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Empathetic medium.


1. Emotionally sensitive people feel emotions often and deeply. They feel as if they “wear their emotions on their sleeves.”


2. They are keenly aware of the emotions of people around them.


3. Sensitive people are easily hurt or upset. An insult or unkind remark will affect them deeply.


4. In a similar vein, sensitive people strive to avoid conflicts. They dread arguments and other types of confrontations because the negativity affects them so much.


5. Sensitive people are not able to shake off emotions easily. Once they are saddened or upset by something, they cannot just switch gears and forget it.


6. Sensitive people are greatly affected by emotions they witness. They feel deeply for others’ suffering. Many sensitive people avoid sad movies or watching the news because they cannot bear the weighty emotions that would drive to their core and stick with them afterwards.


7. Sensitive people are prone to suffer from recurrent depression, anxiety or other psychological disorders.


8. One the positive side, sensitive people are also keenly aware of and affected by beauty in art, music and nature. They are the world’s greatest artists and art appreciators.


9. Sensitive people are prone to stimulus overload. That is, they can’t stand large crowds, loud noise, or hectic environments. They feel overwhelmed and depleted by too much stimuli.


10. Sensitive people are born that way. They were sensitive children.


There are a couple different responses kids have to their sensitivity. One type of sensitive child is the stereotypical kid who gets picked on by bullies, and is a well-behaved, good student because she cannot stand the thought of getting into trouble. The other type of sensitive child more often experiences the stimulus overload mentioned in the previous paragraph. These children are thus over stimulated and have difficulty focusing, which causes them problems in school.

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Empathic Intuition - Psychic Abilitiy





Empathic psychics, (also called "empaths"), are psychics who possess the ability to experience what a person is feeling. This is different from a normal person's ability to UNDERSTAND how a person feels, because an empath actually FEELS what the person is experiencing. The shared feelings may be emotional or physical.


Being an empath can be extremely difficult, because often an empath cannot simply "block out" the joy, pain, frustration, or excitement that comes from someone else. Usually an empath has no choice but to experience the feelings of others. This can be a great gift, but it can also be an enormous burden to bear.


Empaths are often at risk of becoming too involved in the feelings of others, leading to self neglect and unhealthy emotional distress. In extreme cases, when the connection between an empath and another person is exceptionally strong, the psychic may actually feel like the line is blurred between themselves and the other person, temporarily forgetting who they are.





Some empaths choose to use their power for healing and therapy. An empath who decides to help others in this way shares the burden of someone else's experiences, thereby "lightening the load", and making it easier for the person to handle their emotions. Usually this kind of therapy is done when the patient has been through some kind of trauma, and subsequently feels extreme pain, sorrow, distress, or other sensations.


Psychics with empathic intuition can also use their powers to warn others in potentially dangerous situations. Consider, for example, a psychic who is able to tell when a person is hiding a deep, hostile anger, and may commit dangerous acts of violence. In this situation, an empath can warn those nearby that an individual will likely commit violence, allowing others to safely get out of harm's way.








Generally, empaths feel the sensations experienced by people close to them. However, sometimes an empath receives intuition from those who are experiencing heightened emotions, even if the empath doesn't know these people, or is nowhere near them. The stronger the connection between the psychic and the individual, the more the feelings between them are shared.

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Good for you! I'm not used to being around kids but I saw a 3yr old hit her mother today and I was so startled I said (not in a harsh voice) "hey, that's your mother - you shouldn't hit your mother" and then immediately wished I hadn't .. It came out without me thinking!



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Good for you! I'm not used to being around kids but I saw a 3yr old hit her mother today and I was so startled I said (not in a harsh voice) "hey, that's your mother - you shouldn't hit your mother" and then immediately wished I hadn't .. It came out without me thinking!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Oh I'm pretty used to kids. I have 12 nieces and nephews. And of course my own son. And I've worked with kids a lot of my life and am currently working with them now too. Normally I would not correct a child when the parent was there because I feel that is their own job. And if I was there I would not want somebody to correct my child. But this child was extremely overactive probably hyperactive I would say. And her mother was in such pain there's no way she could correct her. Her mother tried to very diligently and very calmly. But the kid was so bent on being a pain in the ass. I just couldn't let her suffer like that, the mother I mean. Some of the people in the waiting room were muttering under their breath including my son. He was going to lose his marbles soon if I didn't do something as well. He was super super sick and couldn't take all the commotion.

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I talked to my counselor about my dad and she said not to go in whole hog but not cut him off either. She said to take the good things that he does at face value. She said no one is all bad so just take the good things for what they are. And proceed cautiously.


I also talk to her about the blowout that I had with my mom. She said it was good that I recognized why I felt the way I did and found a solution. Because before I never understood why I felt the way I felt.


I also talked to her about being out at place that I would call uncomfortable. I am trying to recover my former self and right now the growing is uncomfortable. She said uncomfortable is okay as long as I'm functional while feeling that. I have said on some days though I feel overwhelmed. She said not to push myself to feeling overwhelmed. And if I need to tell people no I can't do things for them or join their events or whatever then that's just what I have to do.

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She said I also need to compliment myself more and look at my accomplishment. She said right now I have a pretty negative tone about myself. She said I am incredibly hard on myself and critical of myself. She said I have to lighten up on that. I was telling my mother that and she sighed and said yeah you probably learned that from me.

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Im glad for your son. Is he getting more interested in hanging out with friends? Or has a lady caught his fancy ?


He is more interested in friendships and hanging at his buddy's house. It is great for him. His buddy is in a wheelchair and our house is not accessible so my son goes there.

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So last weekend my husband was talking to his parents and mention oh yeah L is working again. And what does his family say ? Oh that's good at least you have help now. Yeah well part of the reason that I couldn't work because of you insane people breaking me down over and over and over. Now you're nothing to my life. Now you guys are old and feeble and helpless. And you can't do anything to me that I won't allow. And you can keep your insane crap at your house.

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For 24 years I tried to be fair to both families and allow both families equal time. Screw being fair. You don't appreciate it and you don't care. You don't even know how much I put myself out to be fair to you. So screw you. Now it is all about my family. And if you don't like it well I rightly don't care. This is MY house and I will invite whoever the hell I want. And you will not use my husband against me.

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I made a commitment for today and forgot to part of it. Fudge!! Now I have to have the tickets for the Coffee House and Auction at the church by 4:30 and forgot to make the danged sign. My printer does not work so now I have to see if the I can get somewhere with a printer and can access my sign through my email.


I was supposed to go grocery shopping today but I just don't care to do it. Tomorrow I DO have to do it though because Monday the stores are closed for Family Day. And I have to get my boy a new pair of shoes.


And Monday is a provincial holiday but not a federal holiday so my husband has to work. And of course he took Valentine's Day off to surprise me but I didn't know so I accepted to work that day. Poor guy!!

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When I think about abuse or more specifically child abuse I think if something is not okay to be done to an adult then it is not okay to be done to a child. If it is not okay to smack an adult it is not okay to smack a child. If it is not okay to verbally assault an adult it is not okay to verbally assault a child. I believe all human beings deserve the same good treatment. Just because a person is little does not mean they are a lesser human being. Little people deserve respect too.

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This is my dream vacuum! We have 2 dogs and mixture of hardwood, large area rugs and tile (kitchen and laundry). How do you like it so far??


I LOVE it!!! I have 4 cats. It comes with about 6 tools as well including a pet groomer, floor tool, ect. It was about $700 but worth every penny. My mom has had a Dyson upright for a few years now and loves it too. This one is so light and easy to use. It also has a 5 year warranty and they say excellent customer service.

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This is my dream vacuum! We have 2 dogs and mixture of hardwood, large area rugs and tile (kitchen and laundry). How do you like it so far??


I forgot that we also have a mixture of surfaces some large area rugs, hardwood and tile. With the floor attachment you can vacuum hardwood and tile so there's really no use for even a broom anymore. They also have an attachment for upholstery so you can vacuum furniture.


I am absolutely driven batty by furniture, floors or carpets that have fur on them. So this vacuum is awesome!!


But I am crazy and absolutely love to vacuum because I find it soothing. So I can happily vacuum like four times a day. Cheap vacuums I can literally wear out in a year.


But this really is a superior product.

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I LOVE it!!! I have 4 cats. It comes with about 6 tools as well including a pet groomer, floor tool, ect. It was about $700 but worth every penny. My mom has had a Dyson upright for a few years now and loves it too. This one is so light and easy to use. It also has a 5 year warranty and they say excellent customer service.


Ive had Dyson vacs for many years. Their vacuums have great suction and are great for getting out cat/dog hair from floors and furniture. Great choice. I've had one for over 5 years and it's still going strong.

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