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Back to Basics - SuperDave71


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  • 3 months later...
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BUMPING!!! Many people need this right now. I was lucky enough to come accross it. I know this is an old thread, but man is it inspiring.


First time i have read any of your threads. OUt of any that i have seen, this has made me feel the best. Perfect timing too. My ex and i broke up for a month. I was begging and pleading for a bit, went nc and she eventualy came back to me. We got back together but after a week we started fighting and she broke up with me again. Now she wants to be friends. I said yes, but in my mind im not for it at all. NO thank you! I just would rather her think that she still has me and sweep the grug out from under her feet. She tore me apart, and it hurt alot more the second time around. ANyways the break up happened yesterday, and i agreed with it and left. Later that night (last night) she came by to pick something up from my house (we are "friends" in her mind) and she leaned on me and gave me a kiss. What a selfish woman. Again, this is the perfect time for me to read this for havent made any mstakes in this break up yet. thank you super dave!!!! I find it hard to even think of going no contactwith her for longer than a lousy day. Its unbelievable that some people can do it cold turkey for a year. I guess im just a tough case

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for all of your postings at ENA Dave. I am around 3 months post BU and really very much in the thick of grieving which feels overwhelming at times. Your posting has calmed me somewhat without giving me any false hopes. It's so hard to live with a broken heart. Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

God I needed this today, I had to leave work I was so upset and felt sick. I'm now at the pub,drowning my sorrows. He leaves the country in 3 weeks and he has just become so cold and distant and different. We had so many plans and now he is making plans without me. On the train home I honestly thought about that 50 pack of Valium I have and taking a few too many. But I won't, I can't. I feel so pathetic and upset and scared. I don't know wat to do.

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Hey Dave if ur around can u help me out right quick and see what u think about the situation?..My ex(her name is Judi(I knew this woman since July of last year)..by the way Im 22 and she is 26) broke up with me in February this year(reasons being it was my fault I'm not gonna lie..I've lied(im sorry for it trust me but..I should of been alittle more up front with her and she have alot of trust issues with alot of ppl but me doing that to her hurt her alot..plus of course she didn't have that "spark" with me anymore..it seem like she was thinking about this for a awhile aswell.) ....we finally got together December(after all the waiting,talking ,texting,flirting and fwb..we are very close and care about each other alot..)I know that wasn't too long but our friendship was very strong and one of the reasons why at first I didn't really leave her behind(also me being still liking this woman..lol)..During February I made all the mistakes talking to her,helping her out,sometimes bringing up about the relationship,getting annoyed when she talks about this guy she likes..ugh..at first I was going to go NC on her but I didn't go thru it like I should..but when march hits..I just got tired of all the bs and drama..she getting mad at me for little things(like I called her kim(my ex) on accident..idk me and my mom have this problem with ppl names..but I RARELY do this..this was one of these times..sigh)..just to say she flip out got crazy mad was crying..throwing things..(I mean if u didn't care if I was with her and wanted to be friends u wouldn't do that...right)texting me pages on I never did this and she felt like I really never listen to her ..yea right..I was always there for her and her two kids..hell her kids enjoys being with me..and there was never a day we ever wasn't talking on the phone..I know her inside and out I know her horror stories from her Ex abused her,call her names,just pretty much treated her like a slave..and her pretty much having f'd up childhood life..she had a very hard life is all...she only had one true friend and that was sheri..and I was even above that by our friendship..she's insecure about her looks and sometimes(when we would have a very deep and emotional talk)herself..like she needs somebody and she also very sexual person and been with a few ppl where we work at(I already knew about all this cause she told me)...anyway


Around March I didn't talk to her or look at her or anything(cause we work at the same place at the time)and then she actually did it for me..lol she deleted me off facebook..I was mad..alittle..but it didn't hurt ..at all..cause really she needed me more than I needed her(I mean i care about her but come on she was acting like a child doing what she did)on April on Easter she send me an text saying(Even tho we dont talk anymore Happy Easter and to let me know she miss my friend)of course acouple of hours later I texted her back..and I wish I didn't dammit(I know u do..I do to..but we always fighting now and all kinds of drama and we both want two different things and I need to do this for me)..then she texted back saying(I know...)then finally she broke and at night she texted me(can u atleast add me so I know what u was doing?) and then I said(oh really?)and she said(well yea,we was very close and she think of me often)..so yea I re added her back on facebook..but heres the bull* * * * ..


Around that time she going out with my friend luis(also work at the place and he knew i like judi)I knew something was up but I wasnt gonna start anything..I knew better than that so anyway..my suspicion was right..May 3rd..her and him was in a relationship..once I seen that I deleted both of them off of facebook..and went NC again..shes gonna know how it feels not to be with me for sure..my friends (that also work at the place)was telling me her reaction and that she don't know why I deleted her off of facebook,and telling some days she was very depressed looking and sad..(by this time I work somewhere else a good paying job,got me a car(no more using parents car)been exercising..been getting my computer certifications done )


So anyway I haven't hear from her for like 2 months now..and im sure she's still with him...by the looks from it she do likes him(even tho he dont like kids and throw away girlfriends like yesterday trash..I warned her..)and he likes her(but then again they just started talking to each other on the facebook for like one week and then BOOM..and go out with each other one night,have sex then..we're in a relationship we love each other so much but..he don't know her like I do..well when she gets mad anyway and speak her mind)..but then again Im in a much better place now....but tell u the truth sometimes I hope she'll come back..but if not..I hope her the best...if it seems like im mad at her im not..just disappointed


I just want to know what ya think about this..

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truly inspirational post Dave. I feel so welcomed to these forums, and they make me feel safe, and not alone. Currently in NC with my recent (2 weeks ago) break up. Out of the Blue, cold feet/self esteem issues break up. And I was always an amazing girlfriend, so I know it wasn't my fault. His loss.

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