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I still can't wait to see a pic of the ring!


Your relationship def does become public when you get engaged. Everyone wants to know the date, what your plans are, etc. etc. and all you want to do is sit back and enjoy the after glow of getting engaged. Although most of the feedback I got back when we got engaged was 'have you lost your mind?" lol

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Yep. Te best thing I did was sit down and think of everything I wanted - that fit in the budget - and then did N overall check list and then a month to month check list so I got the smaller stuff done first and that way payments, like our venue and photographer, were some of th last things we did - or whatever needed to be done closer to the date, like me putting the cake order in.


The biggest thing with food is knowing how many people you are having. I didn't think we would surpass 30 but then I got to actually doing a guest list and right now we stand at 52, and I had to cut people out.

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I was having a really good day, but now my stomach is suddenly upset. So much pain! I was feeling that way at work this morning, but nothing like what I felt a few minutes ago... It's already noon and I had to leave for work in 20 mins, so I called in sick. No way can I sit at my chair all day when I have to run to the bathroom every few minutes. I wouldn't end up getting paid! Owww I hope I didn't call in prematurely. I hate missing work and this and the random beach day will be 10 fewer hours of pay, but I guess that's not too bad.


At work this morning I was discussing my schedule with the manager, and she talked about the new position a bit more. The store manager just got back yesterday, so we will know if it is a go pretty soon. Fingers crossed!! It would mean a raise, 8 hour shifts, and 24-30 hours per week-- which means benefits! About 20 minutes after I got home this morning, the cable guy came and we now get HD tv included with our internet rate. We finally get to watch HD on our HD tv after owning the thing for 4 years. Our internet is way faster now as well, and it was all free. If we switch to home phone with them, we'll get everything for $99 no contract. It would save us a bit of money and give Alex one less bill to pay. He was a super nice cable guy. I think we bonded

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Payday and student loan withdrawal day do not match up this month. Ick! The money will be withdrawn on Thursday and I get my two paycheques on Friday... LOL. So, on Thursday we're going to be the poorest we've ever been and on Friday we'll be fine. Well, isn't that fun! Alex is curled up into a complete fetal position on top of the covers and he looks sooo cute. Couldn't resist nibbling and kissing him a bit


I have to get my ring sized, so it's going to be gone for 10 days+. I'm going to miss it. I was reading last night and I got distracted by the sparkle, so I took some photos. Today is going to be a full day. Deli till 10 am, newspaper after that, bring ring to the store, work again till 6, and then dinner at a family friends' place for 6:30.

Tomorrow and Friday I work 1-6 and then 6:30-10:30, then I'm off on Saturday and then it's the paper from 9-5 on Sunday. I discovered that I am going to most likely have a 5 day school week, and be working from 5-1:30, 6-2:30, and 1:00-10:30 if I get this promotion, and Alex was like... we're never going to see each other again!! I hear ya honey, but I'm doing this for us. These days won't last forever. Leaning towards a 2013 wedding but haven't discussed it with him yet. Hasn't been the right time.

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I miss my ring! waaah lol. I keep going to fiddle with it, and it's not there.


Some family friends wanted to have us for dinner to celebrate Alex and I's birthdays, and it was soo nice of them to do that! They made a great barbecue end of summer meal, and even had a birthday cake for each of us. Mine is chocolate with raspberry and passion fruit mousse, and Alex's is chocolate pecan caramel. They gave us a bottle of Grey Goose and bought some really nice rum to drink tonight. I had a couple of drinks and man did it take the edge off the long day! Glorious. Feel so blessed.


Talked about possible years/seasons for a wedding, and we seem to have settled on summer 2013-- probably June. We gave up on winter because it never snows here-- his fantasy just wouldn't work. Feel pretty excited to have narrowed it down, and the time will go fast because we will both be so busy. I feel good about waiting because we're only going to do this once, and we should be able to do at least some of the things we want, including a foreign honeymoon. It's nice to have some kind of an answer when people ask about dates

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I love summer weddings! If we had been in a normal relationship, we would have gotten married in May - not too hot, not too cold - perfect spring time. My mom told me I couldn't get married in June though, her and my dad got married then apparently, lol. It will go so fast though! And I agree - I guess the only good thing that came from our botched Feb wedding was we were settling when we were wanting to do it that way and this way we get the wedding we both always wanted - not a huge affair but still something more than just a courthouse wedding. I always did say I would never get married in the courthouse like my mom did - guess the universe saw fit to remind me of that statement!

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We may resort to taking Alex's mom up on her offer for the money. Student loans just really screwed us over. On Monday I am going to see what boks I need. If I don't need a lot of books and I can get them used, then maybe I can squeak by. But then it's going to be the same thing in Jan


I haven't been to the gym lately, and I really need to get back. That's the problem with working at 6 am... you just can't go to the gym when you've worked till 5/6 the night before because then you can't sleep! I am going to go on Tuesday for sure though.


We've pretty much decided on a May 2013 wedding and I think that will work out perfectly. I should in all likelihood be done school this spring and then we can start to plan and figure out what we want. By the time the day comes, we'll have plenty of savings because we're just going to pretend that Alex's promotion doesn't exist, and just put the extra into a jar every month. This all feels more real now. I guess even if you wait so long for something, it takes a bit to sink in. Strange how that works!

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We found that paying for things over time was easiest for us when it came to the wedding. We bought all the wedding party gifts at once, then chilled out. We paid for the flowers all at once then chilled out. Paid for the venue, etc. By the time the wedding got here, the only expense we had left was our condo for that weekend and the food. it was much easier for us taht way b/c we don't have a huge income (but we're not broke) and we didn't want to take out loans or put anything on credit or borrow from anyone. We have no regrets about how we did it that way b/c it took a lot of stress away from us.

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We found that paying for things over time was easiest for us when it came to the wedding. We bought all the wedding party gifts at once, then chilled out. We paid for the flowers all at once then chilled out. Paid for the venue, etc. By the time the wedding got here, the only expense we had left was our condo for that weekend and the food. it was much easier for us taht way b/c we don't have a huge income (but we're not broke) and we didn't want to take out loans or put anything on credit or borrow from anyone. We have no regrets about how we did it that way b/c it took a lot of stress away from us.


yep, that's how we did it too. I sat down and did a month-to-month budget and check list, figured out what needed to wait until the last minute to get (like the FG dress in case my niece had a growth spurt) and the things that needed to be got in advance (bridal party dresses, venue payments, etc). It def takes some planning ahead and even though the month to month has changed a bit (like I may have had to shove something into the next month if I didnt have the money) but I virtually stuck by that original month to month list I made and it has been SO much easier. A bunch of wedding websites have check lists and what months you should have stuff done by (like The Knot has one) but I didn't like them so I just did my own.

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