and you'll like just add to the surplus population, decreasing resources and opportunities for the rest of humanity.


Sounds like the breakup hit you pretty hard.

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Sounds like the breakup hit you pretty hard.


At first, sure. Now, I couldn't care less. It's not like I haven't dated since or had trouble meeting women. I have a ton of other frustrating aspects of my life. But the science and research behind unsustainable population are sound. There are simply too many humans, not enough resources. Yes, that partially explains why some nations are wealthy and others are poor. But, just look at how many people in the US have children to increase their welfare check. Is that fair to other Americans? What happens when the money runs out? What happens when the food runs out? Gas? Drinkable water? We all need these things. People may attack China for their laws limiting child birth in each family, but they know that too many people is a big problem in the long run. Jobs, resources, etc. So, part of my comment was a sarcastic response to Lonewing, and the rest is based off scientific studies. If you feel the need to marry for companionship, then by all means. Love is a beautiful thing. Yes, I've been soured by relationships from my own experiences and I personally feel better being alone. I know I would make a great father, that's not the issue. The issue is do I really want to raise children in a world where college degrees have become worthless since everyone has them? Where hundreds and hundreds of people apply for every single job opening, what few there are. We keep hearing the economy will improve, but it actually gets worse with no end in sight. The world is in a sad state of affairs. Crime, especially those against children keeps rising. So, call me bitter, call me unrealistic, but it doesn't seem fair to force a terrible future on children. Therefore, for me personally, since I see no reason to have children, and I don't mind being alone at all, why should I date or marry? But, back to the key point of this thread. I do not believe all men who attempt to use PUA have negative intentions. Their methods, though fairly basic, are not always easy to spot. Some guys are just confident around women. If you want to be safe, then just hit on men yourself and don't wait for the nervous types to get the courage to talk to you

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The world may be overpopulated, but it is woefully short of optimistic people who hold to their values even when things look bleakest.


My interest in women is not purely based on sex. Sex is but a sliver of compnents. I'm concerned more off by factors that might make her unsuitable as a parent.


I am also acutely aware for the fact that while there are many women out there, there is but one of me and only one of them I can be with. My biggest concern these days is not being with a woman, but rather, wasting more of my life being with the wrong woman, or women. And by wasting my life, I should say wasting Our life, for the more time I spend pursuing my own fun and games, the less prepared I am for her when she finally does appear - and then I'll be unsuitable because I am not ready.


I suggest the route left by our forefathers - you live your life the best you can, with one ear open to the past and one eye looking out towards the future.

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The world may be overpopulated, but it is woefully short of optimistic people who hold to their values even when things look bleakest.


My interest in women is not purely based on sex. Sex is but a sliver of compnents. I'm concerned more off by factors that might make her unsuitable as a parent.


I suggest the route left by our forefathers - you live your life the best you can, with one ear open to the past and one eye looking out towards the future.


Nice to see a healthy post.

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Like I said, love is a beautiful thing. Marriage can be a wonderful bond and connection between two people. As much as my parents argue and complain, they're still very much in love. I'm the first to admit that my views and beliefs are not normal. Indeed, they're downright depressing and pessimistic. If you had met me a few years ago, I'd have been a care-free, generally happy college student. In a few more years, I could very well be married with kids, and have a great job. Life is funny that way, and I certainly don't claim to have the slightest clue how life works out. From where I'm sitting, the reality of the world looks pretty bleak (certainly isn't healthy to be surrounded by cable news all day, complete with the talking heads each proclaiming the pending doom and chaos throughout the world) I'm certainly not a quitter. Just let me get my career going, and then maybe, just maybe I'll take another look at my social and love life. To everyone else who is actively seeking love, I wish you the best, and I hope that you'll be safe, smart, and have fun while doing it. I am very much a proponent of when the going gets tough, the tough get going, and I believe we all have the power to change our own lives. If you're single and lonely, then do something about it. That's certainly what I used to do. Everytime I wanted to dabble in dating, I always ended up with a girlfriend. Heck, more than a few times, I wasn't even looking, but it still happened (just like the last one) So again, don't get me wrong. We each can find love, and we'll all mistakes. For me, right now, I don't need a relationship. My life is so chaotic, and I have no idea what I'm doing, so that is the farthest thing from my mind. I love children, and the thought of being a father feels me with pride and joy. I love baseball, and nothing would make me more proud than seeing my son play little league, or my daughter play softball, or act in a play. But, I'm an eternal worrier. I fear my children will grow up in a country with limited opportunity. I fear something happening to them. But, I know if I do have children, I can't shield them from life. I can't and won't be an overbearing parent. Let's just say, at the moment I have little hope for my own future or the world's. Will that view change? Probably. So, if you can bear with my rantings, and keep offering hopeful optimism, then I thank you all very much.

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and once again, getting way off topic, for which I apologize, lol. Kind of played out though, I think most people can tell a "player" when they see one. There are reasons men use them, some legitimate, some not. Just be smart (men and women) don't rush into anything, feel people out, and observe. Don't be gullible, but don't be quick to reject people either. Enjoy it, flirt back, have fun, enjoy the attention, it could lead to nothing, or it could lead to something beautiful, but you'll never know unless you try, and you'll never know if you just reject any guy who walks up with a smile and a little "swagger" He could be looking for sex, or he could actually interested, he could be doing it on a bet, he could just be working on talking to women and building his confidence.

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Nice to see a healthy post.




I realize I may come off a bit blunt and a bit square on a lot of this, but the matter of the fact is, I have yet to find a society where the free-for-all/all-for-free/live without regret/live only for tomorrow lifestyle has yeilded longterm success. Granted, the Shaker Community is proof of what happens when people take propriety TOO far [and I personally believe sex is a GREAT thing!], but in general, well, what can I say; the periods of excess in my own country are punctuated by hard economic times right after these rises. The people who perish in the hard times are those who, like the grasshopper who laughed at the ant for working all summer hard, spent the elast amount of time preparing for where their road might lead them.


Not to mention, of course, the fact that every health directory I have thus far encountered perscribes either Abstinence or "Sex within a committed relaitonship to a single monogomous partner" as the two most proactive ways one can prevent the contraction and spread of STDs.


So yeah, I'm a bit harsh on this behavior which time after time we have been taught to avoid, even though each generation seems to know best - and persists in trying to MAKE this lifestyle work. Anyhow...

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