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my suicide poem/note?


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my suicide poem/note?


I'm dying inside

there is nothing left for me here

escaping to misery

living in fear


the beatings I've taken

leave me numb to the touch

now I take my life

i have lost what i love so much


and now i dont even want her back

i know i dont diserve to live within good graces

i diserve no life in a world like this

beautiful things and smiling happy faces


the one who was supposed to raise me

has lost it and it cant be found

these beatings and tongue lashings

cause me to be what these problems surround


and my other parent

never truly cared

running away from her life

as if happiness made her scared


my friends have all been taken

and left me on my knees in tears

when i watched my best friend pass

a single second seemed to last for years


there is nothing left for me here

no reason left to stay

despite the lies and fake friends

nothing will EVER be ok.


so into my room i run

searching for release

but this time a more permanent cure

is called for by this disease


i try to find something anything sharp

i search where all my razors once were

i simply found a note from dad and a gun

"this time make it for sure"


i take it in one hand

and fall against the wall

i write for you this poem

as all my tears seem to fall


and to those who really cared

you know who you are

though the bullet may be close

from you i will never be far


to my family you did this to me

everytime i was ignored and pushed aside

this is truly your fault

i hope it tears you up inside


and to the one who broke my heart

you also have blame

thanks for brightening my life with your candle

then trying to extinguish the flame


to those who bullied me

beating me to death i was so near

how close can you come with out failure

you stopped out of fear


no one ever truelly cared

though you all say that you did

i should give life time

think about it im only a kid


but i've taken more in these years

then any one should ever have to keep inside

be happier dont cut stop being so down

for years and years i've tried


so as tears fall to the ground

i turn my pen to my wrist

deeply stabbing through the skin

i squeeze it tight as blood soaks my fist


before i bleed out

i grasp the gun and cry a little more

my last words to the world in this poem

just before the bullet hit the floor


-stitches possibly my last poem

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From a literary point of view, your poem is more than excellent... But it's just that I don't approve your motives... Please, don't do anything you will end up regretting. You yourself posted recently about this kind of things. Remember what you posted... Remember your post? It was called "for those about to die...read this first". Just remember everything you said... Well, I just hope you make the right decision. The poem is well written, though. Best wishes.

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ok just got a letter that i was being mean to you, well in all do respect i thought it would be the only way to get you into shape but here is a nice way of saying it, think of all the people your letting down, if you have a pet whos going to feed it? if you have friends who are they gonna talk to? theyll be to depressed that there feind just died, even your parents would be misrebale. dont do it. just please dont do it. i would hate to see someone die like that.

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hey i liked your poem, i thought the issue was something close to my heart and something im glad didnt work out, i think that under is real sweet and i guess as your poem has said youve spent years trying to figure this out. my own past experiance where itruly felt that taking my life was something worth while was only for me to gain my own strength and independance back to see that i should only be the ruler of my life and not others around you, i really hope that you gain strength from this and then decide that isnt not something you need to go through with.


even though others are smiling around you i can assure you there is someone out there feeling exactly the same way as you and wantingyou to initiate a smile.


hopefully you can read this and maybe we can talk but if not, good luck in life if that isnt so, im make sure your taking the right walk!!


Black magic!

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its seems like you are going through A LOT of hard times right now but don't worry--when you finish high school EVERYTHING changes...like ALL your problems go away..you know from grade 4 untiil grade 11 i had no friends what so ever..and yes i was beaten up and wasn't cared for..but after high school i never had to see those moronic people ever again!!! in college, if you study hard and don't go drinking like a fool, lots and lots of girls like you..you will have no shortage of attention, trust me..so see beyond the present circumstances, because it will be much much better soon..trust me, becuse i was in just the same boat as you....and its gets so much better in college..just dream about it rather than writing suicide poems..cuz rehearsing such pain hurts you more....so start writing poems about the future..about future fun, future girlfriends!! (i still never dated or had a girlfriend..but still had lots of fun with girls.....)...ya..don't worry....okay..things will get better..


take carz,



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