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Just need somebody to listen


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Suzy, the only way you will be able to move on is to get past the past, really I know its easier said than done. But as long as your living in the past you will never be able to go on with your future. You wont even be able to see your future.


Can I ask why do you hate your body? Im sorry for not knowing the history but maybe putting it out here will help you. Not eating has a huge effect on how you feel physically and mentally. Every since my Hystercomy and some health issues I had last year, I do the same. There will be days I hardly eat anything all day, I drink mountain dew like a crack addict to. I wake up with my stomach burning, that ever happen to you.


I understand about having a childhood filled with nothing but negativity. Now that your older isnt it only fair that you create some joy for yourself. We use to move all the time to, we never had a house for more than a couple months, which made changing schools leaving everything. It sure doesnt help on teaching you how to be a social person. The thing is your still in school, this is the time to make those friendships, open up and do things out of the ordinary.


Hope your having a better day.

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You really need to tell your therapist or anyone!! Because you are still young and you need to realize that you are NOT alone!!... Make new friends. Do things that make you feel better about yourself... and FORGET about what others think. Be You and Love yourself. Killing yourself is gonna make things worse. Life isn't easy I know. But you need to Be Happy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am dealing.. sometimes I have to take a step back and just try to.. relax or something. I was pretty worried about today but I faced a major fear of mine and I overcame it!


So that makes me feel a lot better today. It was literally the type of thing where if I didn't rise up to it, it could have done a lot of damage. It isn't perfect but I am feeling sort of a mix of "meh", hope, and hoplessness. A definite improvement XD.....

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Well the singing is off and on. I haven't been working on improving as much as I should tbh. I need to get on that.. I oversing and then get a sore throat .. oops


worriedgirl-yeah I am pretty much at the same place.. what is going on for you?


One day I'm good, one day I feel horrible. Right now I again feel very depressed. My problem is that I don't see myself ever having that life I've always wanted, it seems almost impossible. I hate to live a normal life...I hate to struggle just to have something with the quality of "not too bad". I just remind myself that suicide is always an option. Sad to say, but it makes me happy that I have this option.

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One day I'm good, one day I feel horrible. Right now I again feel very depressed. My problem is that I don't see myself ever having that life I've always wanted, it seems almost impossible. I hate to live a normal life...I hate to struggle just to have something with the quality of "not too bad". I just remind myself that suicide is always an option. Sad to say, but it makes me happy that I have this option.


I feel the same way completely. It is why I can't manage away to throw away my pills. It is the way out and I'm just not ready to let go of it.

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