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I dont think the appearance matters once you get to know somone, the first thing you will notice about somone is their apperance and that might be what attracts somone to make first contact with them, its how I met my best friend, but if the personality doesnt shine through no matter what you look like it wont matter.

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I dont think the appearance matters once you get to know somone, the first thing you will notice about somone is their apperance and that might be what attracts somone to make first contact with them, its how I met my best friend, but if the personality doesnt shine through no matter what you look like it wont matter.


I totally agree.

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My ex was about a size 14-16...


Society would call her fat, chubby, or large around the midsection. I think she had some of the sexiest curves i've ever seen. I don't like skinny models with big boobs. Or maxim centerfolds. A "plus size" girl with a nice hips and a round bottom is exactly what gets me turned on.

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It really depends on the guy. My experience says tho, that most men generally consider the healthy slender look the most attractive, at least where I live. Of course there are still guys who love bigger women and prefer them.


I think if you are happy with yourself, then that's great and hopefully you'll find someone who loves your body type. If you are not happy or don't find yourself attractive, then you need to take action.

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The actress and comedian Dawn French is hot, and she's ginormous.

I could easily fall for a woman of size or a bone rack, depending on her intelligence and humor.


Besides, who wants to take a woman out to dinner to see her nibble a piece of arugula and a glass of Perrier? Not lust-inspiring.

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How do you men really feel about bigger women? Not disgusting. I am talking sizes 16-18. Or is that irrelevant to finding someone? What are your views?



I'm not very selective when it comes to women...if she's confident and possesses a certain intelligence and brashness, then I'm impressed. Also, many bigger women are more anxious to please--physically, emotionally, etc.


However, I'm vain. I don't like being out, seen with a fat woman...even though I might be drawn to her sexually, etc. I once heard that fat women are like mopeds: fun to ride but just try not to be seen with one.

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Here's a problem I see with this, if you care so much about what other people are thinking, you're holding back with the girl. If you're in a relationship with a girl you are not proud of, it's unfair to her. In the end, if you care deep down in the end, you'll both get hurt.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it's just unfortunate that some women regardless of their shape will never impress a man even though they try so hard. This is why so many curvy/larger women have self esteem issues and can not understand that when that guy does come along that LOVES their shape, they can't understand or believe it.

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Here's a problem I see with this, if you care so much about what other people are thinking, you're holding back with the girl. If you're in a relationship with a girl you are not proud of, it's unfair to her. In the end, if you care deep down in the end, you'll both get hurt.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it's just unfortunate that some women regardless of their shape will never impress a man even though they try so hard. This is why so many curvy/larger women have self esteem issues and can not understand that when that guy does come along that LOVES their shape, they can't understand or believe it.


Definitely agree with every word you just said. No one should care so much about what other people are thinking. You could miss out on a great thing!

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The "size" of a woman is a very sensitive thing to even talk about. With that said, beauty is most certainly in the eye of the beholder. Personally, right or wrong, I put larger women into two different categories. Group A is large because of genetics, and group B is large because they don't take care of themselves(an American epidemic). To say that I'm vain and won't be seen with a larger woman is SO far from the truth of the matter. It's that as a prerequisite of attractiveness, said woman must take care of herself and care about her health. To sum it up in short, I think that for most guys it's not that they don't want to be seen with a larger woman but rather they don't find them attractive. Plain and simple. Just because a guy doesn't want to date a larger woman doesn't make him selfish, and vice versa for that matter.

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However, I'm vain. I don't like being out, seen with a fat woman...even though I might be drawn to her sexually, etc. I once heard that fat women are like mopeds: fun to ride but just try not to be seen with one.


lol i'm a little like that too.. i feel so superficial now :s

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most guys are. That is why it is funny when THEY complain about girls being shallow and liking what they like.


Not only that but many seem to think its perfectly ok that they're allowed to have standards yet when girls do...ooooooh how shallow and horrible she is for not realizing what a "winner" he is. Just because I don't want you specifically, doesn't make me shallow.


I could care less if a man finds a big woman attractive or not, but its just sad that some are scared to be seen in public with one if they actually like her. Whatever happened to having a backbone and not caring what people think? and like people have nothing better to do than stare at you while you're walking down the street. And if your friend's opinions matter so much just ask yourself, who are you dating? them or her? In the end if that's too much, do the big girls a favor and just stay away from them completely, they'll find someone else who actually respects them enough to be seen with them.


That being said, these threads really shouldn't be so common. The sad truth is, men who are attracted to bigger women are the minority, or they are hiding. But those that do are out there, they may be harder to find, and apparently you gotta be suspicious of their character too. Its easy, just do a test. Say "honey, lets go for a walk in the city. During the day" if he says yes, you're good to go. If not, bye bye.

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