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Please help be decode this message she sent...

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Alright so I was out tonight and met a really fun girl who seemed to be flirting with me and all. So I asked for her number and if I could call her sometime and she said yes and gave me her number. So at the end of the night when I got home I sent her a simpler text saying:


"Had a great night, you are tons of fun to dance with I think I'll have to call ya soon. Have a good night."


And to my surprise she texted back with:


"I had a great time dancing with you! It would be a good idea to call, but its ok if you dont, I know where to find you Friday nights!"


I was kinda caught off guard by this text so I wrote back:


"haha you must be teasing me now.. lol. So you don't want me to call you now then? Lol bad!"


And she said back:


"You're putting words in my mouth- it was a simple warning."


So I just said something generic back like "haha ok I will talk to ya soon have a good night". But man, what in the hell does that mean? Can anyone please explain that in english to me? What does she mean a warning? I don't know... someone help me out. Thanks



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Listen to what everyone else is saying. She's teasing and flirting with you--it's blatantly obvious from a girl's point of view.


And the "it's ok if you don't" thing is a disclaimer like others said. Even bold forward girls (she seems like one) worry about sounding too pushy or clingly, so in HER mind, putting that little phrase in makes her sound less clingly, less desperate, and thereforeeee more desirable. I understand that a guy might see this differently, but that's just one of the weird things we girls do.


And don't wait until Friday night. I don't see why guys think that waiting until Friday makes them more desirable. If a guy waited a whole week to get back to me, I wouldn't even pick up the phone. I'd consider him an ingrateful player. Call her soon. Talk to her, but wait until maybe wednesday to invite her somewhere on friday.


I've had one too many friends have nervous breakdowns around me just b/c the guy they met didn't call them back for a few days. They were always like "he must hate me~!", "he's a player!"...so don't give her that impression.


Yay, good luck. She's interested.

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And don't wait until Friday night. I don't see why guys think that waiting until Friday makes them more desirable. If a guy waited a whole week to get back to me, I wouldn't even pick up the phone.


Totally agree, and so does every other female I know. There is some dumb program on the Internet where this guy espouses waiting six days before a guy calls a girl. Because of that idiot, there are countless guys still single and dateless. Any man that is so insecure he has to consciously wait a week before he calls a girl is really the one who is undesirable. I've always been able to measure a guy's true interest by the time it takes him to call me after I give him my number. I'm pretty irked if it's after three or so days.

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Not a single person has thought that it could mean what I originally thought it meant. Do I feel stupid... lol Ohh well I guess I am pretty unable to decode the language you girls use sometime. Although I think most men have a hard time with this stuff.


Thanks so much for the different points of view! I loved reading them all. Feel free to post more if ya want, I will keep checkin in. Btw I am going to call her tomorrow I think (sunday). And invite her out for Monday maybe. I know that sounds quick but she is leaving in like 2 weeks for college so if I want to make a move I better do it sooner rather than later. I definantly don't want to be woundering that "what if I had just..." question... Heh. So don't rag on me to bad for making the move that quick. Hey I met her on Friday so I am atleast waiting 1 or 2 days, however you look at it. What do some of the girls on this board think about that plan? Too quick? I want to get some good time with her incase we hit it off before she goes off to school.



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call her today (sunday). Being a girl myself if i meet someone and exchange phone numbers i carry and check my cellphone every 5 minutes (exaggeration) but you should really call her and if she answers the phone and sounds busy or whatever she probably just doesn't want you to know that she's been waiting for your call


so three words to you CALL HER NOW!!!

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when she said it's ok if you don't, she was being coy. trying to tease you into calling her.


Don't overdo it though, girls like being chased, but the person doing the chasing loses all their sexiness.

And then don't arrange anything for Friday, if she says she knows where to find you she'll be there, just turn up, a little late and surprise her.


BTW I hate text flirting, takes all the excitement away, just my opinion, but try to move beyon texts before too long.


so in one phrase... call her. make it between the hours of 7 and 8, any later and it seems too much like you are pressuring her to 'pillow talk'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wolfie, don't read to much into the text because, text, like email can be interpreted in so many different ways. How many people have had a tiff or argument over an email, one person saying they meant it to read this way and the other person read it another way entirely? The answer: Billions.


My advice is to give her a call. Speak to the lass and do it sooner rather than later.


Good luck.




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