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I wish human euthanization was legal.


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I'm so depressed, that I find myself useless in today's society. I don't have kids, and I'm thinking that I'm never going to be well enough to raise any. Sometimes I find joy in life, but it never lasts... it doesn't lasts more than a day.


Why do I have to keep suffering like this? Why can't I just end it? It's not fair.


I won't commit suicide on my own. It sounds too painful, and it's possible that I might not succeed. The combination of the right medications would be much more efficient and effective.

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You should really stop and think to yourself is comitting suicide really the answer? Is it really going to help the situation? Because I hate to say this but when you're dead you're dead ...You will just be left in the ground to rot. There is no coming back to life, no second chances. Surely there is a part of you that wants to try and make things better for yourself?.

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why do you think that having children will make you happy and full of purpose in life?


being happy comes from your own person, and from within. although things and people and events in our lives can contribute to this happiness, it would not be there unless you were happy to begin with. think of suicide as the easy way out from feeling depressed. do you really want to be weak? wouldn't you rather be a strong person and rise up from the depression, and show others that you're a good person, fun to be around, and happy?


i would suggest speaking to a therapist to get to the root of this depression, and perhaps they would be able to prescribe some medication if needed. part of being human beings is to work through our issues and problems, because unlike animals we THINK so much to where it drives us crazy. i urge you to go and talk to a professional.

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I took some 5htp. It helped a little. But these episodes come every so often. I couldn't go to sleep last night, and finally went to bed at 7am crying. It's not so bad now that I took some over the counter meds. I don't feel "happy" but I don't feel very depressed. Somewhat numb, but that's better than depressed.

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I don't think children will make me happy. When I become "happy" I wanted to adopt children, after saving money to help them though life.


Right now, I feel like I'm too depress to even raise any of them.


I know being happy comes from within, and I'm not happy.


I'm already weak. I know that, and I'm fine with it. If I'm dead, I don't really have anything else to worry about. I don't care how I appear. Wear or strong won't matter anymore.


I'm not happy to be around with, and that's why I think I"m a waste of time.

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You are not a waste of time. You are never a waste of time. You seem to have the desire to be happy, and to be happy and fun to be around, or else you wouldn't be posting something, which is why I recommend you seeing a therapist.


And adopting is great. It's a wonderful goal. I was adopted and am thankful for it all the time.

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