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Post sex cleanup?


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I've never had sex...is there a lot of cleanup involved in the bed after? Is it just generally understood by both people that that has to happen when you're finished? What do you do...get up and change the sheets? Do condoms decrease the size of the chore? And after you finish with condom on if you used one, what...the guy gets up to go into the bathroom to take the thing off and dispose of it? Then what?

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I do not think sex requires any major clean-up. Personally, I don't see the need to change the sheets or jump into the shower or bring out a pile of towels.


Generally if the guy is using the condom then he will go wherever the appropriate trash can is to take it off. Often both parties need to use the bathroom (recommended for women after sex) and can "freshen" up a little there if need be. Apart from that there's not really any major clean-up effort to undertake.

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Sex is supposed to be messy. And I think that sex with a condom is far easier to clean up than sex without one. But if you have a cum fetish, it sure is alot of fun to clean each other up with our tongues.


But stuff like I mention above comes more after you've gotten to know your partner alot better. And you've explored what each other like. For a new partner, use a condom and then when you're done, you can either get up and go flush it, or throw it in a wastebasket in the bedroom. If in doubt, ask.

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Sex is supposed to be messy. And I think that sex with a condom is far easier to clean up than sex without one. But if you have a cum fetish, it sure is alot of fun to clean each other up with our tongues.


But stuff like I mention above comes more after you've gotten to know your partner alot better. And you've explored what each other like. For a new partner, use a condom and then when you're done, you can either get up and go flush it, or throw it in a wastebasket in the bedroom. If in doubt, ask.


I don't think flushing a condom down the toilet is a good thing. May clog up the toilet.


Don't want to plunge the toilet or have the plumber come in and find a used condom in the tank!

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After sex, I've noticed that if the guy came in me, it would probably be prudent to have a towel underneath.


I agree with the others, better to go to the restroom after sex to get everything out and lessen the risk of irritation down there.


A lot of times, I've fallen asleep right after sex (with the ex cuddling me), and when I wake up and get up to use the potty, I need to run since I am leaking

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Girls can make a mess as well....In which case I lay a towel down under her/us, if its the heat of the moment then I wash the sheets asap after she leaves....




And just don't fall asleep after like my friend. Him and his g/f fell asleep after sex and woke up stuck together from all the wonderful mess.

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And just don't fall asleep after like my friend. Him and his g/f fell asleep after sex and woke up stuck together from all the wonderful mess.


Oh but I love that stuck together feeling!! That's the wonderful feeling of sex and "love juice".


You know you've done something right, when you and your partner wake up stuck together. Just makes it easier for a morning quicky!!

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we never used condoms, and we had BLACK BED SHEETS... yeah, you could imagine the mess it made. Oh god.


But sometimes when we had sex and he didn't pull out, he'd walk out the door naked and I'd have to say "hey! can you get me a towel or something here?" it sounds gross because you basically have to sit there to let all the semen drop out of you until you can walk to the bathroom to PEE. Make sure you ALWAYS PEE AFTER SEX. So anyway... yeah.. there was sometimes globs of cum that shot past my head and at the head board, or at the wall and you can only see it after when it dries.


It's fun though. It's good to laugh about. You'll see, you'll enjoy it

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Oh but I love that stuck together feeling!! That's the wonderful feeling of sex and "love juice".


You know you've done something right, when you and your partner wake up stuck together. Just makes it easier for a morning quicky!!


I have to agree with Catdancer on this one. When it was so good that your too spent and relaxed to even worry about it. All you both want to do is cuddle and fall asleep in each others arms.

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Am I the only one who has spontaneous throw down and act like an animal sex? You know where you try to get your clothes off, but end up with your bra hanging off of one shoulder, one sock on and your underwear around your right knee? Now who is going to want to stop in the middle of that and say "oh wait, let me grab a towel, a wash rag and some papertowels before we start?"

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I don't really clean up after. Last night we had sex and he came in me. We just lay there for a bit and chatted. Then I got up and got dressed (I don't like being naked unless I'm sexin or showering). Never wipe off, never break out a towel. The only time we do use a towel is if he doesn't come in me, in which case he may come on my stomach and he'll get me a towel (I keep a stash of them near the bed). Mostly, we just let it dry out wherever anything lands.


Sex is messy, and that's part of the fun. It's not embarrassing when it's messy, at least it never really has been for me. Mostly just go with the flow of things (possible pun?) and don't think so much about it!

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Oh but I love that stuck together feeling!! That's the wonderful feeling of sex and "love juice".


You know you've done something right, when you and your partner wake up stuck together. Just makes it easier for a morning quicky!!


hehe reminds me of an old joke...


How do you know you have just had the ultimate sexual experience?


When you stand up you feel like a glazed donut.



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I'm with you Hers, I don't really clean up after either. Unless it's really out of hand sexiness. Usually I just put on undies and I'm good to go. BUT we do use condoms now since I've been off the pill, so that does mimimize the "juices" to deal with.


Back when we first started dating and we were going at it like 4 or 5 times a day and I was on the pill, it was a little touch and go when I first stood up after sex.... gravity DOES work. LOL I always used to complain about getting stuck sleeping in the wet spot too!


The only time towels come into play is during period sex, otherwise it's nada.

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My man and I actually enjoy the little shimmy-to-the-shower routine and usually end up doing it again in the shower hehe


I have an IUD so I'm all set for the next 10 years ;] When he gets off inside of me, we dismount, we hop in the shower and wash each other up - it's a sweet ritualistic thing we've had going for so long. The only time we ever used towels during sex was when we played out a soaked-in-oil fetish but that's it. And I happen to have quite the cum fetish so I either lick it all up or it's washed off in the shower.

I guess my man and I don't find anything romantic in dried up dead semen all over the bedsheets ;]


That and we enjoy our cleanliness - washing ourselves in the shower then knocking out on the bed cuddling is our sweet-pillow-talk time hehe

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Thanks for the replies...I didnt expect so many.


When it's my first time, it probably won't be hers. I just want to know what to do so that my inexperience shows as little as possible. And with any luck, she won't know it's my first.

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I used to never do any sort of cleanup. Then I dated a guy who was almost a jump in the shower right after type. He wiped everything off, made sure he was clean, checked the boys, made sure they were clean. I hated it. It made me feel like I was dirty.


My big things are peeing right after. It prevents UTIs and it also gets rid of a lot of his cum. He'll either hop in the shower while I'm in the bathroom and rinse off (oh the joys of a removable shower head!) or he'll just wipe off. It's not a big deal to clean.


As far as condoms, take it off with a tissue and then trash it. Sheets- I wash them often so I don't really worry about it. The wet spot- if you're planning on cuddling after, pick a side. If not, stay in the middle.

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Oh but I love that stuck together feeling!! That's the wonderful feeling of sex and "love juice".


You know you've done something right, when you and your partner wake up stuck together. Just makes it easier for a morning quicky!!


Ditto this!


I have to agree with Catdancer on this one. When it was so good that your too spent and relaxed to even worry about it. All you both want to do is cuddle and fall asleep in each others arms.


And this...

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Just keep paper towels or a box of kleenex in the room. That's all you should need. Usually we cleanup right away, but all that involves is reaching for a piece of paper towel and spending 15 seconds mopping up the goop. If he's come inside me, I usually just grab another paper towel once we're under the covers and absorb as much of the goop inside me as I can, instead of running to the toilet right away.


Thanks for the replies...I didnt expect so many.


You will usually get quite a few responses in the Sex and Romance forum

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I agree with who said there's no cleaning needed (usually). My boyfriend will sometimes just in the shower after but only when he's going to work soon. Sort of ruins the mood if you both jump up to go clean yourselves. It is nice to just lay in bed, cuddle and talk then just clean up a bit when you go to the bathroom after. If there's anything on the bed we usually just flip the sheets over before we go to bed then change them in the morning.


With condoms we've always just wrapped them in tissues and put them in the bin outside.


Don't over think things. It will be fine when the time comes I'm sure.

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