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My sore brain.....migraine journal


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I guess the premis is to track the number of days that I do have migraines, symptoms and severity and a search to find things that bring relief.


Day one.


I woke this morning with one. Once again always left sided. The left side of my head and face are numb. The sinus on my left side is in agony as well as my jaw and nose and under my eye. I am pretty unmotivated as a result even when I have a ton of stuff to do. I guess on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the worst, the pain is about 7 so I can still deal with it. My neck and back muscles are also killing me. Only on my left side mind you.

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Did you ever consider/ get checked out if you might be suffering from cluster headaches rather than migraines, I was just thinking about it because of the one sidedness and the the pain in your sinus and around your eye?


I have looked at that Penelope. I only have some of the features, but I more closely resemble migraines as I have the nausea and aversions to noise and light. ALso the time factors are different. My headaches last a min of 14 hours usually, sometimes up to 9 days. I do not have any significant breaks in the headaches of a few months or a few years. I have been pretty consistant since I was 25. On average I get about 10 a month or more. I have had CT scans that have found nothing wrong with the formation of my brain. I have yet to have an MRI though. It is worth looking into though. If you have anymore info on migraines etc that would be great. My mother has had them since she was 3 and my son has them too.

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Dec 21


Second migraine since recording...start time about 4pm. I think it is a response to the total relief of a month of worry. It happens sometimes when I am relieved. Severely sensitive to sound and so tired I can barely stay awake. Severe pain in my neck and feel sick to my stomach. Mental confusion. Pain in my face. Pains in my ear. Changes in personality. Easily angered.

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It takes a bit of time, but yes. I guess it is the vasoconstriction that drives my blood pressure up as well.


I am thinking that some sort of meditation when you begin to feel the warning signs that a headache is starting to help you relax even though you're in pain could possibly help you shorten the duration of your suffering.

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I am thinking that some sort of meditation when you begin to feel the warning signs that a headache is starting to help you relax even though you're in pain could possibly help you shorten the duration of your suffering.


I know my mother tried Biofeed back years ago.....maybe something like that?

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The ones that last only a day I can take. It is the ones that last longer are SO unbearable. I have had to have medical intervention for some. I have had one where I threw up 47 times in one day and was almost on the verge of total dehydration. I was on an Army exercise. They had to hospitalize me and shoot me full of morphine. I had another one that lasted 9 days............. that was SO bad.

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I used to get terrible headaches. I still don't know why they started and why they ended. It was for about a year that I had them on and off. Now they just don't come anymore. I didn't ever throw up though, so you definitely have something going on different than I did. Morphine is great stuff when you need it. I hope you can find some answers that lead to an effective treatment for the root cause.

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I sympathise Victoria as I also suffer with migraines, though not to the same level of severity, and can usually treat it with over-the counter medicines for migraine.


I did read in a UK paper that new research is showing that migraines are triggered by light and that this may lead to new forms of treatement: link removed


It's interesting because when I have a migraine I often feel that the pain is drilling into my eye.


My mother had migraine too for many years but after going through the menopause and finishing HRT her migraines have stopped. I'm sure women's menstrual cycles have an effect too as my migraines usually occur the week before my period or the week during.


Oh for a cure...

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Oh for a cure for sure. My mom has migraines and so does my son. My mom is post menopausal and she still has migraines weekly at the very least. I will read the link you sent. Thank you. I am sorry you are a sufferer too.


I sympathise Victoria as I also suffer with migraines, though not to the same level of severity, and can usually treat it with over-the counter medicines for migraine.


I did read in a UK paper that new research is showing that migraines are triggered by light and that this may lead to new forms of treatement: link removed


It's interesting because when I have a migraine I often feel that the pain is drilling into my eye.


My mother had migraine too for many years but after going through the menopause and finishing HRT her migraines have stopped. I'm sure women's menstrual cycles have an effect too as my migraines usually occur the week before my period or the week during.


Oh for a cure...

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