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Being called "pet names"


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How do you feel about being called pet names such as baby, babe, sweetie, sweetheart, beautiful, etc.. by random guys or friends?


I have one guy who is sort of my friend I guess (lol), we hang out, and he is attacted to me, he even asked me out but I've always told him I'm not interested in him, so he KNOWS this. Yet he still calls me the names above, and it's very awkward I find.


Anyone else agree??

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by random guys or friends?



I wouldn't like being called any of those things by random guy or friend.


Your friend clearly doesn't respect your boundaries if he continues to address you that way when you've made it clear that you don't like it. If he is not a good friend maybe it's best not to hang out with him if he continues to behave that way.

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I have a few male friends who call me certain pet names, and because those names fit with their personalities, and I know they are not hitting on me, it doesn't bother me. From anyone else, it gives me a little shiver!


Have you asked him not to call you those names? Maybe he doesn't realize how much it bothers you.


I've always found it very uncomfortable spending time with guys whom I just wanted to be friends with if they wanted something more. I usually stopped hanging out with them if I thought they were still romantically interested.

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I often find myself calling girlfriends "hun" but other then that I wouldn't call them any pet names.


Same here. Not sure why, because I generally don't really like pet names, but I do seem to have a history of doing that. It just seems comfortable, I guess.

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I HATE pet names. I have a perfectly good name and I like everyone to use it, please. My bf uses pet names for me once in awhile, like "babe" or "honey". It makes my skin crawl, but I love him so I don't say anything. I know he says it out of affection and that helps me tolerate it. I always call him by his name.

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I HATE pet names. I have a perfectly good name and I like everyone to use it, please. My bf uses pet names for me once in awhile, like "babe" or "honey". It makes my skin crawl, but I love him so I don't say anything. I know he says it out of affection and that helps me tolerate it. I always call him by his name.

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Am I the only one that likes dirty names more then pet names lol ?


ONLY when the person agrees with it of course. I wouldn't call any random person like that.


My crush hates pet names aswell because she thinks it's too soft. I just love when we talk dirty ... I don't think giving an example would be appropriated since I would get yet another warning lol

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Am I the only one that likes dirty names more then pet names lol ?


ONLY when the person agrees with it of course. I wouldn't call any random person like that.


My crush hates pet names aswell because she thinks it's too soft. I just love when we talk dirty ... I don't think giving an example would be appropriated since I would get yet another warning lol

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Reminds me of a story. There was a girl at my work who was crushing on me and being pretty forward about it. I was in a relationship at the time but then we broke up. While the breakup was still very fresh (less than a month) this coworker and I were at the bar and she got completely drunk. We were standing there and she began to spontaneously proceed to introduce her butt to the floor. I was buzzed and I reached over and grabbed her and pulled her back up. I said "Careful hun". It just came out because I called my gf that and my gf had a major drinking problem, so it was just kind of a conditioned reflex. I didn't think too much of it. The next time I saw the coworker we were talking and she went into a general self-righteous tirade about how she didn't like guys calling her honey, without singling me out but speaking to me. I thought that was really self indulgent. She hits on me, gets wasted, and then gets miffed at me for using a pet name while we were under the influence. Go figure. I never went for her because she was a coworker who hit on me while I had a gf. That plus the fact that she had high maintenance written all over was a detrrent as well. But I don't see how something so insignificant could get someone so miffed, but she was.

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My ex fiance and I called each other "hun" He also had special names for me and I had names for him. Hun sounds more casual yet sweet. The others are too gushy.


Currently, my new dating partner is calling me "sweetie." I have to admit that I cringe when he says it. It's mostly because of the timing...it comes out unnaturally. For me, the name has to be used at the right time and the right place and should slip off your tongue.


I think it's cute to call someone by the first initial of their name...like sometimes I call my "friend" the letter B. It seems affectionate yet friendly. I also have a little ryhming name for him, but again, it's more affectionate than mushy gushy.

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Please tell him this then. I don’t know about him but I do this with some friends. It’s usually because they are very flirty and show me affection. So it comes natural to me to flirt back with them. I had one friend that this went on with for a while until she finally got on me one day about how she didn’t like it. I stopped after that but I felt really stupid because all this time I thought she was fine with it. What’s worse is she would say flirtatious stuff back to me as well and call me pet names.


She’s pretty and I would be interested if I thought she was but I never did think she was. With her there’s always another guy. But once you get comfortable with someone the behavior becomes natural and you do it without thinking about it. Even though neither of us made a move on the other it still felt natural to interact with her like that until she said something. I only advise that you be gentle. If it’s been going on a while it may be a shock to him that you have a problem with it.

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