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Mysterious Bar Behavior


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My good friend and I went out this past weekend. We had a great time. I talked to like three different guys and one of them asked for my number. He left with his friends to go to another bar, which I ended up going to later. Unfortunately he was leaving and we didn't get to hang out. Soon after he texted me saying he was sorry he had to leave and he had fun hanging out with me. So I think it's all good. That was Saturday and I hadn't heard from him. So I sent him a quick text today just saying hi and he didn't really hold up a conversation at all. It was pretty pathetic actually.


My friend met a guy at this bar on Thursday and they totally hit it off. He got her number, but then didn't call. So he happens to be there again on Saturday. At first they just wave and he does nothing. Maybe a half hour later when this guy came to talk to us, which happened to be a friend of his friend, he came over to talk to her. They ended up talking for most of the night and him and his friends inviting us to that other bar. We were out until 3 AM. She texted him after we left and he replied the next morning. They had a little chat and she hasn't heard from him since.


Now I'm not upset about what happened or anything. I don't know this guy or his situation and he doesn't know me. No big deal.


My question is...why does this happen? It's more of a psychological curiosity than a "why hasn't he called" curiosity. I mean, they chatted us up. They asked for our numbers. My guy even put in the effort to apologize for leaving the bar. Why not follow it up? We've both given them the green light to show we are interested. I even waited a few days so it's not like I'm being scary. I'm just curious as to why guys bother to ask for the number and not do anything with it. Is it just the conquest?

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Is it just the conquest?

Sometimes. Some guys are just confused, some are looking only for a one night stand and lose interest if they don't get it, some are outgoing in social situations aided by liquor and get too shy after that initial meeting. Guys are all over the place with their motives so it's useless to speculate about it.

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To answer your question i'm thinking it's because they just dont care. You meet a girl at a bar, in the time your there you are not going to be having any intimate conversations. In my opinion conversation ending texts is usually an i dont care anymore type of thing. That or presured by friends to get numbers and nothing more. It goes on a case by case basis.

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If I get 10 phone numbers one night I will not remember every detail from every interaction.

I'd decide which of the 10 I can remember had the highest attraction towards me and go for them, some numbers are always bound to not be called.

If I end up getting drunk, which happens once in a while too, then the chance of me calling the next day is close to nothing.

First of all because I can't remember much.

More importantly is, why would she even answer?

She may have been equally drunk and don't remember me or she may have been sober while a drunk man tried to pick her up, to which she responded giving 8 digits that had no correlation with her phone number.

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options....you might not be his number 1 option...you might be option 2...if option 1 worked out..there is no need to call option 2..



i admit i do this alot, i get a lot of numbers and wont call...i got some girls number the other night, talked to her for hours after the club, went to the diner with her and she told me to call her in the morning, i have yet to call her....

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I think that guys can be courteous and still not be interested. My friends and I will get girls numbers with no intention of following up but the next time we see them we are still on friendly terms. I can honestly say that every girl I get a number from doesnt mean that I want to take her out on a date, it just means that she was cool and I have a way to get in touch with her later to see if she is going out.

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