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New Job - How do I quit gracefully?


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Hello ENAers,


I dont usually make threads, but this problem has me thrown for a doozy. I started a part time job in a small law firm. My boss is a solo practioner and I am the only paralegal/secretary/receptionist. The girl who had the position before me was fired for not getting work done. From what I pieced together she came in 3 days a week 8 hours a day. Toward the end, she was coming in 3 days a week 6-7.5 hours a day.


Here is the problem. A LOT of things werent getting done right so he fires her and hires me. Now I am brand spanking new out of school and in many regards have no clue of what to do. My boss is there only sometimes. Last Thursday he was out of the office because he had to get a hair cut. I still dont know how to close a file, and I only wrote up my first ever retainer fee agreement today without him there.


There is a LOT to do, and since I am only there part time, there is a lot that I cant get done, like letters sent out requesting clients be in court, because I am too busy trying to get new client files open and fielding the phone.


Here is the thing. I have a feeling the crap is gonna hit the fan, and frankly I dont want to be around for it. I am not invested in this guy, I really dont care. The job is so stressful, I am beginning to have panic attacks before work. I have worked over every single day since I have started. Last week I either stayed late or went in early every day, somedays both. I freaked out late Sunday night because I couldnt remember if I was supposed to be there early on Monday. (I wasnt, I made the right call).


The thing is - and he has even said this- this is only a part time jig. I dont want to be this stressed out. I dont want to be there when the crap hits the fan. I am terrified of screwing something up. I am supposed to work 5 hours a day 5 days a week. I work a min of 6-7.5, 5 days a week. Today he handed me a federal case and told me to "Open it" that not to fear a mistake it can be fixed, but you know, I have seen how he has reacted to the other girl's mistakes and this job is so not worth it.


I want to quit. I know I have been there less than two weeks. But its not working out. I need a graceful exit and something more of an explanation than "I just dont feel like this is working out" I am sure he will want more details and right now I cant do that. Its not about working more hours. I dont want to work more hours. I heave huge sighs of relief and sometimes a few tears when I leave there.


Please if you have any advice, I could sure use it. Just thinking about all of this and I can feel the tightness in my chest. I just hate it.




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before you quit .. could you talk to him and let him know that things have to change i.e. phone etc or he needs to hire someone full time.


I would at least bring it up to him and let him know the extra time you have been putting in and you expected the job to be part time .. and it seems to be a full time position.


before you leave- maybe talk with him and see what happens.

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I seriously considered the legal field myself, but it was during a several-month stint something like what you're describing that turned me off in a permanent way. I probably was not suited to it for other reasons as well, but the environment in the law office I was working in was as tense and fend-for-yourself as what you're describing (only in my case, there were several partners in the firm, and about 6 different phone lines ringing at once; and I was a rung below paralegal, I wasn't creating documents, I was mostly filing them or delivering them to court.)


So I hand it to you!!! *bow bow*


Here's a thought: since you don't care what he thinks, and this is not gonna go on your resume (just 2 weeks), why does it matter so much that you give him that spectacular of an answer? What does it matter if he wants to know more details? I think you'd owe that to an employer who you've developed a real working relationship with, but this is so new that he doesn't need too much information.


How about just saying, "I feel that coming in at an entry level as I am, there are some things I'd like to have at my disposal as I get familiar and this set-up doesn't provide these things." If he presses any further, just say it's not conducive for you to get work done well because it's stressful. SO WHAT? Needle stick, and then out. You don't have to worry what it looks like, you just have to get out and save your sanity.


Edit: agreed with Ren though, give him the notice.

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I have worked in law offices as a secretary/legal assistant during the summer for the past few years.


I always wanted to die just sitting there, shuffling papers, typing up documents, answering phones. It left me feeling hollow and empty inside--so I know how you feel.


Just dump the job. No need to make a big deal out of it. Say goodbye--tell him you'll stick around for another week or so so he can get the ball rolling on hiring someone else.

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onewithbooks, I'm sorry the job isn't working out. Based on what you have written, things do not sound good. He clearly needs more help than he is willing to hire. I don't know why that is but it happens all the time.


I don't think there is anything wrong with telling him that there is too much work for you to handle in the time available. Tell him it is too stressful for you. It truly isn't a good fit so there is nothing wrong with saying that. If you want to keep this job (and you might if you need the money because jobs are scarce these days), then I would talk to him about prioritizing. Tell him you want to be conscience about the work but there is so much and you are so new that you need his help in determining what he wants you to do first. I would also tell him that right now while you are learning, you can't get everything done in the time allotted and ask him if he is willing to work something out with you.


Usually companies give you a little at a time so you can learn how to do each piece before they add more work. It sounds like he has thrown too much at you too soon. That is not your fault. Do NOT feel bad because he's a dope. But give a two week notice. That is professional and dignified. Wish you the best.

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One thing I want to add...


Just because this guy was trained as a lawyer doesn't mean he ever learned how to be a good boss or manager. If you think its hopeless, then by all means quit. But I also think there may be a chance for you to "coach" him. He may have no idea the frustrations you are feeling. He may have no idea why the person you replaced wasn't effective.


It may be that with some guidance and feedback from you, he is able to see things better and make improvements.

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Thank you all so much for your advice. I took it to heart when I went into work. As I was giving him phone messages he gave me this speech of how I need to be more proactive when taking phone messages and finding out the info for the client. This was frustrating as often times I am not even sure of the first place to look. I kept my cool, because I know its a matter of training in where to look. I told him I didnt think this position was working out and he gave me this line of how I wasnt used to a job with responsibility and stress.


Ha! I had 14& 17 hour days when I was going to work full time and school part time. I managed the opening and closing of a library and a staff of student workers on the evenings and weekend. Please, I know stress and deadlines.


He asked me to stay until the end of this week and I will. If he had asked for 2 weeks I would have given it.


There was also something else that had happened but I dont feel comfortable posting it just in case he frequents this site. Let me just say, I am cashing my check ASAP!


Thank you again everyone. Its nice to know I can come here and get good ideas just when I need them.

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He gives you too much work and then tells you that you don't know responsibility? He's a putz. Has he never heard of protocol? He's lucky you are giving him a week.


Well I wont deny that! I am not giving him a week, he has me only until Friday. Thank goodness. I am going straight to the bank to cash the check!!!

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I work part time as an office manager/legal secretary for my bf's law office. It took me about a year before I was comfortable with all the forms and duties. There is a lot to learn in the legal field and I think legal secs work harder than other secretaries, and I've had a few clerical jobs in my day. I have now been doing it 5 years and it is super easy for me to do everything, even payroll and typing judgments and decs! I keep the calendar for court, the "things to do list", handle all correspondence, billing, and payroll. Plus I answer phones when necessary, open and close files (my favorite job, easy), input clients names and info into our 3 databases, and any other odds jobs that come up. It's not for everyone, but it's not boring at all! I really like it. I would do this for the rest of my life, but teaching is my first love! If you don't like it, it's a good idea to quit. It has to be something you enjoy or it is a job you will come to hate.

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