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Hi all,


Only Friday i posted a thread stating what a dark place i was in and that i was considering bringing it all to an end. (i really was that bad)


My friends here at ENA posted their advice and thoughts and 1 in particular made me think, not because it was full of sympathy or advice but more because of what he did to get through things, i needed to find something to get me out of the slump and thought that maybe, just maybe this was it.


The post talked about pushing his body to the limit by accident and how that made him feel alive when at one point he was so shattered he could barely walk.


After thinking about this overnight on Friday i made the decision to go and try a few new things that would get the adrenalin and blood pumping, new hobbies, things to look forward to.

Yesterday (saturday) i spent some money, i have booked a course of paragliding lessons, will join a local rock climbing group when it reopens after the bank holiday weekend and have booked a water sports day next weekend for the kids and i to learn how to wakeboard. They are all classified as extreme sports and have a degree of danger attached, but do you know what, i need that right now, i want my heart feeling something other than pain, im really looking forward to all 3 and hope to take 2 of them forward as new hobbies, i know its new but having these to look forward to has made me feel slightly alive again, of course ive thought of my ex lots still and wish she was doing then with me but for the first time in months i have something to look forward to.

My friends, people will always say on here to get back into a hobbie, im going 1 step further everyone, i want you to all find a new hobbie and one that gets the heart thumping a little with fear, oh and no age excuses, im 38.


Thanks for listening


Steve x

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Great advice. After exactly eight months out of BU, I am somewhere around 80-90% recovered from this miserable nightmare. From going through the whole hellacious experience of heartbreak, I can attest to that advice.


I don't think it necessarily has to be adrenaline-oriented, but I can definitely see how that aspect would certainly help. Just start doing something you haven't done before that you've always wanted to do that can give you a huge shot of confidence when you start getting better at it.


(Oh and wait a little while immediately after the BU... Nothing really helps during the first 1-3 months. Keeping yourself alive at all is the biggest accomplishment when the pain is still fresh.)

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