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What is the latest with Danimal77??

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Has anyone heard from the latest of his winning back his ex? Has anyone taken his advice and had any luck with getting their ex back? I'm at a loss right now and have fallen off the wagon. I thought I was getting over my ex and then I learned that she went away for the weekend about a month ago. While I didn't know who she went with, it was still enough to put me back in the same ol' horrible state as when she left me. I have been with another woman since our breakup and it's been more physical than anything else. It hurts now when I talk to her because I just want to know if she is with someone else. Many friends have suggested to just move on and I pretty much did that and got involved with someone, but it's not the same. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and said how me and my ex just had the best relationship. She would tell me that I was the only one she loved so much, the only one that made love to her (rather than f her), the only one that brought out so many wonderful feelings, etc. I felt exactly the same way and we both agreed that we have never been with anyone like each other. To see these things in old letters and notes just angers and saddens me, because she decided to leave all of that anyway. I still have hope that well get back together again - even after 5 months of being apart. It's stories like Danimal77's and my friend (who's gf left him for an old high school crush, then got back together and are now married) that give me hope. Am I crazy for thinking this? Feel free to read my other posts for insight.



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I was readin Danimal77's posts with interest too.


I can only assume he was successful and too busy with the girlfriend to be on this forum.


That is the problem, i guess. When someone is successful at getting back their ex they forget all about this forum because they don't need it anymore. That means we don't get to learn what techniques work and the best ways of dealing with things.


So if you are out there Danimal77, let us know what happened. Likewise, anyone else who got their ex back.


As for you Benevolent, what are you doing going through old letters? Put those away! No wonder it still hurts. Those letters are part of the past now.


Put everything away that reminds you of her and try not to talk to your friends about your past relationship. Talk to us instead.


It will hurt for a long time to think of your ex with another, unfortunately. So just don't think about it.


Just keep working on yourself.

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If you find yourself thinking about your ex, try to remember if she ever told you how you do things for her that no one else can. It makes me feel kind of good about myself because no matter what she says now she has still told me that and as far as I'm concerned its the truth!

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Good point Hannibal; my ex has told me the same things. She said he doesn't take her where I did, and even that she loved me more. She says "he's not better... just different". Maybe it's standard fair for the ex to tell us these things thinking it will make us feel better.


I just don't know... I know she loves me to death, but I hurt her and she can't get past the pain. Anyway, thats my thoughts; at least I have found a place to vent my feelings... thank god!

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