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Ladies, baseball cap or no cap?


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typically no, i don't like baseball hats on men. i mean, it's fine if they're outside and it's a sunny day and they're protecting their head and eyes. but i don't like it as a 24/7 fashion statement. I've never had a guy show up on a date with a baseball hat.

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Depends on their length of their hair and head shape. While some men look dashing, others look odd. If their hair is too long, it looks weird.


My boyfriend went through a stressful time where he gave himself a bald spot by pulling out his hair. He went through a hat phase. It was mostly paperboy style hats though. The hair eventually grew back but it took months and he wore the hat religiously.

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It depends.


My ex bf used to wear it 24/7 because he was practically bald, it actually look better on him However, once he took it off, he looked 10 years older and it wasn't a good look.


My bf now will only wear a hat if it's raining or if his hair is messed up.


I think it really depends on the person, some look good with it and some don't.

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I'm really not a fan. It's fine if they're outside or playing a sport or something, but during the day for no particular reason, really not my thing. I find them quite unattractive to be honest.


Also (huge stereotype coming up, sorry, but this thread is talking in generalities), I've found that often guys who wear baseball caps are kind of "jocks", sort of all-American very into American sports, and that's not really my thing either. (Yes yes huge generalization)

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