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1 Year Anniversary Coming Up... HELP!!!

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Hi everyone. I'm new to this site but anyways... Well, here's my situation. I've been going out with my girlfriend for a while now. 11 months actually so my one year anniversary is coming up next month. I really like this girl so I don't want to do anything now to screw things up with her.


Well, since our one year anniversary is coming up, that means I'm gonna have to get her a gift and take her out and the whole nine yards. I have no idea what to get her or where I should take her out for our date/celebration. I'm only 15 so I can't get a job yet so I don't have that much money on me.


If you have any ideas on what I could get her and/or where I could take her out, please help me, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks everyone.

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If I had to take a woman out on the cheap for a romantic meal, well my favorite time to do it would be in the summer. I've had a really nice date with a woman simply buying take out Chinese food, grabbing a blanket and heading to a park that was not so busy. I think working on some type of picnic for which you set it up and had the food ready to go would be what I'd shoot for in your place.


A gift? I don't think I've got much advice for you on what to get her as a gift. The best gifts however are ones that are for THEM, not some generic woman out there.

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If you have some money saved, maybe you should get her s dozen red roses and take her out to your favorite restaurant- maybe where you went on your first date.


It's hard to say, unless you know a person. maybe, she would just like you to acknowledge how much you care about her. let her know that you remembered the day & ask her what she wants to do- if she is anything like me, it's the person she loves that is more important than anything money could buy

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Thanks guys/gals for the advice. I've been making a mixed CD for her for our anniversary and I think I've got all the songs and everything down so I've got one gift down and I was already planning to get my special lady some roses. I'm still trying to figure out something else I could get her though... I want it to be something original, something that I've never done before (the roses and CD are exceptions). I've gotten her jewlery and stuffed animals before. I was kinda thinking of making her a book. Just a book of all our emails and notes and everything but I kinda want to get it done professionally and I'm not sure where I could get that done or how much it'd cost. As for the date itself, I think I might just ask her what she wants to do since it is our anniversary. Thanks again for the help.

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