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Is divorce necessary? is this true love or what?


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i heard this real story from my best friend. this married lady W has a boyfriend for 8 years already, and this is her third boyfriend. this bf is actually a TV drama no. 1 star in that country. W's husband is very successful and rich, he knows about this all along. He is still nice to her and give her plenty of money, which she spends on the tv star and even clears his debt.


she goes on tour with the star bf together with her daughter. the daughter is the one who told my friend the story.


finally and recently the husband has a girlfriend. and when he goes on a trip with the new gf, the W wife would pack medicine for him and asks the new gf to remember to see that he takes them.


i have no judgement, i am just very impressed of the situation. the husband could tolerate the wife's behaviour out of tremendous love or because he actually doesn't love her? i wonder... what do you think?

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Let's face it, a huge component of love is ego. That's why we are fond of picking partners that we can show off to our friends, family, and the world. That's why you want someone "beautiful", because who you select as a partner is partly who represents you and your lover energy.


Someone you consider embarrasing or ugly could never be your mate. So, here we have this superstar husband. He loves his wife. However, he is loved and adored by so many that he does not require her 100% devotion to validate his ego or who he is. He has the adoring millions for that already. But because he still loves her, and his ego is so solid, he is now free to just wish for her whatever makes her happy.


Is it true love? Sure it is. And it would be nice if people could act this way toward their lovers, and offer so much freedom, without being thought a cuckold, or a pushover, or a doormat. Unfortunately, unless you're said superstar, that's a really hard one to pull off, and you can't fake desperation and jealousy for very long.

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wait wait, maybe i wasn't clear in my story telling. the husband is not the superstar. the affair boyfriend of the wife is the superstar. the husband is a rich businessman. the wife gives money to the superstar boyfriend.


Oh, then in that case he's just a cuckold.

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i am impressed because the whole family structure is intact, the daughter actually goes on outing with mother and bf, the whole setting is actually still in harmony. as compared to the screaming and fighting stories that are so common, yes i am impressed how the wife could pull it off.

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Perhaps they are not divorced because everyone would lose tons of money if anyone left. This is definitely not true love in my books its enabling and toleration and maybe a bit of denial.


but she is the one having affair, the husband will not lose money since she is at fault. i think this is love beyond my comprehension. he waited for her to come back for several years before he finally gets himself a girlfriend.

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What kind of values, do you imagine, are being inculcated in the daughter? Maybe when they do their red-carpet venues, and their little magazine interviews, and their dinner appearances and whatnot they project an image of cohesion, but do you not believe there is no trouble in "paradise?"


I'd say the worst part of your story is this: "normal" people read this, and either live vicariously through it, or, even worse, actually believe something like this is attainable to and deserved by them. Leave the glitterati alone; they're white noise.

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this is a sick story...IMO.


You DO NOT MARRY to have affairs.


1st - the kid is learning some disgusting habits


2nd- they all risk diseases....(don't shrug)


if it's fine for them...so be it...if everyone is happy...who am I to judge.

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