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Why can't someone just pay me to play my Bass? AKA The joys of Unemployment...


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I have a job interview in two hours... I wonder how I got so lucky getting two interviews right in a row. Hopefully this one today will turn out better then the one last week. The interview I had last week went fine... but then when it was over I was told to "Keep checking back, we have a big turnover here." So apparently they liked me, but already hired someone else. That's the way I am reading it anyway.


There's one place here in town that is hiring right now that I heard about yesterday. I went to get an application, and when they handed it to me I didn't really look at it. It looked like a job application. I got home and went to fill it out and it was an application for a spot at the company daycare. What the hell?


And I don't mean for a job working in the daycare... I mean like if I was an employee there already and had a kid and wanted the company to watch my kid while I was at work.


In my search for a job I've encountered so many airheaded receptionists... It pisses me off that these people have jobs and I don't.

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I have a job interview in two hours... I wonder how I got so lucky getting two interviews right in a row. Hopefully this one today will turn out better then the one last week. The interview I had last week went fine... but then when it was over I was told to "Keep checking back, we have a big turnover here." So apparently they liked me, but already hired someone else. That's the way I am reading it anyway.


There's one place here in town that is hiring right now that I heard about yesterday. I went to get an application, and when they handed it to me I didn't really look at it. It looked like a job application. I got home and went to fill it out and it was an application for a spot at the company daycare. What the hell?


lol...I guess they decided that you need alot of supervision and to learn how to play well with others.

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lol...I guess they decided that you need alot of supervision and to learn how to play well with others.


Lol... I've been told I look really young.


Today I am stopping back in there after my interview and getting a real application. (Depending on how the interview goea... If the interview goes well I won't need to.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I have this job interview on Monday. The job is perfect for me. But I am wondering what kind of impression I am going to make walking into an interview with a half healed gaping wound on my wrist (from one of the three factories I worked in last week.) And scratches and bite marks all over my hands (from my kitten's urge to bite and scratch my hands in a playful way every time I touch her, and from different animals at the shelter.) Are they going to think I am a self mutilator...? Let's hope not.

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Go with a long sleeved shirt and hope for the best? I have similar problems. I'm always bruised or cut from karate... I wonder what my students and the other teachers must think..


Long sleeves would cover my factory mishap. But the scratches and bites are all over my hands. My sleeves wouldn't cover them.


I almost hope whoever I talk to asks what happened. Then I can explain it.

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Long sleeves would cover my factory mishap. But the scratches and bites are all over my hands. My sleeves wouldn't cover them.


I almost hope whoever I talk to asks what happened. Then I can explain it.


Having four cats, I have bite/scratch marks all over my hands all the time. They look distinctively different then someone who is self-harming so I don't think you should have anything to worry about.

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So I've told a few friends about this interview and I am getting tiered of them reacting like it's a bad thing. I used to work at this place a long time ago. And some people I've told are like "Wow... are you sure you want to go back there?"


The worst reaction was last night though when one of my friends that I haven't seen in a while stopped by and I told him about my three-jobs-in-ten-days debacle. And he said "So now you're back to square one huh?" I told him Yes, but I have an interview on Monday. Naturally he wanted to know where. When I told him he laughed and said "Jeez, you're really back at square one. I didn't realize you were that desperate."


I worked at this place when I first moved here. Then I had a professional job for four years after I graduated college. They fired me suddenly and I went back to work at this place again for a year and a half.


Both times before I worked in the factory. The job I am interviewing for on monday is an Executive job. I told my friend that and he was like "Yea but it's still *name of place.*"


I am getting annoyed with everyone acting like it's such a step down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I start my training the 29th of this month for the hotline. I guess I got in on this just at the right time. One of the hotline workers is leaving soon.


My ex boss called me today. This isn't the boss from the job that fired me back in November. This is the bipolar metrosexual boss I worked for temporarily, the one who started going a little crazy toward the end. He is short handed right now and wants me to fill in for him while he fills those empty spots. I am getting together with him Thursday to talk about this. I told him on the phone I had an interview last week that I am still waiting to hear back about. I should be hearing from them sometime next week. So I told him depending on if they hire me I might not be able to fill in for very long. He still wants to see me on Thursday though, so I guess that isn't a problem.

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Hope you get the job you applied for.


Good luck with pee pee man.


Thank you. I hope I get this job and won't have to go back to working for him. But even if I do, it will only be for a few weeks. He said a month at most. I wonder if he flipped out and started acting all crazy and some of his employees quit. That could be why he's short handed.

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I am really getting sick and tired of certain people and their negative commentary... about everything.


And I'll just say this up front, before it causes any misunderstanding, it's no one here I am talking about. There are a couple people here who are actually so arrogant that they seem to think I am talking about them in every single post. So, if any of them (and they know who they are) read this, here's to hoping they won't give themselves a nose bleed.) I"ll repeat: I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU. (It's pretty sad that I have to use this disclaimer... really.)


Ok... so on to it.


I am tired of people's snotty comments about the job interview I had ten days ago. It's not a step down in my opinion. If it is in you're opinion, I guess that's fine. But please do me a favor and shut up about it!


To the people who have something to say about me possibly going to work for Darin again for a few weeks, get the hell over it. I need to make some money and if working for Darin for a short time will make me some money, then I'll do it. I can only imagine the snotty ass comments you would be making if I turned him down.


I am sick and tired of people complaining that I named my cat Saga. We (that's all three of us.) thought it was a cool name. I guess in your eyes I should have named her something like Fluffy. You tell me Saga is a stupid name. Well, I think all the names you suggested were stupid.


To all the three people sending me junk texts a dozen times a day... how many freaking pictures of Peni do you think I need to see every day, really? I am not 16. Naked male genitalia isn't funny to me anymore. If I wanted to look at that, I could go look at my own.


To the people who want to cop attitude about the volunteer work I do. I am sorry you've never had a moment in your life when you felt the urge to devote time to anything other then yourself. Yes, I know I am working for free. Hello, I am not as stupid is you think. I get so sick and tired of hearing "You just don't understand... thats free work you're doing." It's so irritating that you really don't think I understand. I know I am not getting paid!


To the guy at the shelter who was complaining to me today about how much it sucks to work there and how much you hate your job. I would love to have your job. If it sucks that bad, give it to me.


And lastly, to anyone who read this and sympathized. Thank you. I just needed to get some things out.

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My sister asked me if I couldn't get $5 an hour for cleaning up cat mess. I swear she did.


I believe it... My girlfriend's Mom said to her: "He cleans up poop for free. What's that say about him as a person?" Then she went on to talk about how there's so many more constructive things I could be doing. Yet she couldn't name one.


I am not working right now..,. at least I don't sit on my ass all day watching TV. My girlfriend's Mom is just one of those people who needs a reasons to complain and finds the negative in everything.

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I believe it... My girlfriend's Mom said to her: "He cleans up poop for free. What's that say about him as a person?" Then she went on to talk about how there's so many more constructive things I could be doing. Yet she couldn't name one.


I am not working right now..,. at least I don't sit on my ass all day watching TV. My girlfriend's Mom is just one of those people who needs a reasons to complain and finds the negative in everything.


The cats appreciate it, HellFrost. That is all that matters...the cats. Maybe your girlfriend's mom will be reincarnated as a feral cat. lol

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The cats appreciate it, HellFrost. That is all that matters...the cats. Maybe your girlfriend's mom will be reincarnated as a feral cat. lol


Well, I clean dog poop too. But most of my time at the shelter isn't spent cleaning up poop. In fact, I don't have to do it very often at all.


When she found out about the hotline work I'll be doing she said (and I am not kidding.) She rolled her eyes and said, "Well, isn't that going to eat up all your cell phone minutes?"


I wanted to look at her and be like "Yep, the new number for the crisis hotline is my cell number."


Who in the hell would go for that? If that was the case then no one would work on the hotline.

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Well, I clean dog poop too. But most of my time at the shelter isn't spent cleaning up poop. In fact, I don't have to do it very often at all.


When she found out about the hotline work I'll be doing she said (and I am not kidding.) She roiled her eyes and said, "Well, isn't that going to eat up all your cell phone minutes?"


I wanted to look at her and be like "Yep, the new number for the crisis hotline is my cell number."


Who in the hell would go for that? If that was the case then no one would work on the hotline.


She must be a real hoot!


Yeah, I can see that. I'd really be up the creek since I have the pay per minute plan now.

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She must be a real hoot!



She's an interesting lady. She always seems to be hot or cold on everything. She could be really friendly and happy one day and really bitter and angry the next day.


She's tough though... she's Irish and she's a biker chick. She loved to drink and shoot her mouth off.


But she dies see the negative in everything, and that is really damaging over time to the people around her. My girlfriend and I were talking about that the other day and she said when she was growing up her Mom was always like this. Like, if some guy asked my girlfriend out in high school, she would tell her Mom and her Mom would say something like "He only asked you because he felt sorry for you." If she did really good on a test or something her Mom would say stuff like "You must have cheated." or "It was an easy test."


My parents were cold and indifferent about most things when I was growing up. That was annoying too. But I was thinking about which would be worse, parents who don't act like they care about anything, or parents who see everything that happens as a bad thing.

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I had this interview two weeks ago on Monday... I was told a decision would be made in two weeks. So I was expecting to hear from them sometimes this week.


Today I checked the job postings like I always do, and the job I interviewed for is advertised in the newspaper. So I guess they aren't going to hire me. And apparently no one there had the balls to even call me and tell me.


I guess it was only me and one other person who applied. They must not have liked the other guy either.


I am getting so sick and tired of this... And everyone always tells me "Well the economy is so bad right now that there are 100 people applying for every job." That wasn't the case this time. I couldn't even impress them when it was only me and one other guy.


I couldn't even get a job washing dishes... I apparently went to college and busted ass for nothing.

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HF, don't get down on yourself. The economy really IS that bad out there. One of my friend's has been trying to change jobs lately (because his current job is unstable). He had a shoo-in at another job and he did well with the interviews and such but the job evaporated due to corporate cutbacks. He was the only one going after that position.


And there are lots of people competing for very few openings. Just in the newspaper a few days ago, they were talking about the hiring for the amusements parks in the SoCal area. Normally these minimum wage, seasonal, jobs are sought after by college or high school kids looking for their first jobs. Now they are saying they are getting thousands of apps and resumes for just 100-200 jobs and they are getting resumes from people with management experience, graduate degrees, etc.


It is NOT nice out there.

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