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Has anyone had any success with "Get your ex back" ebooks?


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from what I have heard they are all the same thing" go into NC for one month and work on yourself: hit the gym, read self help books, etc- basically improve yourself. After a month, call them up for coffee and let the sparks fly.


Basically, it's a waste of money. The advice given here on ENA is very valuable and it's free!


Plus, you have real stories from members who have successfully reconciled with their exes. It's somewhere in the Getting Back Together Forum " Getting back together really does happen"

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I think that you have gotten pretty good advice on this forum alone. I think they generally say the same thing. NC, move on, make improvements, be confident, if they come back, that's great, if not, you're in a better place than you were before.


Second what drama said. NC is the best way, and also just read on these forums. You'll know what to do if you read enough. Don't follow some dumb ebook, and stop worrying about getting her back if you can!

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I bought an e-book once, I think it was about relationships. I remember it was a joke. If I were going to buy a book, I would go to a nice bookstore so I know what I am getting. Like Dramallama said, this forum, with all its experience, will be as good as any fluffed up book.

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Thanks you guys.


I'm just curious about the whole psychological aspect that the book has. I still will be coming to this forum and I have read that they are successful yada yada yada I like to see for myself, I'm just beyond curious with that aspect.


And if I get any type of success or positive things out of this ill be sure to post it for y'all to see

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I downloaded the magic of making up on my smartphone. Honestly, it seems like he might have just sat down one afternoon and knocked it out. It doesn't really have anything in it that you can find for free by doing a google search. There's even a huge chunk where he talks, in detail, about what a healthy diet consists of. Luckily it was only 6 bucks.

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Exactly....a broken heart is easy pickins to prey on


The majority of people I see here are thinking about getting everyone back (even myself at first). Look it all happened for a reason, the reality is they left you. Now is the time to better yourself think about YOU and better yourself. Where were you before you met this person? Where will you be after you learn from it? If you aren't willing to learn, then you will never grow and be a better person. It's that simple. It's one thing to be in shock, but when you think about it... I mean really think about it with your head cleared you know the answer. It's in your soul. Get in touch with it, what you saw from them is a reflection of what you already have inside of you.

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I know I don't "need" her and life still goes on...

I just know that "we" were great and if she wants to reconcile that would be amazing(I think when she becomes single again we can do that) if not I could get something else with another girl


I am also in a stable position right now lol

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Books can be helpful. Go to the library. They are all FREE. As far as getting your ex back, it rarely happens but don't rule it out, either. The best advice I heard was that you have to SHUT THE DOOR COMPLETELY first. If the person comes back to you and you feel you want to try again, then you can open the door.

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I am highly romantic and I always believed that me ---and whoever was dumping me at the time--- were destined. Later I would slowly realize we weren't. I think I personally glorify the relationship and I mourn the death of a dream more than I miss the actual person. But dreams aren't real..... Wow, I can't believe I just now recalled something from my past...A guy was breaking up with me because of the "timing" but wanted me to wait for him. He said "One day I'll find you because you're my dream girl." I answered back "Yeah, well dreams aren't real." I am so proud of myself and my wisdom in that moment! There is hope for you. Believe me.

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- go NC for 30 days. Exercise, work on yourself.

- after 30 days, call up your ex and make small talk.

- invite him or her to lunch

- at lunch, make positive and light conversation. Don't talk about the breakup.

- keep lunch short.

- say a cheerful goodbye, don't say anything about the future

- go NC again; wait for them to contact you

- if they try to restart things, ease back into the relationship as your new and improved self.

- if for some reason your ex never gets in touch, keep moving forward with life, there are other fish in the sea, yada yada.


^there you have most every ebook. Save your $40.


IMHO you can get better advice here. Check out superdave threads or the NC links that dramallama has posted.


Oh, but of course there is. It's the psychology of preying on the vulnerable to make a buck...


So true!!

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