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Hi all..its been a while since I been on here but I'll tell you why. About a week ago it finally happened...My boyfriend and I had been broken up since the first week of March..I had been through the yelling, the begging, the sniffles, the sad and lonely days...I had it all..I loved him so much I tried to be his friend after the breakup..I mean we didn't break up on bad terms but he told me he wanted to see what was out there..I remained his best friend because I felt that even if I did have to move on one day, I'd be here if he needed me. So I sat n I watched. In the beginning we wasn't hanging out like we used to, then he got a new girlfriend "by mistake"(don't even ask what they did by mistake). I was hurt but I tried to keep calm. But he and I still would go on dates and spend time together after he had this new girl so soon(and I knew her). We slept over at each others houses, went shopping, did everything like we were a couple. I had a few people on the side by the way. Fast forwarding a bit, he began to hate me cuz the girl found out about me and him. Then on our senior trip, he and I got back to being romantic. We settled our differences and his now ex girl was not around. Weeks pass and its april, he still talks to other women but is always around me. Another month its may, I'm starting to get a little restless. He and I had space but still went out ,told secrets, and kept together. June comes, I find out from his aunt and cousin that he planned to ask me back out a while now but was afraid I would say no seeing that its been so long. He tried 2 wait fore the perfect moment where I would hear him out and say yes. On prom night, we got back together. This was a long story I'm sorry..but even tho I'm young, its almost a situation like all the others but you have more involved. All my point was in this is...If you honestly believe its for you..stick with it as long as your heart can stand. And don't be afraid to let go just a little bit..it'll be the best thing you ever do. Yes its going to hurt but sometimes its worth the fight. Be yourself, love you first and think about what's important to you and what's worth you waiting for. Just some friendly advice. Love goes out to you all in pain and joy..stay strong.


P.S.> I'm not feeling blue anymore..Need a name change =0)

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ImfeelingBlue, even though you're young, those were excellent words of advice. I also agree that if you really believe that it's meant to be, to try to work it out. And if things didn't work out, then you learn from your mistakes and you know what to expect for the future. Love goes out to you as well. Take care.

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