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Need Some HELP and ADVICE!!!!!!!

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There is this girl I like very much. She knows I like her and have been flirtng with me. She was leading me on. I thought I stood a chance with her. Everything went smoothly between me and her.


However, recently she rejected me saying I was not good looking enough for she only go for good looking guys. Looks are important to her. She even asked me to think as an outsider whether I am compatible with her. WTF!!!


I was like frustrated and disappointed. She wanted us to keep in contact. I do not know for what. Now, she would ask me to coach her in her studies whenever she need any help. I do not mind helping her out. When I was down and told her about my problems she would tell me not to tell her about it as it does not con cern her and she could not help me with my problems!!!


However, when I asked if I could call her today. She said it had better to be about school work and no other things. I wanted to forget her but could not. I wanted to go after her again after the exams or should I just give her up?? What should I do?? HELP!!!!

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If you have even one shred of self-respect, you will not have anything else to do with this girl. I am appalled that she made that remark about not being good-looking enough for her. Few people would be cruel enough to say such an insulting thing. Do NOT think that is the norm for girls to say to guys who are interested in them. Please - you do not want to start a pattern of falling for girls like this. Meet someone who you think you have a lot in common with, personality-wise, same values/beliefs, etc. and you will be a lot happier.

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As you tell it I would say she is just playing with you and your feelings. Do not chase after her, because it will lead you nowhere and you just be hurt over and over again. What you can do is try to be friendly and just do as you did before. I mean, in the end, she wantes you to keep contact. The reasons she gave you do not sound like they are real "reasons". Maybe she is just insecure about going out with you. However I wouldn't have too high hopes here... I think you really do like her, but right know I would say that it is one sided...don't you think? So be careful. Don't run after her. Don't let her play with you. And good luck...

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I told her to be frank with me but the problem is that she is only average looking and I am afraid she will get cheated by other guys if she continues to think like that. I do not want that to happen. I was thinking it could be because of the exams that are coming soon and that I was too needy and too aggresive when going after her. Is it that I do not stand a chance with her anymore??

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Hey men


Do you really want to go out with a person as mean and vain as this?


If she wants to go out with good-looking guys, and she gets cheated on, this is her problem and not yours!


You sound like a really good person, so I would tell you to try your best to forget her and move on.


good luck

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However, recently she rejected me saying I was not good looking enough for she only go for good looking guys. Looks are important to her. She even asked me to think as an outsider whether I am compatible with her. *beep*!!!


Man, if she really said that, then she's definitively not worth it. She's not even worth being friends with...


the problem is that she is only average looking


Who the heck does she think she is then? Man, let her heart be broken as many times as it's necessary for her to understand that looks don't matter.


I wish you the best of luck in forgetting her. Best wishes.

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Listen, you have to get this girl out of your mind, she's nothing but a coldhearted ......

She's vain and conceited, and then she uses you to help her with her studies? Who does she think she is, the queen of Sheeba? Try and see how selfish she's being, what kind of a person doesn't help someone else when they are in need?

You can do MUCH, MUCH, MUCH BETTER, so forget about her and move on.

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Wow. I had the same exact thing happen to me. But, acted differently. I was so damn pissed, I called her a f****** b***** and simply walked away, cutting her out of my life. When this happened to me, it changed my perspective on girls and dating. And the funny thing is, after I stopped caring, she got a crush on me.


DONT EVEN TALK TO HER. Dont be her doormat. Just simply cut her out of your life, dont call her, dont look at her, nothing. If she gets a crush on you like it happened to me, say you only go out with good looking girls. You cannot go out or even be "friends" with chicks like these man, they are conceited, b*****y attention wh0res who will only use you. Trust me, I speak from personal experience. Simply cut her out and find new girls.

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Wow, I seriously can not believe the nerve of this girl! You're not good looking enough for her? Waht does she want, a model w/ no personality who treats her badly?

Also, all your allowed to talk about with her is school?

This girl is using you for whatever she can get out of you. She doesn't sound very nice at all. I don't think she sounds like someone I would even want to be friends with!

Try to think of it from an objective point. If some girl was treating a friend of yours like this, what would you think?

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sorry you are going through this pain of rejection, I truly am,...but...




Ok, that's that. Sorry to be so blunt. And Tinkerbell, thanks for the pic...not trying to flirt on a broken heart forum, but that pic made me forget for a moment about my ex...thanks! Michael

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bro, for real, these guys are all right.


Girls like that are spoilt and vain. They haven't the slightest clue what it's like to care about someone else. All they can think of is what they can get out of you. I know getting over girls are not easy but this one is necessary. take up some new activities; meet new people and expand your social circle... you'll feel much better and once you're over her, you'll see how ignorant and arrogant this girl is. Trust me


And try not to fall for the same sort of girl in the future...

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Is this a real person you're describing? Wow, I was stunned when I read how this girl behaved. She sounds like a fictional character taken from a movie like "Mean Girls" (never saw it, but can imagine).


Well, if in fact she is real, there isn't much more I can say that hasn't be said already!

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