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Has anyone had any success with "Get your ex back" ebooks?


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I guess it's possible that it's not the full version, since I downloaded it on Kindle for Android. That's the only reason I got it, was because it was so cheap on the Amazon Marketplace. It looks like the Kindle version is only 99 cents on Amazon right now, so if you happen to have a Kindle... Honestly, though, like I said before, I've gotten just as helpful advice, if not more helpful, from the free websites.

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I bought 2 ebooks and one real book. The message in the ebooks is essentially the same-- stop all begging, work on yourself, go NC, make small talk, act happy about everything. There were some details in the real book and the better ebook (called Stop Your Divorce Now) but really everything you need to kow is right here on ENA. I especially recommend CrapatNC's "Nonchalance" thread.

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I think everything ya need to know is right here on ena. Having said that, I have no problem with people selling whatever. I would guess that a number of those books may offer very healthy approaches to dealing with a breakup and increasing the likelihood of reconciliation. I would also bet that there is a lot of trash out there as well. I'm glad I found ena. Where else can you interact with others "on topic" like this. I have seen beauty on these boards. The compassion and vulnerability I've witnessed has at times, been breath taking. Some times its just plane hilarious. It's always enriching. Geez,,,I sound like a commercial. I do think there may be some valuable advice in some of those publications, just like books on other relationship issues. I'd be interested in what people have to share about what they have come accross.

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There is no psychological aspect. It has been explained to you already. They're supposed to see this great new you in a month. That's about it.


Yep thats about it. Its all about giving them a false perception of yourself. You let them think you have moved on and are happy without them which, in turn, makes them want you all over again (apparently).


Wocka, you forgot the instant reconnection technique!! Brush something off her hair, or an imaginary food particle! PHEW, there you go, saved you another dollar.


And don't forget cutting short your conversations with a "gotta go, I'm reeaaaaaaaaaally busy" which is meant to leave them guessing and wondering what on earth is so important that you haven't got time to speak to THEM. It is meant to leave the wanting more (apparently).


Its all about mind games and manipulation.


The things is you can do all these things, which you will find are all outlined here on eNA (I believe SuperDave did an excellent thread on this but I really can't remember the title) and I don't doubt that they can help in some situations BUT it ultimately comes down to what your ex wants and if they are happy to move on then nothing is going to work. It really irritates me that they sell these books as a GUARANTEE to get your ex back ... like your ex doesn't have a mind of his/her own!!


Mind you, I have to confess, I searched on-line for ways in which to get my ex back (what was I thinking?!) and it brought me here to eNA. It saved me a few pretty pennies I can tell you!

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The ebooks (and I've read many...got most of them forwarded to me free hehehe) are generally written by no-name fly by nighters..predators. Along with the 30 days of NC, and transforming yourself into superman or superwoman in this time period (yeah right) many of them say to write a hand written letter agreeing with the breakup and hinting around that you have some big news to tell them. Manipulation.


There is a book called "The Passion Trap" which is an excellent analysis of rel/ship dynamics, and HOW to improve them. Another one is called "Getting Back Together" by Bettie Youngs Phd. This is also a scholarly book with comprehensive, practical advice. GBT, however focuses entirely on married couples, which was disappointing. Especially if you were dating an avoidant person with commitment problems-like I was. Both of these should be available on Amazon.

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I personally think those books are a waste of time, you can get a ton of great advice from this forum. If I were you, I'd read some of SuperDave71's post. Find his started posts, their really helpful and can give you a new perspective on things. These books just say to go NC and self-improve, which is greatly advised over this entire forum daily. Just stick around here and post some threads, you'll get some great advice from the members.

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Oh I just want to absorb all the information I can as well as different people's point of views. Of course I'm staying on this site. And I'm not buying any of these books, just seeing if anyone has them to send me and ill do the same once I read them.

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