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EX-BF makes friend request on FB

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So, an ex before last- very mean ex-bf contacted me on FB. This is a guy who dumped me before moving abroad telling me that living abroad wouldn't be the same if he couldn't pursue women, that he wasn't in love with me, made comments about my body, and my personality (saying I was embarrassing) by email that were very cruel. We had a bad breakup and the things he said were so hurtful that they sting to this day. He blocked me on FB even though I wasn't trying to write him, and I guess decided to unblock me a year and a half later and request friendship without so much as an email or apology. I can see from his FB page that he is now engaged and perhaps he just wants me to know that he found someone that he loves now. I don't know what to do. Do I just ignore it, ignore it and block him, or ask him why he wants to be friends (seeking a possible apology).

I am now very much in love with my boyfriend now, and really have little to no desire to be his friend, though being on good terms and learning to forgive might not be a bad exercise for me. Thoughts?

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Just ignore him... for some people, FB is nothing more than a game to accumulate as many 'friends' as they can...


I don't believe in having FB friends unless they are true friends with whom you interact with a lot. So no reason to accept him as a friend if he's not part of your inner circle. Just ignore him or block him.

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