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So today, Im having a lot of trouble concentrating on anything. Ill look around and not focus on anything, like there's a fog in my brain or something.


I started taking zoloft again about two weeks ago, but ive been smoking marijuana for a while and that hadn't been affecting anything. Last night i had some alcohol and then smoked. I dont know if that had anything to do with it, but i dont like this feeling.


Any ideas what might be going on? Hopefully i can sleep this off.

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I'm not surprised that you feel like there's a fog in your brain, what with taking Zoloft, smoking marijuana and adding alcohol into the mix. It's more than surprising that you actually have to ask what's going on, lol.


That said, it is never wise to mix any drugs with alcohol or pot etc. It's just common sense (imo). Stick to the Zoloft and cut out the other stuff. I'm sure your brain will clear soon.

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Lol I remember the frist time I started taking Zoloft and alcohol.

Yeah I was away with the fairies for sure.


I don't smoke so I cannot comment on the combination.


But yeah the aclohol did and Zoloft did mess me up at the start.


After a while when your body gets used to Zoloft again I you'll probably notice a lower tolerance to alcohol as well.

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When I was doing a weed;alcohol;ssri;benzo cocktail on a regular basis, my concentration was shot and I must have halved my IQ! I went to my college disability office to have some tests done and I scored in the 17th percentile for memory!


I swore off all drugs (legal and illegal) at that point. At least until after I was done with studying. Now I would only ever have one of the four at a time and certainly not to any great excess.


Give yourself some time to adjust to the zoloft and take it easy on the booze and weed. You should feel normal again soon.

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