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I think you guys can. What really helped me was finding all I wanted, pricing everything, and figuring out our budget and what would and would not work. Then making a list of EVERYTHING that needed done and then a month to month list or what needed to be done when, how far out...


but it's been over a year. I'm just sick of worrying about it. I just want to be MARRIED!

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Crazy Stupid Love is HILARIOUS!


So I've been to the gym everyday since Friday.. plus twice on Saturday. I love being off work earlier Too bad it's only until Monday. That said, coming home from the movies at 12:30 and having to get up at 5 isn't meshing so well thus far. More early.


I attempted to pawn my old cell phone yesterday but no one will take this provider's phones. No clue why. I guess it's E-Bay for me. Anyone want a Rumour 2 on the Virgin/Bell network?

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L and I said the same thing and then he went and bought me an Ipad. Go figure. I bought him the skin for his laptop though (it's of an airplane taking off, a cool shot even I have to admit) and then for Christmas I bought him a plane that I have that he will take back. Although I'll still get him something for Christmas, what I don't know.

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Nah, because he hardly wears it. He can't wear any kind of accessories to work... the engines and all that.

Actually, I messaged a buddy of his last night about putting together a surprise paintball game/BBQ. I could go and get him new paint and air and have his equipment waiting beside the bed with instructions on where to go, along with a gift cert to his mos favourite BBQ pit in the whole world.

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I need to find a location. I don't know if it's going to work out, but I hope so! If not, I will just take him lazer tagging or something


Still feeling off. Took a test...negative, as usual. I wish it had been positive more than I hoped it would be negative. Oh well. I guess all in all I'm not having a very good day. I'm so tired and training was extremely boring. I went to meet up with my old/new supervisor for the Deli job so I could get some computer-based training done, but she never showed. Yesterday we agreed on 2:30, so I went straight from work. I talked to people, waited, browsed, waited, went to the doctor's office to change an appointment, waited, and finally I said screw it. I waited for an HOUR. No phone call at home from her, no message on the answering machine. I'm really annoyed and seriously doubting my decision to go back.

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Have cheered up a bit. I told Alex that I still felt yucky this morning/afternoon, but I'm not preggers. I said "well, the test was negative, as usual." I guess I sounded obviously disappointed, because he was like "aww don't sound so disappointed" and went on to say that he'd be really happy. I love the way he put his hand on my belly when he was thinking that I was pregnant. Oh well, one day.


I dyed my hair a darker brown the other day and tonight I'm highlighting it. What a pain in the butt. I hope it ends up looking decent haha. I finally threw the gloves off and used my bare hands and a hightlighting wand.

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Was supposed to be spending tomorrow with Alex and my niece. Had it all planned out. Brother texts me back after we had made all of our arrangements saying that niece is actually going out on the boat with her grandparents for the weekend. I'm so disappointed.


Whenever I try to make plans to hang out with her, it just doesn't work. Between my brother's house, her mom's house, and her grandparent's house, it's so hard to get any time. My mom doesn't even get to see her. Hasn't seen her since the beginning of summer. I'm worried that she's going to get older and look back and feel like I didn't spend enough time with her.


I added up my shifts this week for both jobs. Urgh. 45+ hours. Going to get some NICE cheques. Plus I have to start on the uni newspaper--first deadline is Aug 31st and my pay has been increased, so that's cool. The new school year is coming up sooo fast!

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She's 7. She lives only like a half hour away Yeah she does give me the nicest smile and hugs when she sees me. When she was younger, she sometimes forgot who I was. That killed me inside. Not my fault though. It chalks up to the miscommunication between a set of grandparents, a divorced mother and father, and an aunt

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