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Sometimes you just have to say " f#$% it". I just edited my plenty of fish profile, and I'm pretty happy with it. I finally put up my picture, and it says I'm looking for a long-term relationship (although, I wouldn't want to jump into anything too soon). It's been over 3 weeks since you've called me, and honestly, the only reason I still talk to you every once in a while is because I had the hope that we would get back together. It doesn't seem like it's going to happen at this point. I got a good sign today that it was over. I told myself I would need an answer soon, whether you find someone else or you want to be with me, so, that's it. You've had your plentyoffish profile up for almost 5 months now, saying that you're single. I didn't want to update mine just to match you, which is why I waited so long. I wanted to feel genuinely ready to look for someone new when I put my picture up and stated I was looking for a relationship.


You piss me off, because I feel like such a sucker. I don't understand you. I don't know if I ever will.

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As I was going to delete you from my contact lists in my emails, and Skype, I felt weak.


You cheated on me, and you are making me out to be the bad guy to your friends and family, and then you took it a step further by completely cutting me out as you left me for another man. Yet... I felt guilty about deleting you from my contact lists. It was hard... I hesitated, but I forced myself to go through with it. I'm proud of myself but at the same time, deeply hurt.


I sent you one last email. I called you out on being a manipulative, conniving person, but it didn't make me feel better. I wished you well at the end of the email, and I hope you see the email, but I don't want you to respond. I really do want you to be happy and have a good life. I just wish it could have been with me...

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I still think of you every morning. you were so incredibly dear to me. it made me so sad and so exhausted trying to take care of you and of me; you were precious to both of us. it made me so sad and so exhausted trying to negotiate being a good partner to a not-so-good one. I didn't ask for much but what I asked for I really needed. and you wouldn't give even that. that's what stays with me, the pathetic imbalance of it all - that I would have hopped on a plane if you ever said you needed me right then and you had every excuse in the book for not giving me a call.


I feel sometimes like you pushed me out of your life with the same subtle persistence that you got me in - careful not to let me know how I was being maneuvered into place. just enough, just so. I took almost a 6-month hiatus from caring well for myself. I stopped shopping, working out, doing laundry, showering daily even. I moved through my days like a shell-shocked and mind-twisted zombie. I mustered just enough surface to interact with work colleagues, to charm potential new suitors. maybe this is all much simpler than I've admitted, a simple case of unrequited love.


i have a memory from our last night together of reaching for your face in a slight panic and asking if I'd hurt you. I have a memory from our last day of your disappearing into the bathroom repeatedly to cry while I packed. you didn't help me assemble my things. I did it alone, quietly. and before i left I kept smiling into your face and kissing your red nose. we kissed so much, such deep kisses. you told me you loved me and I said I'd see you soon.


we ended a few months later a few days before my next scheduled visit. it took me two weeks to unpack the items I'd already started to place in my suitcase and I hid for weeks from anyone who might ask how our visit had gone, how you were. such shame that I could be so discarded by one who'd meant so very much to me. I think I'm coming to forgive us both. what i know, what ive always known is that we all do our best with what we have and what we know.


i still love you very very much, and i carry you in a warm pocket beneath my heart near the center of my belly.

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Why did you do this to me, exactly? Why did you constantly feed my dreams, unprovoked, and then decide I wasn't worth it. Why did you do that to me? And more importantly, WHY aren't you trying to apologize for it?? Are you REALLY that bad of a person?


Like, look, I can't stop thinking that no, you don't owe me anything, but YES, you did. You owed me everything. Because you promised me everything before I even knew I wanted it. YOU convinced me things would be a certain way, and when YOU decided that it couldn't be done, it was over. You did this to me, so you owe me my future. Not that it has to be with you, but please, don't screw me up for the next one... Because if you are that cold, and you are that heartless, and I never once picked up on it, then how can I ever trust anyone again.


So, main point.

It's not the relationship part you did wrong. That one is on me. But you Ffffff'ed up this break up part like nothing I've ever known to exist. You. are. ruining. me.

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I love you I miss you and I hate you all at once. I miss all our good times, I have never been able to find someone who I enjoyed spending my time with as much as with you and I worry that I will be looking forever. I loved you more than I thought possible. But it always felt unrequited. I never deserved your mistreatment. I was the best girlfriend to you. You are so happy looking for your happiness and enjoying life, while you broke me and shattered my heart. I hope one day with every fiber of my being you regret this decision and suffer in your lonely misery with nothing but regret to keep you company. I wish i could see your regret unfold and watch you suffer the consequences of your selfish ways and watch your realize how good i was to you and for you. i worry one day that wont happen because life sucks that way and is always great to the undeserving. I wish you would change and love me as much as I love you and fight for me and come back to me in the best way possible. But, dreams are only in our imagination. I feel like every man will live in your shadow, because all I seem to remember is our good times and how much we laughed and had fun. When you taste sweet, nothing ever tastes sweet again. I love you, but one day I hope I don't. I wish I had never met you.

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It's like, remember when we visited the abandoned turnpike tunnel? It's like if that tunnel had a bend in it, and you couldn't immediately see the light from the other side. And I'm walking along, okay? I'm walking along towards the tunnel, and I'm starting to get scared, but the man I love and trust above all others is telling me that it will be fine. That I should go ahead, and not be afraid. That he'll be right there when I come out the other side. So I swallow my fear, and I go in, planning to just peek around the bend and see how far it is. And you know what happens next? As soon as I step inside, you laugh as a solid gate closes the entry. So first, I bang on the door as hard as I can for you to open the gate and let me out. For you to tell me it was just a joke and you're sorry I was so worried. And it doesn't work. And you are silent. So I remember your promise to meet me on the other side. I don't know if you meant it. How can I tell from your reaction as the gate fell closed? Either way, there's only way out. So I stumble around in the dark, hands bleeding from pounding on the door, trying not to panic, tripping over my own heart. I don't know whether its best to be quiet, or to be loud. I don't know what I'm up against, or what's coming next. I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I know that it does exist, and there is only one path towards it. I take a step and fall again. Getting back up is hard, as there's no real sense of space. I take another step and fall, this time bruising my knees and tearing my favorite jeans in the process. I curse, I cry, but there is no salvation in anything other than finding the light. I'm still hoping you're there, but I realize how little it matters if you are not, when its my only option. Still...


I hope you're there.

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I'm just amazed that you could... run from what we used to have, so fast. Did you really care so little? I loved you more than anything else on this planet, and you said you loved me just the same, and yet you've moved on so easily in just a few short weeks. I'm not sure if I'm sad or angry.

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I drove 4 hours every weekend to be with her, never complained. When she dumped me the first time for a psycho-maniac-stalker for a year, I didn't contact her once per her wishes. When we reconciled and things went awesome for 7 months, she promised me she wouldn't abandon me again. Well, she did, and I am devastated and just want to reach her in a way that she'll acquiesce to reconciling again it s not too late im freaking out.

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What a great idea! Obviously needed as to the number of posts. What I want to say to my ex is...you are a lying narcissistic manipulative control freak. You manipulated me with lies for nine years-I think you are a pathological liar and can never really feel true love. True love as in, the object of your love takes first priority in your life.

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Oh sister you have just put into words what I have not been able to ... thank you ... and you are not alone. There were times in my relationship I would've laid down my life for my man, and yet he couldn't take time to help me move when I moved. He would tell me he knew nobody could ever love him like I did, and I really here in the end, he was not capable of loving another human being they way you and I feel love. So be comforted that it will always be his loss. He won't find happiness.

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I said I was moving on and we can't talk again but it's ok for u to contact me and now u dont wanna know me again. U dont just lose "feelings" if u love someone u love them. I donno what u expect to feel. U said a week before u slept with Him I'm the best thing that's ever happened to u. Ur so happy with me u love me so much u never wanna lose me. U are a crazy girl I donno what on earth happened to u. I thought u was more normal then anyone. This has only happened coz of Him. Such a waste of a 5year relationship when nothing was wrong. It was a great 5years with u but what have I gained absolutely nothing from it. Why tell me it's worth the wait when ur in uni for us to move out and have kids when I could have been happy with someone who meant it. I waited for u for years and I got nothing for it. And we split up coz u lost "feelings" such a cop out excuse. I can honestly say I did my best for u and kept trying and trying Evan when u wanted to try again a few weeks ago. I cant believe u care so little for me when I did nothing wrong to u!!!! It's ur mistake. U gotta live with it now. This is what u want this is what u got.

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It's like I still love u after everything that's happened and all this time has passed so how can u lose feelings for me. In a week. U didn't. u just got swept away by He's charm that's all. If I ever see him I donno what the hell im gonna do to him. he ruined our relationship. Like u felt more for me when u was 17 then u do now. That's actually mental after we've been together for 5years and how close we were. I just don't understand Nothing makes sense. How can u not feel nothing for me when I was ur first man and first proper relationship. I've never heard anything like it. I just pray to god u did actually love me and u weren't using me all these years. The only other thing I can think of is that u want someone with better looks and more money or u wanna sleep around. I'm never gonna know. It's the biggest thing that's happened to me all this I can go on and on forever coz I've been racking my brains out the last 6months. I donno what to believe coz uve changed the story so many times. When we first split up u wanted to b alone that weren't true u said a few weeks back ur not ready for a relationship then ur on dating sites saying ur a genuine girl lol. U said u to Him u weren't happy with me but u was happy on the Sunday looking at weddings. 2weeks before u was buying stuff from Alton garden centre for our house why would u so that if u weren't happy!! None of ur stories make sense I am so confused by u becky and u say ur genuine. I used to call u that. this is why im like how I am after the lies and confusion and then u wanting to try again. I can move on I was doing it before and I will again I'm just annoyed at the age of 26 all my friends have moved out had kids and getting on with there lives and I wait for u all them years and I have nothing to show for it. I gotta start again coz u won't Evan try and give us a chance. I was so looking forward to moving out with u and having kids and the future. That was all I wanted in my life that was my dreams. it was urs as well remember! I will never understand how u can't care about me and feel anything at all after everything we've been through I just don't believe it. I mean I'm saying all of this to u and u just say dont contact me. It's like u want me when I don't want u then when I do want u u don't want me. It's like a crazy game ur playing. It hurts I was the most important person in ur life and now u dont wanna know me and I'm just a nobody to u now. U was cold and horrible towards me though a few months back then a few weeks ago it was "hey how u feeling so u can be nice when it suits u. U feel something for me when it suits u. It doesn't matter how much has happened it could have been sorted out between us. im angry upset completely in shock by everything that's happened but I would still give u another chance. Why would I wanna try again after everything u put me through. Coz I love u. I love u. and the feelings thing is an excuse it does not happen without a reason coz I didn't change or hurt u. If it was true about feelings I never wanna b with anyone again coz it must be me I can't be with someone then they lose feelings again Il never trust another woman when they say I love u u mean the world to me. Il be like yea right heard that all before from my ex. Or if its u then u will never be happy coz u will lose feelings when ur in long term relationships. That's why the feelings thing can't b true. I don't know what it is. I'm never gonna know why I had a perfect 5years with u and u won't try again.


1 Mistake with Him caused this and that's enough for u to give up. Was i really not worth more then that. Am i that bad am i that low to u. Am I not worth fighting for. Am I not good enough. It's something I have to live with now. I can't believe this is what u want but I have no choice.


No need to change ur number coz it comes up as an email address remember. Thanks for giving up on me.


Il always remember when u moaned saying u love me more then I love u.

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I don't like you. I don't love you. Why do I want you to miss me so bad you will want me back? I am so glad I have my first four days of NC away from work. I used today to decompress as this week has been so stressful. I hate this spontaneous bursting out in tears. I know it will go away soon...I just have to get there without you!

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Well you have proven you are the most selfish going. I ran into one of your family members at the race and the little one


He was so happy to see me. I ran right up to me a gave me a big hug. I spent a few hrs with him and I was told this was the happiest he has been since the BU.


Come to find out the little one has been asking about me almost everyday. How can you be this selfish to do this. And you are doing nothing good for him.



I hate you

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I wanted to text you that our favorite episode of 2 1/2 men was on Fox (where is the football game), they showed it twice. The "Never, never, never" scene. But I resisted and I feel so good. I think about going shopping tomorrow, I will have to without you and that is hard. I want to go to the Jazz Festival Saturday, I will have to alone. I know I miss the companionship more than you. That is all this is about.

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Talked about you with some good friends today while we stayed up all night, gaming, since none of us have to work today. I think it was the first time I've had a decent night since everything happened between us. I'm still unhappy, and all of my friends and family notice it because they don't fail to mention it every time they see me. But for the first time in weeks, I felt okay. Even if temporarily.


I hate you for what you did to me, but I still love you. You are the piece of me that I wish I didn't need.

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You think I will come back but you are wrong. I think you will be the weak one. You won't find anybody to love you like I did. You won't find my "unique constellation of attributes" that matched yours so well...even your traits that I don't think a lot of women would put up with like I did. Because "we" were more important to me, than "me". But "you" were always more important to you than "us". I did all the compromising. I let you tell me my flaws and I would try to improve. But I learned that you could not take what you dished out, and you would withhold your love and affection when wounded. Your affections were so easily withdrawn I walked on eggshells to please you. For quite a long time. You won't find anybody as compatible, because I know I have some damaged emotions and I can admit it and be told when to temper it down. But not you.

As long as I stay busy I will not think of you, because all I miss is the companionship and that can be replaced. I don't need what you need--to be constantly stroked and flattered, of course you do a good job of that yourself. It has always been about you but I was willing to put up with that because I wanted "us". Good luck finding someone who can fill my shoes. I am getting better (over you) by the hour.

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I told you that I want peace between us, and that I have accepted that you have moved on (even though I don't know if you really have moved on) and got no response. I am happy with my life now, I no longer wish that I was still with you.

I'm not going to obsess over it, as I don't really care what you are thinking. But I do think that I deserve at least a response. I have stayed true to the person that I am by making peace.

I really do wish that you find happiness.

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I've been thinking about this for the past few days and I've come to the conclusion that the reason why I feel down is because I'm finally moving on and I think I don't love you anymore.


I know I'm moving on because I don't think about you much anymore and the memories we had, they make me smile, you're a huge part of my past but that's where you're staying. I don't miss you like I used to, missing you doesn't hurt me anymore and I'm so happy without you, I never thought it would be possible to be this happy without you. I never deserved what you put me through, you took me for granted because you knew that I loved you too much and you knew I'd always be there. Plus all I wish for you is happiness, when it's 11:11 I don't wish for me and you, I wish for your happiness. I don't want you back and I don't want to see you again, that's not in a horrible way but I know now that if I was to see you again, what would we say to each other? There's alot you can say but it won't make a difference anymore, I waited and waited and you never came. I even changed my number, that's how much I didn't want to hear off you even though I knew you wouldn't text me or get in contact because you made a decision to cut me off.


I promised that I'd always love you and I always will, just not the love that I once felt for you. You'll always have a place in my heart and I'll never forget you because you're the first girl I fell in love with. You got me like no other.


This is my goodbye, to you. Thankyou for loving me if you ever did, I just wish you didn't cause me this much pain and I wish you weren't my first heartbreak.



"I'll see you soon.."

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The world is a weird place


My dad flatlines and you are who talked me through my anxiety

Many others checked in to say hello, whereas you didnt even respond when prompted

And yet I felt that you knew me, would hold me properly, even if only virtually.

We have a new habit of daily messaging that is vrey sexual and you might to Cali but I don't think you will though you said it is your fervent hope




You respect me, you want me, you enjoy me, and you are watching me with admiration


WTHeck is your deal. Why will you not ask me out and claim me? Is it because you are so new into your life after N? Maybe it is.


I am FIL with you. And I dump you every day in my mind. Tomorrow I dont know if I will go to lunch with you. I think I will. I will ask. what will I say?


- I really like having you around. I like the way I am starting to dig you, from the inside out. And I respect what I think you are doing. And maybe I will just shut up now. It puts pressure on you.

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