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Can you treat ear infections at home?

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Right now, I have a raging ear infection...and since I don't drive, I'd have to figure out a way to get to the doctors. I feel fine, otherwise; my left ear doesn't feel 'clogged', it just hurts a little (mostly when I pull on the lobe) and itches like crazy.


I think it's a mild infection, but my question is...is there a danger if I just 'let it heal on it's own?' I know that doctors don't like to give out antibiotics for ear infections anymore, so would I be wasting my money if I went to the doctor for this infection?


I also have a history of Eustachian tube dysfunction, and many times I've been to the ENT, only to have him chew me out for coming in for something related to my ongoing tube dysfunction. He tells me to use the nasal spray (I need to get a new prescription for that), and take allergy meds (which make me dizzy.)

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It all depends. I like things to get better on their own but if you have a history, I'd say it's probably best to get it checked out.


Also if you are used to them you can be wrong - my daughter tried letting one heal for a few weeks - she has a very high pain threshold and by the time she bothered going to the doctor, her eardrum had perforated!!

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I wouldn't continute to see a Dr. who "chewed me out"...that's just WRONG!


You could try putting a hot water bottle on it...that's what my mom always had us do when we were kids and we had an earache.


HOWEVER, if you have an infection, ONLY an antibiotic can clear it up...usually they prescribe them in "drop" forms...you don't take them orally, you put ear drops in.


I hope this helped, and I sure hope you feel better. I have had MANY an ear infection in my day (when I was 12 I had a SEVERE infection in BOTH ears at the SAME TIME from swimming) and I KNOW the pain.


Take good care...



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Well, he didn't really 'chew me out', I might have been going overboard with that statement. He basically just said, "It's useless for you to come in, because I've told you the treatment for this several times already, and you're basically wasting your money." Or something like that.


I don't blame him for that. He's one of the best doctors in the city, and he has a lot of patients...he probably doesn't want to keep on seeing me, if I have a non-problematic situation that he has already tried to help me with.


As far as the ear infection, I've had worse. This is more itching than hurting; it only hurts when I tug on the earlobe. I remember having a really bad ear infection 2 years ago, where my ear was clogged and it hurt like hell...and I had a fever. That time, he did prescribe eardrops. However, this is nothing, and it's a feeling that I'm used to; I tend to get minor ear infections a lot (listen to my ipod a lot, which my doctor has also said isn't good, but I can't seem to break), and they always heal on their own. So I could probably wait this out.


I think I might go in and see the ENT specialist anyway. I'll call when they open at 9am. Maybe he'll be able to see me today (he usually isn't able to, the office is usually booked for a few days.) But better safe than sorry.

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When it comes to ear infections it is best not to take chances. Some doctors are mean pieces of work..but your health is your health. Don't allow any doctor to intimidate you. Get to a doctor or clinic and get it checked out.


I agree with CAD...err on the side of caution...you don't want it to "fester" into a full blown ear infection.


Better safe than sorry.

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You can take a chance and just get any over the counter ear drops and hope it helps, however my experience with ear infections is you need prescription medicine. Antibiotics and ear drops. You can always try to heal it with aloe vera leaf and drain the juices from the plant, however I don't know how effective this is but it's an old remedy and it has worked for some people.


Home remedies I do know but have never really tried myself;


1-2 drops of warm olive oil in the earache cures irritation of the ear.

Vitamin C to help boost the immune system and fight infection.

Zinc is also helpful in reducing ear infection.

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Okay, I'm going to wait until the office opens, then call my ENT. I'll figure out a way to get down there.


Def call your doc. An untreated ear infection can erode the ear drum and cause hearing loss. And since you have a history of it, I think that you def cannot treat on your own.

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UPDATE: Just got home from the doc. I have an ear infection, definitely, and she wrote me a prescription (which I'm going to get filled.)


excellent! I have never heard of doctors not wanting to treat an ear infection without antibiotics. You could lose your hearing!


Hope you feel better soon.

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FYI, you don't have to see an ENT for an ear infection...you can see a GP as well, but glad you got in and were able to get medication.


Another helpful hint: my two youngest get ear infections quite frequently and something the doctor told me to do that helps clear them up a little faster (and relieve the pain) is to have them lie down on their side and put a few drops of peroxide in the ear facing up--lay there for 2-3 minutes, put cotton in the ear, then switch to the other side and repeat. Leave the cotton in for about 30 minutes.

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FYI, you don't have to see an ENT for an ear infection...you can see a GP as well, but glad you got in and were able to get medication.


Another helpful hint: my two youngest get ear infections quite frequently and something the doctor told me to do that helps clear them up a little faster (and relieve the pain) is to have them lie down on their side and put a few drops of peroxide in the ear facing up--lay there for 2-3 minutes, put cotton in the ear, then switch to the other side and repeat. Leave the cotton in for about 30 minutes.


Yep my mom did that for me as a kid. Helped ease the pain a lot until we got to the doctor or in some cases took care of it on its own. We also had something called Sweet Oil I believe. I think it was made for ear infections, I'm not sure. They would drop a few drop sin their too. Also a heating pad or warm wash cloth on the ear that is hurting will ease it for a while.

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