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my ex boyfriend loves me but cant be with me? HELP

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so my boyfriend of a year and a half broke up with my right when we started school. hes 22, a senior, and im 20 a junior. im having so much confusion and its literally ruining my life. he broke up with me, says he just doesnt know what he wants. i try to go NC for a while, but then i just end up feeling guilty when he does call cause i do want to be friends (but in the long run i want him as a boyfriend again but know that it wont happen anytime soon). so we hang out, do dates, sleep with each other occasionally and its GREAT, but then in the morning i just get so upset because i know its not going anywhere. hes there to comfort me, and tells me im his best friend, but is just afraid of commitment or something? he says he just doesnt know where hes going with his life and likes the uncertainty..but its seriously killing me. i hate hanging out and i CAN TELL he wants to be affectionate with me and we always have a great time, but why cant he just try? ive never felt that i suffocated him during our relationship..why is he worried about commitment now? he says maybe down the road well date again(if its meant to be then it will be)....??...i hate the uncertainty...


please please help me. i hope for the future..but i dont know if he is. why cant someone be with you if they "love" you?

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I'll Give you my input, If this guy wants to be with you and only you then he would by now. If he's not giving you what you think you deserve then you need to confront him about it. If he doesn't want a relationship and you do, then I thinks it's best to cut the cord with him. I hate guys like this I seriously do.

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If he truly loved you he would let you go. He's being very selfish and you are not valuing yourself by continuing to sleep with him and hope that he will come around. I know it's hard but the best thing for you to do is become extremely busy and start dating other people. Best case scenario, you realize that you are worth more than hanging around waiting for someone to decide your fate, and maybe meet someone great in the process. Worst case scenario (in my opinion) is that he sees you moved on and makes an attempt to get you back. I say it's the worst case scenario because honestly, do you want to be with someone who values you so little right now?

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