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My sore brain.....migraine journal


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a migraine today. I noticed when we have these extreme temperature changes, the change in pressure causes havoc in my head. LOL


Yesterday is was 100 degrees outside, right now it's like mid 60's. No wonder my head feels like it's just going to explode.

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I am sorry Metro. I hope you feel better soon.


I think the reason for the changes in mine is heading into menopause.....yipee, not. I feel like an alien. It is awful. More headaches, the wacked out emotions and the periods every 20 days are not impressing me much.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Had a REALLY odd migraine yesterday. It started as a pressure vice over the top of my entire head and made me so dizzy I almost passed out. I thought I was hungry so I ate but nope it was not that. Then it progressed as a regular migraine. A nap of a few hours cured it though thankfully.I did not sleep well the night before so that did not help. And then having a nap yesterday made it almost impossible for me to sleep till almost 3 last night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Victoria! I only just came accross your journal but I am also a migraine sufferer I feel your pain. They are horrible. Last year I was in hospital for fourteen days because I had a migraine that just wouldn't go away. I was so nauseus and vomitting constantly which is why I had to go into hospital because I couldn't eat anything for fourteen days! I had to have a lumbar pucture and MRI and all of this crazy stuff, but alas it was just a very severe migraine. Migraines are not my friend.


While I was there though, I started seeing a neurologist who I continued to see for about a year and he found some effective ways to keep my migraines at bay. I haven't read all of your entries (in a bit of a rush, sorry!) but have you ever seen a neurologist? He prescribed me some anti-depressants and anti-epilepsy medications which worked great as prevenatives. Whenever I feel a migraine coming on and I get weird vision auras I also take Immigran nasal spray and almost 90% of the time it helps the blood vessels dilate and the migraine go away. My neurologist made me see that there are literally hundreds of medications out there that can be effective for migraines and every single person is different in what will help their body. When I was in hospital I tried about 10 different types of meds before we found one that worked. Not sure what healthcare is like wherever you are, but I am very lucky that here I could see a neurologist for a very low fee and get access to so many different types of meds until I found the right one!


This is a lengthy post, and I've probably told you things that you've already heard before (Sorry!) but I just thought I'd let you know that you're not alone! Migraines suck.

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Hi Katy


No, I have not seen a neurologist. I have not really seen anyone any capacity about them for more than 23 years. I just deal with the pain.WOw, I am so sorry you have had such pain. I have been hospitalized before too and so has my son and my mother. My mother uses an anti depressant as well as a prevenitive medication. I have heard they also use anti epilepsy medications as migraines are distantly related to epilepsy.


Thank you for your post Katy

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And yet another migraine heading my way. I really have to keep up with my magnesium because everything is flaring up. My old whiplash is aggravating me so bad it is crazy, my knee has inflammation again and my one foot swells ALL the time. It is the one I broke twice. I better take it now with a tylenol and advil combo. In combo they are better for treating migraines or in alternating dosage.

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Hi Katy


No, I have not seen a neurologist. I have not really seen anyone any capacity about them for more than 23 years. I just deal with the pain.WOw, I am so sorry you have had such pain. I have been hospitalized before too and so has my son and my mother. My mother uses an anti depressant as well as a prevenitive medication. I have heard they also use anti epilepsy medications as migraines are distantly related to epilepsy.


Thank you for your post Katy


I'm so sorry that you have been hospitalised too and have had such terrible issues with them AND your son and your mother too! It's definitely genetic, don't you think? My grandfather had terrible migraines like me, if I ever have children I hope they don't inherit it! Anyway, I hope you're feeling better later on today and sorry to hear that you're suffering so much! It's really hard having migraines, especially when people don't understand how horrible they are - just thinking that it's a 'bad headache.' I wish!

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Yes, there is a genetic link for migraines. They say if you have one parent with them the chances of having children with migraines is pretty high, if you have two parents like my son does then it is pretty much guaranteed. I also get an aura like you do. Usually too I will loose feeling in the left side of my face because all mine are left sided. I sometimes loose sight in my left eye and sound and smell senses are sooooooo exagerated it is crazy. Lucky with an aura I know it is coming so I can try and prevent the full attack. My dr recommends sleep to stop the attack. I have tried medications like Maxalt and such but they have risks for causing heart troubles. My dad's family is full of people with heart troubles and I already have a very abnormally fast hear rate, like my mother's, it is about 120 at rest. So I try and avoid medications. I can not take any opiates at all because I was an opiate addict so those are a no no.

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I suffer from them as well...either stress induced, or strangely enough, weather induced. The longer I've had them, the more severe...I take pheorinal (sp?), but if you want to try drug free....get a massage. And I mean from a therapist. Concentrate on neck and shoulders. I did that for a few years and dropped from a migraine every 6 weeks to about 2 a year.


Good luck. I try and tell people what it feels like and they don't get it. Drive a railroad spike thru your right eye!!!!

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I suffer from them as well...either stress induced, or strangely enough, weather induced. The longer I've had them, the more severe...I take pheorinal (sp?), but if you want to try drug free....get a massage. And I mean from a therapist. Concentrate on neck and shoulders. I did that for a few years and dropped from a migraine every 6 weeks to about 2 a year.


Good luck. I try and tell people what it feels like and they don't get it. Drive a railroad spike thru your right eye!!!!


Exactly!! Mine if I can get my neck and shoulder blade rubbed will go away.Emotional stress will do it to me every time. I get one guaranteed. Weather does it to me too. My mother took Fiorinal about 37 years ago but they took her off them, I do not know why.


You are right it does feel like a spike was driven through your head and repeatedly yanked on till it comes out and slammed back into your head for hours on end and sometimes days on end. So not fun. They have given me demerol,morphine, most of the heavy hitter pain stoppers to no avail when it is a super bad attack. Basically I just need to be put out to sleep those off.

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I suffer from them as well...either stress induced, or strangely enough, weather induced. The longer I've had them, the more severe...I take pheorinal (sp?), but if you want to try drug free....get a massage. And I mean from a therapist. Concentrate on neck and shoulders. I did that for a few years and dropped from a migraine every 6 weeks to about 2 a year.


Good luck. I try and tell people what it feels like and they don't get it. Drive a railroad spike thru your right eye!!!!


I also suffer migraines as well as my fiance. Both of our mothers suffer from them along with my aunt. So they run in both our families, I already feel badly for our unborn children because they'll probably have them as well. Mine are also usually stressed induced and it's the most awful feeling. I take mostly excedrin which usually does the trick but I do have imitrex for the really horrendous ones.


Massage is excellent but you MUST drink at least a bottle or two of water afterwards. If you do not then it can bring on a headache, it does for me. I also went to school for massage therapy and they stress how important drinking water is afterwards.

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I also suffer migraines as well as my fiance. Both of our mothers suffer from them along with my aunt. So they run in both our families, I already feel badly for our unborn children because they'll probably have them as well. Mine are also usually stressed induced and it's the most awful feeling. I take mostly excedrin which usually does the trick but I do have imitrex for the really horrendous ones.


Massage is excellent but you MUST drink at least a bottle or two of water afterwards. If you do not then it can bring on a headache, it does for me. I also went to school for massage therapy and they stress how important drinking water is afterwards.


Yeah, my husband had them when he was younger, but he only has one like every 15 years or so now. My mother in law used to have them but not after menopause. My mother has had them since she was 3 years old and they continued after menopause. I developed them in my 20's and my son has had them since he was 6 or so. If both parents have them the incidence of kids having them is almost 100%. It hurts me so much my son has them. It makes me feel guilty.

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