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My sore brain.....migraine journal


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April 23


Had a bad migraine last night. It was super bad, but I used the golf ball to massage my should blade and it went for half hour and came back. I was so utterly exhausted I could not even keep my eyes open. So I went to bed early and I am fine this morning thank goodness. Residual pain though in the tissues of my scalp and neck.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Apologies guys!

..I am picking up on this thread a bit late on, but I wanted to add a spiritual perspective.. some might not believe in this and of course, your viewpoint is valid, but for others who perhaps have an open mind to it or do believe in it, I used to heal people with my hands.

I never bragged about it, I just did it with family and friends. Somebody once told me that like Jesus, I had suffered and my empathy transferred to being able to connect to and heal others pain.. whatever the reasons..! I did see real results that sometimes freaked me out when I tried to get my head round them hours later.

I work in a healing capacity in the types of work that I do.., which I didn't do for years but found peace by doing even though my friends and colleagues all said: keep away, don't get drained, etc etc well in the end I felt more at peace when I stopped fighting the feeling (didn't know I was doing at the time) and accepted and it has turned out to be no surprise that now this is and feels like my pre-ordained (though I had a choice of course) role in life.


Now, while this may seem off-topic, bear with me: I did healing work on people with a whole range of ailments, including a lady with severe migraines. I later, myself, began suffering severe migraines and continue to get them at times. I remember one day lying down and quietly asking God: "what's with the migraines?" - I wasn't feeling very polite at that time, because I was crippled with them.. Anyway.., I got my answer (I am a medium.. again, bear with me if you don't believe in mediums) but my answer was basically this (and don't laugh because I am still putting in to practise what I have learned for myself, so I'm far from preaching! ): many illnesses, including many neurological ones, that do not have a direct cause in terms of e.g. an externally contracted infection etc, are caused by how we feel and think about issues past and present in our lives!

Okay.. so some of you might be saying: "you what"?! ..me too, exact same response.

I was then given a demonstration: when I don't accept support and help that is available to me, my lower back goes in to spasm and it is so locked and painful I cannot stand up straight - I am literally bent at a right angle and if it happens in bed, I cannot get out of bed.

The other was the migraines: after the first answer, I asked: so if my mindset is part of why I am experiencing migraines.., please tell me what is causing them, so I can take back control.. I got: that in my case, the migraines were caused by being in a constant state of denial about a major life event. At first, over several months of just staying aware of this, I noticed a correlation (you might call that convenient, but when I forgot about it it was later still true when I remembered and realised).

Each time I was trying to `block something out' of my mind, the migraines started. Blocking things out of my mind meant disconnecting emotionally (not purposely, but that was the end result of what I was subconsciously doing)!

When I allowed myself to relax and managed to reconnect emotionally, the thoughts/memories of events came back and the migraines went, even if slowly over several hours, nevertheless they went.. What this did for me, and I can only speak for me at this point, is that it made me realise that my experiences and the resulting feelings were instrumental in how I lived my life going forward. Going forward, if I stayed connected, I stayed more aware of things like my health and safety and my rights where my health and safety were in jeopardy - this is my particular case - and this emotional being connected and switched on meant I made better choices that prevented a repeat of those experiences. I partly shut down emotionally to situations similar to those past experiences because I didn't want to face my own sense of inadequacy and at times failure at not handling those situations and by being emotionally connected and therefore aware, I was better preparing myself rather than pushing away the emotions and going in to denial so that I could start to deal with what I felt I was not good at, weak at, powerless to deal with etc and my migraines continued to decrease.

Just a thought for those who might also be able to see and accept the connection between the spiritual and the physical where it is relevant.

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I totally believe that there is a connection between the mind and spirit and the body. Whatever you do not deal with or deal well with in life in terms of emotional pain will be revisited on your body and be reflected as "dis ease" If there is dis ease in the mind there will be dis ease in the body.I feel that is part of my issue FrogisFree, definitely. There is a genetic component for me as well as my mother has them and so does my son. My mother has had them since she was 3 years old. I developed them in my early 20's. My son has had them since he was 6 years old. I have a very dear friend who believes as you do that most of it is emotional damage that has not been dealt with. Thank you for your post.

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I totally believe that there is a connection between the mind and spirit and the body. Whatever you do not deal with or deal well with in life in terms of emotional pain will be revisited on your body and be reflected as "dis ease" If there is dis ease in the mind there will be dis ease in the body.I feel that is part of my issue FrogisFree, definitely. There is a genetic component for me as well as my mother has them and so does my son. My mother has had them since she was 3 years old. I developed them in my early 20's. My son has had them since he was 6 years old. I have a very dear friend who believes as you do that most of it is emotional damage that has not been dealt with. Thank you for your post.


You're welcome..


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  • 3 weeks later...
Well you were kinda fired up back there earlier. LOL big hugs, hope you feel better soon.



Yeah, child abuse burns my biscut. It makes me so frickin mad. I should just avoid the troliolios........gah do not feel the trolls Vic, do not feed the trolls and you wont get a migraine.

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Great a migraine. I should know better than to participate in things that cause extremes in emotions.


yep, can really relate to this!

I have a whopping migraine as we speak - third day running but yesterday evening it hit an all time high and then I read your post but could barely move to reply to it, so waited thinking it will probably end up being fresh air and feel like a meaningless contribution on your thread only to find it evaporated in to thin air within minutes of posting! However, this one, as Ella Fitzgerald said in a song: is `here to stay'! ..ooh, just got goose-bumps as I typed that, because my headache appears to be of the man-related kind! ha ha - don't press me on that topic will you?! I just think I've got a few fight or flight issues at the mo' when it comes to a man uping the stakes in showing his romantic interest in me God! You would think it would plain and simple: make me happy! But could ever be that simple could it?! Tuh..! No chance! Especially, when we have the problems you know about that we talked about Vicki that can cause these flamin migraines to hit you like a brick full-force in the back of the head..!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Metro. I hate the pain so much, but I think I hate the sick tummy more. I am sorry you get them too. I also feel super bad that my son gets them too. Do you find it changes your temperment when you have one? It makes me very angry and defensive and I have to fight my urge to rip everyone's head off.

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Thanks Metro. I hate the pain so much, but I think I hate the sick tummy more. I am sorry you get them too. I also feel super bad that my son gets them too. Do you find it changes your temperment when you have one? It makes me very angry and defensive and I have to fight my urge to rip everyone's head off.


Sometimes yes.. Yesterday I had zero energy and didn't want to move and I needed someone to take the dog out and in my crazy sore head, I felt like they were taking too long in responding to my request and I was getting steamed but then getting mad makes my head hurt even more so it's really a lose lose situation. LOL

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Sometimes yes.. Yesterday I had zero energy and didn't want to move and I needed someone to take the dog out and in my crazy sore head, I felt like they were taking too long in responding to my request and I was getting steamed but then getting mad makes my head hurt even more so it's really a lose lose situation. LOL



Yeah I get you.

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I know there was someone on here who suggested maybe I am getting cluster headaches. My mother suggested that too this week because she got them when she was younger as well as migraines. That seems plausible when I looked at all the symptoms. I get some headaches that are far more severe than my usual migraines, some that are so bad I have actually begged to die it is THAT bad.

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