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Question for the ladies... How to find out if a girl is single?


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I'm curious how a woman prefers a guy to ask them if they have a boyfriend. Or is it better to ask if they are single? I've been working on becoming more comfortable talking to women, and I'm wondering, when asking them out, what the best way to find out if they have a boyfriend? Is it best to be direct and just ask?

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Ask or you might be waisting your time. I come right out and ask "are you single?" Everyone asks "do you have a boyfriend?" so ask something different. Body language is fine but I had two hanging all over me last week and turns out one was married! I don't play that so she was out!!! I didn't follow my own advice and waisted time on a married woman that shouldn't have been doing what she was doing. Live and learn......



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  • 2 weeks later...
Ask or you might be waisting your time. I come right out and ask "are you single?" Everyone asks "do you have a boyfriend?" so ask something different. Body language is fine but I had two hanging all over me last week and turns out one was married! I don't play that so she was out!!! I didn't follow my own advice and waisted time on a married woman that shouldn't have been doing what she was doing. Live and learn......




This one. "Are you single" immediately conveys interest and confidence. Make sure when you ask, do it with confidence, don't be shakey or anything.

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First, i would say pay attention to the cues she is sending you. How is the eye contact? Does she seem fully 'present' when you are talking to her? Of course, check out the ring finger but that is NOT obvious. (I am no longer married but I often wear rings that could be perceived as a wedding band......) at some point if you think she might be interested, then just say "would you like to go for a coffee after work? (after you get off, later, tomorrow ie however it fits into the context of things) because coffee can be totally innocent - IF - she does have a bf/SO . .. . . she can say so. Or she can go with you for coffee - because she is interested. You can tell if she has a bf if you talk to her long enough because she will toss it into conversation "we went to the beach last w/e" "we are Cubs fans"'etc, ''we we we'' ''we-speak'' hehe. . . ) If she accepts this coffee 'date' and it seems to feel good being with her during that date - it is a good time to then say "I am not sure what your personal situation is - but I would love to have dinner with you .." at that point she might say "I'm with someone" if so you can just be gracious, be polite and all that. or she will say "sure......"" and there you go yay

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  • 2 weeks later...

Clearly the best way to ask is as follows.


Setting: vending machine at school/work

Characters: A, lovely attractive piece of sunlight that shattered down to earth with laughter like a million tiny perfect bells and a sigh that smells like fresh dewdrops and a grace I can't explain

B, a guy.


A: aaaarrgg, the vending machine doesn't take pennies!!

B: I'll trade you 6 pennies for a nickle.

A: 4.

B: 5.

A: done.

B: speaking of pennies, are you seeing anybody?

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speaking of pennies, are you seeing anybody..wow..that's sounds so cheesy for me..haha

if you ask "are you seeing anyone" i'd take it as "you are interested in me",if that's what you wanna avoid.but i dont mind.

or you can talk about general life like "how was ur weekend? did u do anything fun? or did u spend it with bf?"

i think it never hurts to ask. i personally dont talk about my bf to other people. if i watched movies with my bf i'd just tell people "i watched movies".so it's not good guessing from her language. body language may work but you cant be sure. if she doesnt touch you,doesnt mean she must be taken.vice-versa.

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I have never asked. If you are talking to her in person, be in tune with her body language (like the poster mines said). Does she seem involved in the conversation and openly sharing information, or is she closed off and trying to skeet by with saying as little as possible? When you are flirting with her with eye contact, is she reciprocating?


And of course, when you converse with her and be in her company enough, anyone she is seeing will come up at some point, certainly if it's a serious relationship. When she is asked to reveal information, and you are a guy and she is a girl, and you are making it clear that you are intrigued by her, it will most likely be known at some point. Both just with the flow of conversation, and as a defense mechanism.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm curious how a woman prefers a guy to ask them if they have a boyfriend. Or is it better to ask if they are single? I've been working on becoming more comfortable talking to women, and I'm wondering, when asking them out, what the best way to find out if they have a boyfriend? Is it best to be direct and just ask?


Usually women let a guy know through body language and flirting if they're single. Also, women with a boyfriend will MENTION they have a boyfriend. Some take a bit longer to do it (that is a few minutes longer) because they like the attention, but they will do it.

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Usually women let a guy know through body language and flirting if they're single. Also, women with a boyfriend will MENTION they have a boyfriend. Some take a bit longer to do it (that is a few minutes longer) because they like the attention, but they will do it.

I agree most women will mention boyfriend/husband pretty early on in the conversation,so in a lot of cases if she hasn't mentioned anything she may be receptive to your advances.

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I honestly didn't like a whole lot of 'hoopla' when I was single so I say, just ask! It never rubbed me the wrong way to answer if I was single or not. I did however, *NOT* like hearing that question towards the start of the conversation.


A: Hey there, is this seat free?

Me: Sure, feel free to have a seat!

A: So, you're awfully pretty ... too pretty to be sitting by yourself. Ya single?

Me: *inner eyeroll and groan at cheesy statement above* Yeah.... I'm kinda seeing someone right now....


You should: Start a conversation, see if there's mutual chemistry then, ask the question when the time feels right (ie - there is chemistry, you've assessed her body language and gauged her level of interest and you've actually had a bit of a conversation).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just come right out and ask if she's single instead of beating around the bush. That shows a lot of confidence and women are usually thrown off guard when you're direct. A lot of women know when someone is trying to find out info and their wussy radar is going at full speed. I find that women like cocky & funny guys.


i.e. After having a quick convo and there's a pause say, "Are you single?" If she responds yes then say, "Great! I'll let you take me out sometime but don't try anything fancy, I'm not that type of guy!" This will get a laugh out of them. If they don't laugh, then they're not for you.


I've walked up to girls in clubs where they're texting someone and I'll go right up to them and say, "Why are you trying to text/call me me when I'm standing right in front of you?" I've had a lot of success with this.


There are so many other ways to approach women but I find being cocky and funny works the best...good luck

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