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So tonight I went out with my girlfriend and her friends for her birthday. We went salsa dancing and had a blast. Its only been two weeks since I broke it off with my pothead/drug dealer bf and Ive been trying to stay busy. Its been good for me too because I got some male attention tonight. It was nice and it gave me faith in my abilities to date again.

But...I finally figured out there wasn't really that much of an attraction for me. And then, when we kissed, he sucked my lips so hard that they turned purple!! They are still swollen and purple! What a disaster.

I just dont know if Im ready for this craziness again. Dating is so much work and stress.

Anybody else feeling not ready to get back on the dating wagon? Or anyone have a silly dating story like mine?

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Wow ... its only been two weeks, give yourself a break ... as in don't be too hard on yourself and don't put yourself under too much pressure. By all means go out and have some fun, revel in any male attention you may have but I wouldn't go looking to try and fill the void you may be feeling since splitting with your bf. Dating too soon can do more harm than good and put us in a position where we start comparing any one new that enters our life unfavourably to our exes and then we start missing our exes even more. If you can go out and have a blast with your friends you are already at an alright stage so don't push for too much too soon. You will be ready in time.


I've been there though. I hit the dating scene way too quickly in a bid to get over my ex and it definitely set me back. I have loads of silly and strange stories from my on-line dating experiences, I wouldn't know where to start ... one day I might even write a book!!

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Anybody else feeling not ready to get back on the dating wagon? Or anyone have a silly dating story like mine?


I've been out a few times with guys I think I knew from the get-go, were not my "type", but you know....You can feel like you should go out there to move on. What is going to be more productive? Going out and having a good time even if there is not going to be a repeat performance, or sitting at home with a bottle of wine thinking about the past?


I had the worst date of my life about 2 months after me and my ex split up. This guy took me out for a meal in this dirty, cheap looking chinese restaurant, and this stag party showed up and started a food fight. I got absolutely covered in rice, sweet and sour sauce and god knows what else!


Dress ruined, hair ruined, make-up ruined. To top it off I had to stay over because he got drunk and couldn't drive me home. It would have cost me £50 in a taxi so I ended up locking myself in his bathroom and falling asleep on the floor.


The next day he drove me home and I asked if he could take me out again??? He got a slap for asking! ](*,)


You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.

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Lol. I went out on a date with one guy who told me he was a hairdresser but when we met up he admitted that hairdressing was a cover. He (apparently) goes away a lot to hairdressing events ... when in reality he smuggles tobacco ... tobacco? yeah right!! I suspect its something a lot harder than that.


The date was arranged pretty much on the spur of the moment and I warned him that my 13 year old daughter was at home on her own and might text or call a few times. He told me this was fine but when my daughter would call (three times in all) he would pick up his phone and call a friend and talk out loud about me ... "yeah shes nice mate but she keeps getting on her phone, shes lucky I'm still here, if she does it again I'm off". Then he would look at me with this big disgusting smile. He joked about having sex with his nan ... * * * and told me I was just looking for a meal ticket when I said I had drunk too much on an empty stomach and should we go and get something to eat now. The whole point of the date was to go for a meal and we had already decided which restaurant we were going to and I never once mentioned that he had to pay for me


So we never went for something to eat and he (unknown to me) carried on buying me doubles. Luckily for me my friends turned up to the pub at a stage where I was completely legless and they later told me that the drinks he had been buying me weren't just doubles but also neat ... I was obviously already too drunk to notice. Anyway my friends told him where to go and when he offered to take me home they refused to let him near me and took me home themselves.


I woke up the next morning sick, hungover and with a broken thumb!!


Just one of many horrendous dates!

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OMG! You win! Ha ha ha! I don't think I could top that.


I know one thing though after reading that, and after my experience. If you are going to go on a date with someone new. Pick a place in YOUR area, so you can get home and the regulars know you in case you get stuck.


Believe me, you wouldn't want to top that ... and neither would I! You are right though we can learn some valuable lessons through some of these stories!

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Anybody else feeling not ready to get back on the dating wagon? Or anyone have a silly dating story like mine?


When I was very VERY young, I once dated a girl who eventually stuffed pizza spinache up her nose. Is that silly enough?


These days I'm trying to make an effort to date, but to be honest there's hardly any motivation from my part to find a serious relationship; just someone who'll I'll have fun with doing something. Any serious romance will entail getting to know my eclectic personality, which I'm sad to say isn't exactly attractive to most people. It tends to be a big turnoff to women when I do talk about what I'm interested in.

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thanks for the stories guys. Yeah I just went out for a friends birthday and ended up being attracted to this guy. Its nice to know I am still attractive and pretty. He was a total gentleman, going for his masters, has his own place and job.

I just wasnt feeling any chemistry, especially after he chewed my lips to oblivion!!

I am not going to date for a long time I have resigned. I just like the attention

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I am not going to date for a long time I have resigned. I just like the attention


My ex and I last saw each other in October 2008. He left me so completely devastated and drained, I was seriously sworn off men, in fact, I hated them and didn't want any attention from them.


Since then I decided that I just wanted a year off from dating to "repair" and learn how to cope on my own. I wanted to make my single life great, so that if I did meet and break-up with someone else, I knew I could return to something fun and fabulous. By the end of last year, I was enjoying the attention I was getting again, but didn't accept any dates.


You have to get to a place where you can say, "The glass is half full", before you can really put yourself out there to look for a relationship.


I think dating can slow you down a bit, and if you have to force yourself to say yes to a date/ dance/ drink/ kiss - then what are you really proving to yourself? Just that you're not ready.


I feel like I still couldn't be in a relationship at the moment, because I haven't met that special person who I can learn to trust. However, I am definitely ready to date again - only I will be a little bit more selective this time round!

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yes i definitely will be more selective. I know what you mean. I like to be alone for awhile and enjoy being me and figuring out who that really is. You dont want to rebound and realize you not only made the same mistake again, but that you lost yourself in the process. I do enjoy being single, I just think every day "God,what if he already moved on?" This is what is tearing me apart these days.

I did start a list of wants for my next relationship:

1) college education

2) steady job

3) own car

4) own apt/house

5) driven

6) goals

7) religious

8) no drugs!

This is what is beautiful about singledom! You can finally rediscover you and what you want out of life I admire you for taking the time to be single. My sister is doing the same thing. She came out of a 5 year relationship and its been over a year for her.

I think you gotta wait for the magic to happen again and not force something thats not there.

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