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Hello everyone,

I recently just turned 18, and have had braces on for about a year, they're coming off in 6-12 months. Pretty annoying considering my teeth were perfect, but went strange a few years back I'm basically just asking you girls of ur views on braces.. I mean im not exactly a toothy fellow, u barely even notice them, and i know im getting them off soon. Not trying to sound cocky, but i think im a nice looking guy, i have a tall athletic/strong body, and i pride myself for my views on girls ie. i dont think with my , . However sometimes i pass up opportunities to talk to cute girls here and there, and it really bothers me.


I've had numerous girls who have seemed interested in me, well for my looks at least on the street, in shops etc. but i just havent opened my mouth at all, because im afraid they're gonna be like "oh , he has braces, move on". I mean I'm looking for a girl to love and to have a long lasting relationship, however braces dent my confidence to a degree. The thing is, once the girl knows I have braces i have absolutely no trouble in talking to them at all, it's just the initial contact so i have confidence with girls, but i dont as well your views people? I mean if a really cute girl had them i wouldnt care (but now i wouldnt really wanna date a girl with them, coz i have them lol but after i get em off i wudnt care)



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Im 22; when I got together with my ex we were both 17 and he had braces for around a year or so. It didnt bother me in the slightest; infact I thought they were quite cute! Hey, braces are only there for a short time, if a girl passes for that reason alone would you really want to get involved with her anyway?

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It seems really stupid to pass someone up because of braces. It's a medical thing. I don't see why someone would reject you based on that.


I feel really neutral about braces, They don't add or take away from your appearance. I guess I wouldn't care if a guy had them.


The only time I'm reject a guy with braces is if I had braces at the same time too because I enjoy heavy kissing and there's a good chance we could get "stuck" or maybe ruin our braces.

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yea, well it depends on how 'toothy' u are i guess, like i said u can barely even notice them with me, but some people u can heaps.. its pretty annoying though, but i know its worth it in the end, just dont like to be judged from them, because my teeth were perfect a few years ago! more opinions people!


P.S sorry admin for the use of swear words

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I wouldn't worry about it.


I have Invisalign braces, and let me tell you they're anything but invisible. It didn't really bother anyone, and my bf doesn't seem to mind at all. I just can't wait to get them removed though, but it's looking at another year and a half for me.


Think of the big picture!!!

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