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Tell me if you would be annoyed by this


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My bf and I made plans about a month ago to go on a ski trip this weekend with a couple of my friends. About mid-last week he found out that one of his good friends' gf is having her bday party this weekend as well which conflicts with our trip. He didn't come out and say it but based on our conversation it sounded like he would rather go to the bday party instead so his friend would be pissed at him. I reminded him that I had too, promised my friends that we would be going on the trip and that my friend is actually letting us stay at his condo near the ski resort. If we had known this earlier, I could've given my friend the notice so he can find another couple to go with. It would be very rude on my part to bail out on my friend last minute.


Anyways, I think his friend and his gf is pressuring him into going to the bday party which is kinda pissing me of. I think that's really disrepectful.


What are your thoughts? what would you do?

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Maybe your bf and you could offer to take the birthday person to dinner the following weekend as you already have plans this weekend. If they are good friends, they should understand that your plans were made well in advance and it would be unfair to cancel your trip for a last minute party.

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I am one of those people who think plans with other people should be kept unless there is an emergency so I am on your side. But since he hasn't actually said he is going to bail I would not make this into an issue unless you have to - proceed as if the original plans are still in force.

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He should stick with you and your original plans to go skiing. I mean, come on, first of all, the plans have already been set and second, skiing is a waaaaaay better way to spend the weekend.


His friend's party can be skipped and they should understand that you guys have set plans to go away. If they pressure him, then they are being selfish - who makes your friends drop their plans for one's own selfish reasons?

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