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Ethical dilemma

im rly mad

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I just got a dog about a month ago. I love her a lot, she's very sweet and she is obedient for the most part. I think she might love me, too. She even kind of helped me become much less depressed, which was very surprising to me.


She is an energetic dog (a hound). She's very athletic, she deserves to be running around all the time because she loves it. I do my best to walk her every day and take her and my roommate's dog to the park so they can run around and play in the fields there.


Here's the thing... she has a severe case of separation anxiety. If my roommate or just his dog are home she is okay (only kind of when its just his dog). Otherwise, she will go crazy and chew stuff up and whine and break things, pee and poop in random places and go absolutely nuts when I come home.


I work and have school for almost all of my time during the week. I can barely hang out with her on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. My roommate is home a lot, its very rare that she will be home by her own self like that.


I feel good about "rescuing" her from the pound, but I feel terrible that I don't have as much time or space for her to enjoy life more. I don't want to give her up, but if I do I would be sure to find a very nice family with a lot of area for her to run around.


I guess its my call in the end, but is it wrong for me to keep her as my own? She has a decent sized yard to run around, a pal to play with, and we treat them well, I know her life is better than it was in the pound... I just don't want her to be missing something greater. I sometimes feel abusive for having to keep her home all day.


I know this might belong in the pet section, but I kind of felt like this was a more appropriate section. I would really appreciate opinions.

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I think what you need to do is crate her during the day. dogs sleep all day anyways when we are not at home. i've had some experience with dogs with separation anxiety. basically, putting on the radio or TV helps them, i think it calms the to hear human voices. i think she will get used to it eventually, over time. i know it sounds stupid too, but basically before leaving the home, i'd sit down next to the dog, and explain to them my work schedule for the day and tell them what time i would be home. i think it worked. the dog didn't throw up after that.


anyways, i think it sounds like you are a good dog owner. i'd get a large crate with a towel or blanket in it that smells like you, put on a soft radio, i think the dog will be fine.

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I agree with the crate thing.


Dog separation anxiety is difficult and sad to see, but you have to get her through it. Don't succumb to her being that way and make it so you feel guilty or feel like you can't go out and do anything because of her. You know, she doesn't like being so anxiety-riddled anymore than you do. I think doing the crate thing, with soft blankets and radio/tv on in the background will calm her. She WILL get used to it and things will be okay.


Eventually, she will get used to the crate and she won't feel "caged" up.


You really are helping her when you do this. Being in a soft, smaller area is going to help keep her calm when she's alone.

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yeah, i've noticed dogs going into small areas at times. my dog used to go into the corner, under a small end table, by the couch. i think he felt like it was a 'safe area.' get a large crate, i think your dog will be fine. seriously, dogs sleep all the time. and yes, she will get used to the routine.


i would really try to walk the dog at least 3 times a day. in the morning, in the evening, and a quick potty break before bed. getting lots of exercise will help out the anxiety.


and you don't want to reinforce her anxiety. if she starts to act anxious, don't give her attention. give her attention when she is behaving well. when i noticed my dog acting anxious, i would just continue my routine and act as normal as possible.

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They eventually outgrow the separation anxiety..sometimes it takes a while but they eventually do. I had this problem with my current dog and my last dog and I had to crate both of them. My current dog was a very slow learner and I think it was a good year and half or more before he was trustworthy out of the cage while I was out. He is a wonderful dog now and just sleeps when I am gone. As long as you shower the dog with love and attention when you are home, the dog will be content. He is your pal and you are his pal so don't feel guilty...you sound like a loving dog owner.

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