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During sex she said her Ex boyfriends name.


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Ouch. This is a hard pill to swallow.


Sometimes it happens. When I was with my ex bf, I almost called him by the name of my previous partner. Luckily I caught myself before I did so.


How long ago did they break up before you guys got together? Do you suspect that she may possibly still have feelings for him?

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it's 90% of the time not an indication that she still has feelings for him, and it's just a habit. usually in situations that seem familiar to us, we recall odd things that we thought we've forgotten.


for example, my ex boyfriend (who i used to argue a lot with when we were together) told me a funny story about how he accidentally called his new girlfriend my name when he was in the middle of a fight with her, because it was me that he was so used to fighting with and my name he was so used to saying. he didn't have feelings for me, it came out of nowhere and he was very embarrassed. oopss!


i've also called my bf by my exes name, luckily he didn't catch it, but my best friend who was there at the time did--she and i exchanged looks and cracked up immediately. it didn't mean anything, i never even had true feelings for the last ex.

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That's a terrible situation. If that happened to me, I'd get up and leave. It doesn't mean she still has feelings for him, though. If it bothers you so much, talk to her about it.

that's a little bit of an overreaction IMO. I don't see any reason why this can't just be laughed off, unless the other person gave any indication that they still weren't over somebody.

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that's a little bit of an overreaction IMO. I don't see any reason why this can't just be laughed off, unless the other person gave any indication that they still weren't over somebody.


I dont think its an overreaction at all, if it was me I would be hurt and pissed off. Is she cant remember who she is having sex with then maybe she hasnt fully moved on from the ex.

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How long has she been broken up with the ex, and how long have you been sexual with one another?


Saying the ex's name is an old habit and not really a big deal. What would be a big deal is if you've been together for months or years and a new guy's name comes up...

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I'm guilty of doing this, only once though. My ex and the new guy both had names that sounded similar, so during sex the exes name just rolled right off my tongue. After almost 3 years of sex with the same person, it's a tough habit to break. It meant nothing, in fact, I was shocked when I heard my voice say it.


I think the new guy wasn't even as shocked as I was. He knew my situation so he gave me this half smile and said "you okay?" I'm sure it was pretty awkward for him but thankfully he was able to keep going. Our relationship was very casual, so that might be part of the reason why he took it so well.


I wouldn't look too much into it. It could happen to anyone.

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She's probably more mortified than you.


My husband called me by his ex-gf's name when we were first dating, I just let it go. (That was about 17 years ago and we're still together.)


After all, would you rather her be with you calling you his name or her being with him and saying yours? (totally ripped off from the movie "Bull Durham" with Susan Sarandon). Just kidding, hope you're okay with it...

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It was an accident. Almost certainly doesn't mean anything.


Let it go, but let her grovel a bit. Breakfast in bed or something to make up for it. Don't milk it too much though; she'll have a long memory if you ever do this yourself.


Meanwhile, for your listening pleasure: link removed

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I have to say, in the heat of the moment (be it sex or an argument with my fiance) and he called me by an ex's name, I would be mad. Furiously mad. I couldn't help that reaction.


I'd have to walk away and cool down and tell myself it was an accident, he has no feeling for her. etc. etc. etc. Eventually I'd go back and it would be okay but in that MOMENT yeah, I'd get mad. It's a natural reaction.

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It was just a mistake. Granted, an awkward mistake but still, I don't think it means anything. Her memory is not so great? I catch myself sometimes almost uttering my ex's name to my current BF and it means absolutely ziltch. If he got hurt by my mistakenly calling him the wrong name, I would feel terrible about it. My advice is to try not to make a moutain out of a molehill.

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I dont think its an overreaction at all, if it was me I would be hurt and pissed off. Is she cant remember who she is having sex with then maybe she hasnt fully moved on from the ex.


Sure it is. We become accustomed to things, and it's hard to break the cycle.


ie. I moved my answering machine to a different counter 6 months ago. Where's the first place I look? Old location. It happens.

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