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Going To The Movies With My Ex This Weekend

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Broke up 3 months ago. She dumped me. Only weeks after the break up, she gets into a relationship with another guy. She has known this guy for quite a while. I don't know if she's rebouding with this guy or if she dumped me for this guy. I don't care.


I don't have any interest in her anymore and right now we just have a purely platonic friendship. I don't want anything beyond friendship.


Lately, she has started to flirt with me and she denies she's got a boyfriend. (I don't know what to think - her Facebook status is still on "In A Relationship" LOL)


I don't really flirt back, just try to keep things within the normal friends limit.




It's school holidays right now and she's asked me to watch Harry Potter with her and I said I'm free this weekend, so we both agreed to watch it this Sunday. I'm 99% sure nothings going to happen. She's happy being friends and I'm happy being friends, so it's all cool.


So my question is...


(This is gonna make me sound like a retard, but I'm actually clueless LOL. )


Do I pay for her movie ticket too?I mean, SHE asked ME out, so she should pay for her own ticket right?


But then I don't want to look stingy and since I'm the guy, I'm thinking maybe I should pay for her ticket too?


I've paid for all her movie tickets before, but that was when we were dating. I just don't want any awkwardness haha.


Reminder: I'm not looking for advice regarding our relationship. I just want to know who pays for her ticket

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I wouldn't even be doing this, certainly not paying. She left you for someone else and is still with this other guy. Be done with her.


If she cheated, then yes I would be done, but I have absolutely no proof that she did.


For all I care, I just want to maintain this friendship.


Couldn't care less if she's dating anyone else to be frank. It's her responsibility to decide whether or not it is appropriate for her to go to the movies with me.

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She emotionally cheated. That is the way her type operates, jumping from one relationship to the next, lining up another partner behind her current partners back. She was investing herself in this other guy, this relationship outside of yours, while you two were still together. This may be worse than purely physical cheating, as it occurs through a series of conscious decisions, thought, and actions. Very miserable. She wants you to do friendly things with her to soothe her guilty conscious.

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She emotionally cheated. That is the way her type operates, jumping from one relationship to the next, lining up another partner behind her current partners back. She was investing herself in this other guy, this relationship outside of yours, while you two were still together. This may be worse than purely physical cheating, as it occurs through a series of conscious decisions, thought, and actions. Very miserable. She wants you to do friendly things with her to soothe her guilty conscious.


I can see you have good insight with these situations. You're absolutely right, she probably did emotionally "cheat".


Well, that's why we broke up, right? That is also exactly the reason why I have 0 romantic interest left for her.


But I believe friendship and dating are on very different pages.


If I'm only looking for friendship, I don't need to care about what happened/happens with who she dates. That's no longer any of my business.

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I agree with the other poster. There's something more to the break up. I don't see the harm in going to a movie with her per say, especially if you don't pay or the expectation that you should be paying isn't there. However, can you guarantee that you won't fall for her again if you start hanging out with her? Things like going to the movie together can sometimes fall into a dating pattern.

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I agree with the other poster. There's something more to the break up. I don't see the harm in going to a movie with her per say, especially if you don't pay or the expectation that you should be paying isn't there. However, can you guarantee that you won't fall for her again if you start hanging out with her? Things like going to the movie together can sometimes fall into a dating pattern.


Yes I can guarantee that.


During school terms, we have to see each other twice a week for classes so it's not like this is the first time we've met after the break up lol.

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