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This is the e-mail I sent to my ex-gf. After a few contacts (trying to understand why we broke up), I freaked out and she came over to talk to me. The conversation basically involved me asking her to give us another chance, etc. She said that she was doing "what she needed to do," but if we got back together "it would be for the long haul and we would get married and have babies." She basically developed feelings for someone else and broke it off. I'm thinking GIGS, but it doesn't matter, just wondering what you think of this e-mail? If she contacts me soon, should I say something different? Sent this a week and a half ago. Basically wondering, did I sound too much like a wuss?



Thanks for coming over last night and talking. It felt good to get everything on the table, and it gave me a real sense of closure. I understand what you are going through, and why you are experiencing the feelings you are. I'm not sure what clicked or why my feelings have changed, but I've realized that I need to let you go. I'm sorry for all of the drama and for any hurt I caused you over the past few weeks. Thank you so much for what I learned from our relationship, it has really allowed me to accept and be happy with who I am. I wish you the best of luck with XXXXX, if you like him, he must be a good guy. I hope that it works out and that you get the happiness that you deserve. I will always consider you a friend, so if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to call.


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shows so much respect to you, as to whom you are, and where your going in your outlook of direction to what matters most... you and your ability to fight respectfully. tho no need to say anything about her new choice OR HER FURTURE HAPPYNESS. but better than what my ex got from me for continueing her hurting, cheating, lieing...so i sent a bad one. but without a dout what i was pushed to do for to long of a TIME. i just broke up 12/17/2010/ best of luck

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Yeah I was wondering about that part as well. I guess I am actually of the view that if she really doesn't want to be with me then of course I want her to be happy. And also the fact that I wrote that means that I'm not intimidated by him or anything and that my trying to get her back wasn't about preventing him and her, but about what the two of us had.

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pathetic. thats all i got to say. that email is sad and you asked if it made you look like a wuss? YES IT DID BIG TIME.


This girl left you for someone else. she should be dead to you buddy.


you as a man make her decision final. Don’t be taken for granted, don’t try to seduce them, NEVER try to explain or repair mistakes, don’t try to be friends, don’t change who you are or put on any acts, just cut them off and get on with your life. If they try to get in contact, be polite, but indifferent and don’t give them your time. Your time now is for other things and other people!

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things happen in relationships, people do things they regret in the future, they become not nice people for awhile. your email was not angry and fighting or jealous. it was accepting of her decision, and it was very mature or even.....wise(for want of a better word?).

i think that anyone who thinks that your e mail is weak probably is going through some hurt and anger themselves right now. whereas people who like your mail have been there done that and come out the other side.

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I love the variety of responses I'm getting. Some think it was smart and mature, some think it's pathetic. I wonder why?


because here we also have women giving men advice (not that i see anything bad with that but i wouldnt take advice from women on how to conduct myself) most of my adivice here is for men because i can relate to them.


well im sorry if my response came as someone who is bitter.

i reward people who add to my life and punish those who take away.


one last bit of advice

closure is for women. our type of closure comes from within.

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