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Why why why?? He suddenly stopped calling


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No, i'd give him a call and try to find out what happened. It sounds like me met somebody else, or may have got back with an ex, but the thing is, you made plans and if i were you, i would try to satisfy my curiosity. If he doesn't ring you back, at least you know you did the right thing, by yourself at the very least.

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Well I suggest not jumping to conclusions. We all do that but sometimes you have to stop and find out what is going on. I suggest calling him and asking him if he has been busy. I mean there could be millions of reasons why he didn't call you back. It could be work related, family emergency, or maybe he is not interested. The only way you will know is to ask. How many dates have you guys been on? I would say if you guys were going out for a while and he does this out of the blue, then it might be a situation where he is being a ***** and is trying to send you a sign. The thing is, even if he is trying to do that it will make you a better and more mature person to inquire and if there is no interest from him to move on.


I would really frustrate me if that happened and I didn't know what the reason was.

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Well, it sure is a mystery. Match had sent this guy in the "Daily Match" mix back in December -and I really loved the way he presented himself. We corresponded for about 2 weeks, then called, then finally met - right on New Years Day!

He sent me 2 very excited emails about our meeting, and then pulled his profile off Match.

He called, he called again, emailed, all was cool - talked about where we would go - then he said he was not well, and had some ear thing that had affected his hearing!!

Had to see a doctor - then...you guessed it ... silence. I called once and emailed once, but no response. So it has been a week of nothing.

Maybe I'll try one more time.

Then say BUH-BYE...

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Well, it sure is a mystery. Match had sent this guy in the "Daily Match" mix back in December -and I really loved the way he presented himself. We corresponded for about 2 weeks, then called, then finally met - right on New Years Day!

He sent me 2 very excited emails about our meeting, and then pulled his profile off Match.

He called, he called again, emailed, all was cool - talked about where we would go - then he said he was not well, and had some ear thing that had affected his hearing!!Had to see a doctor - then...you guessed it ... silence. I called once and emailed once, but no response. So it has been a week of nothing.

Maybe I'll try one more time.

Then say BUH-BYE...


Well this changes things a bit...I'm not trying to make excuses for him, and he very well might be blowing you off, but I know my friend developed vertigo from having water in her ear and she was incapacitated because of it for quite a while. All she she did was lay in bed, I'm not saying this is what he has, but he did tell you he was not well and you do not know what is going on with him. I wouldn't contact him again though, you've contacted him twice and if he has not responded due to his health when he gets better he will respond.

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Id say call once. Say hi, I just wanted to call and see how you were doing. Hope you are doing good. talk to you soon. click

If he calls you back, great, give it 3 days if he doesnt, then you know your answer. If he really wants to reconnect with you, he will. I know others say dont, but give it at least one call and one call ONLY.. youll have your answer in a week.

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Or you could become immune to humility and do the following up?


Nothing to do with humility, I'm a very humble person. My reason for not calling would be that the ball is in his court and I would not be compatible wth a person for the long term who was not willing to put in the effort to call me and ask me out on a first real date, or who said he would call and didn't hold true to his promise. I only dated guys who showed they were sufficiently interested in dating me by calling and asking me out on a date. I didn't want to waste time on a guy where I had to ask him out on a first or second date despite my showing sincere interest in him.

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Nothing to do with humility, I'm a very humble person. My reason for not calling would be that the ball is in his court and I would not be compatible wth a person for the long term who was not willing to put in the effort to call me and ask me out on a first real date, or who said he would call and didn't hold true to his promise. I only dated guys who showed they were sufficiently interested in dating me by calling and asking me out on a date. I didn't want to waste time on a guy where I had to ask him out on a first or second date despite my showing sincere interest in him.

I agree. It is a compatibility issue, not a humility issue. I too, would not be compatible with a man who was not willing to ask me out for a real first date or who didn't call when they said they would. Doesn't necessarily make him a bad guy, just someone I would not want to date. Perhaps for some women, this wouldn't bother them at all.

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