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Ok so the story is as follows before me and my girlfriend got back together I was on a few dating sites.


A few days ago I got sent a mail from a girl I used to talk to on there. This mail included naked photos of her.


My girlfriend say this mail and now thinks I've been cheating on her. I explained it was from a girl on a dating site I used to talk to.


We are now on the verge of breakup.


Can anyone offer any advice?

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Sooo... I am going to read between some lines. Please feel free to tell me I'm out of line.


You said that you were on a dating site before you got back together. Cool. You were well within your right to be on the dating site if you were broken up - and what you are doing while you are single is none of her business.


... but... I kind of suspect there are trust issues, here. Why was she checking your email in the first place?


How long have you and your girlfriend been back together? Is she supposed to believe that you stopped talking to this girl, for say... a month and she sent you naked pics out of the blue? 'Cause I really wouldn't buy that one, either. If that girl sent you naked pictures 3 days ago, you've been talking to her this week.


I think the way to restore trust in a relationship is to be 100% honest. Don't try to twist things to what she wants to hear. Be straight with her. If you are innocent, are honest with her and your story makes sense, the truth will set you free. You were within your right to see people while you were single. If she is reasonable, she should eventually come around. Just don't try to hide or twist things because that will make you look guilty...

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Bugger I have already removed them all. I offered for her to view my emails, facebook, phone etc whenever she wants.


Is there anything more I can do. I do want her to move past her trust issues.


We have been back together coming up a year now.

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Ok she did try to contact me a week ago (I told my girlfriend this).


I didn't reply and the photos were ones that had been sent in the past.


We have never met in Real Life either only done cyber sex.


I can understand it being unbelievable.


I suppose I just ask for forgiveness and give it time?

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