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The anger is coming back little by little. Even if I understand you a bit better now, that didn't give you the right to prolong our relationship that long, especially knowing I was in pain. I believe two persons in a relationship have a responsibility to each other, but you would have none of that in the end. God, your selfish side grates me so much.

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...oh and one last thing:


When we were in mid-BU and you said you loved me, but were not in love with me... and then told me you knew you wanted a man like me to be the father of your children, because you knew what a good father I would be... did you think that would make me feel better??


Good lord all it was like twisting the knife.

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It's hard to know what to say to you really, the man I knew and loved for 20 plus years doesn't exists anymore. I laugh at how once I caught you cheating, you decided to justify your actions by saying you have been unhappy for years. If you were so miserable why not just say it and go from there, why not be a decent human being and tell me to my face. No not you because your a piece of ****! And yet I cannot bring myself to hate you, oh I hate what you did to our family and I hate that I'm the one left to collect all the pieces of the lives you shattered and somehow put them back together. But no....I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be.

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No one has ever really given a **** about me in a way that treats me like an equal at the same time before. You were the most safe place to be because I trusted you enough to actually feel and believe your love. I could be honest with myself and the world because I had you there to stand with me. This entire experience is terrifying.


Relationships are so difficult because I am so utterly consumed by my fear that once again, I will put my trust in the wrong place. I believed that you would have done anything in order to stand by me in this world and have me stand there with you. You became my life because it’s this huge ****ing thing of an experience, to start feeling free, and how the hell could I not want as much as I could get of that feeling? All of this has resulted in me suffocating you.


I barely understand why I do these things – I wasn’t born with an ability to handle feeling like this, just like nobody else was either. Who the **** knows how to live in terror that comes from deep inside. Terror that triggers a survival instinct and as my brain shuts down waiting to get eaten by a predator, I dissociate. I come back to full consciousness, and I can barely remember 10% of what happened. But I know this doesn’t happen to “normal people” so I am too scared to let you know after this happens that I can’t remember. I’m just as scared and confused as you. I know I do it to you, but it is happening to me at the exact same time.


I believed in this dream of a life with you that I’ve never had before. You make me a better person. Because trusting someone and believing in love is the most golden, profound, breath-taking, heart-stopping experience. I know I had a place, and it was with you. I don’t know how to go on with living without you because I don’t know how to go back to living without knowing what trust and love feel like. I am more than just “good enough” for once in my life.


But who the hell abandons the person they are supposed to support the most in their place, leaves for another city, and leaves that person in a city with no one? You run to safety and you take all of mine with you. 48 hours later and you won’t even send a text telling me to **** off. The RCMP last night was such a nice guy and kept asking me if I wanted them to call you. I said no every time because I knew you would listen to your instinct to keep running and ignore your phone. I think he thought I was being too negative thinking you wouldn’t pick up, when in reality it was the truth. It was your behaviour there that was the questionable thing.


We are both in places in our lives that we will always keep hurting each other. If one day, we leave this place, we could be magic. You’ve opened up parts of life for me that I will never forget. I will always carry a small part of you with me. I have to shut myself off from you, not because I don’t want to be with you more than anything else in the world, but because I do. I don’t know how to let go of the person I care more about than anything else in the world. There’s only one person that should be here right now and she’s gone. If you go, I go.

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I want to drive the 2 hours to come see you and show up on your doorstep at 6 am to cry and beg and plead for you to keep trying with me. The person I love would simply hug and kiss and comfort me. Where did she go? It's like I never existed. 3 nights ago we talked about having kids (again). You told me these silly stories about what they would be like, and what we would be like - what our life looked like in 5 years. The next morning you left me standing in your condo in disbelief and utter desperation. You couldn't even say it. You just turned and left and never looked back.

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This morning I woke up thinking about you. I think about you everyday but it was more intense than it has been for sometime now. Your birthday is in less than a week so I'll be thinking of you that day. I'm glad your friend told my friend that you were having a hard time. I'm not sure how true it is but regardless, it makes me feel better. You'll be done with school for the semester in 2 weeks so I wonder if you'll contact me now that you won't have all the stresses in your life or if you'll keep the no contact that you've already established. I still love you and wish you the best. I hope everyday to hear from you although it doesn't seem like you want to talk to me.

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Well I did send you a nice text message today wishing you a happy birthday, and you have not replied. Not even a quick "Thanks." Nothing. So by that I can see that I no longer mean anything to you. OK. I just wonder if you realize that you're losing me completely by not replying. And who is losing the most, you or me?

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It's been a month and I miss you more every day.


I got a disposable camera from this summer that I forgot about developed this past week. Seeing your face and seeing us together didn't make me cry, I was just surprised at how I'm starting to forget what you look and feel like.


I did what everyone told me to do: go out and be 23. I went to party and was asked out twice. They seemed like nice guys, but nothing can compare to you. The attention should have made me feel better, but it made me miss you that much more.


I'm sorry I called you at 4 AM, even though you didn't pick up. I deleted your number from my phone but somehow found it in the call archives. I found out how to delete it there too, so I won't be bothering you anymore even when I'm out and drinking.


You said you didn't feel listened to or supported and that's why you left, but I would have done anything for you. I would still do anything for you.


What kills me the most is how you left, but you refuse to talk to me. I miss you like crazy. Do you miss me at all?

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It's hard to think that you don't care about me anymore. I've always had trouble dealing with such stuff. I mean, how can anyone just stop caring about a person, especially if that person was always good to you? I guess I think too much about others and worry too little about myself. I hate being hurt because I'm that way. I don't deserve this pain, I never did anything to earn it. That being said, I'm not really angry at you for breaking up with me. It hurts, but it was your right if you weren't happy, and I wasn't really happy with you anymore (that was the reason why I started the fight). I have to admit my pride got hurt when you didn't even fight for me a little, but what I really am angry about is that you dragged us on for so long and avoided dealing with our problems at all costs. You thought only about yourself, and never paid real attention when I told you I was worried about your distance and our lack of contact and tenderness. I still think we could have worked it out if only you had talked to me and told me what you wanted. I would have tried to give it to you, and if I couldn't do it then we could have parted ways more amicably.


I'm also angry at the way you dealt with things when we fought. You called me selfish for wanting to spend more time with you and wanting to have a bigger place in your life. Isn't that a bit of what relationships are about? People in a relationship have to give a bit of themselves in order to receive. You took everything I gave to you, but weren't capable of giving anything in return. You also called me selfish when I complained about that, and told me you never asked for all that. Then why take it, especially if you weren't willing to give something back? You just made excuses for yourself and never stopped to think about how this made me feel. I still think about my grandfather's birthday. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? Let's not even talk about AFTER the fight, how you stopped talking to me and refused to even get together to talk things. You protected yourself with excuses. When you finally talked to me, you used lame excuses (let's face it, they were rather lame... and if they were real reasons to you, then your love for me was really weak), then blamed me for YOUR lack of contact and even lied to me in order to make me feel guilty. That was the moment I realized it was over. It hurts to think you cared so little about me, or that you were so weak, that you didn't think I deserved the truth.


I keep forgetting about this. I keep forgetting why I was so angry at you. I know you aren't a bad person per se. I keep trying to explain your actions, and up to a point I have come to understand them... but that doesn't mean they were the right thing to do. I have a right to be angry at you, because you weren't honest with me, because you used my generosity and love but gave nothing in return, because you tried my patience for so long and had the nerve to act irritated, then dropped me out of your life without a thought or apology.


I keep feeling guilty for announcing publicly that I would never give you another chance. It wasn't the right thing to do, but I know that decision is the best for me right now. I'm a forgiving person, but I know you won't change anytime soon. I hate losing you forever, but I won't take any chances.

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I've had to come back to our city to sit a test and do some work experience (because sometimes it's who you know). It's really hard being here. Spending 6 1/2 years with you here how could it not be. I was walking throughout the town centre and it honestly seems like just yesterday we were shopping in town. I see that some of the shops and cafes have changed and it upsets me because I imagine you going into them with whoever you're hanging out with these days.


I could picture you walking around town with Mona hand in hand, if that's what's happened. Could she be my replacement? Just popped I to my place? Does she fuss my parrots? Maybe the fantasy of you two together is real. Maybe it's not.


I wanted to walk up to our flat but I had to remember I don't live there anymore. I had to remember that you don't want a relationship with me after 6 years. I just wish we'd been more experienced so we could have broken up earlier. I've spent a long time thinking my future lay with you, because I loved you, that it's hard to undo that.


I'm not sure if I want to bump into you or not. I want to see you cause I love you and care for you but I don't think my ego could cope with finding out you're perfectly happy without me. So I don't want to see you.


I really miss you. I wish this was easier but I love you so it can't be. I never thought I'd be in this situation: the one who was left after years...will she love again? I hope so. But it's really hurt me loving you.


I really want to cry so I don't cry in public tonight but I can't.


I just want to sit in our lounge with the parrots playing Mario kart. I want to settle down & watch a hitchcock movie with you. Why didn't you end it earlier if there was no future for us? I really miss you. I hate what's happened.

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Thank you for your phonecall.


It shows that there is a moral head in there and you haven't forgotten where the real world is.


It was weird hearing your voice. Strange but I was not about to make small talk on the phone.


Whatever the future holds I love you unconditionally. I hope I can hold it together in front of you at the weekend.


I know what you're going through is devastating you, I know it is. But at least now after you braved that first call to me you could hear I wasn't angry at you.

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I still dont understand any of this. Why I did what I did, why did you just disappear literally the day you met her. I dont understand. I really believed you would change your mind, 4 months ago, I was so grateful that you confirmed what I had been feeling and thinking- and then you completely changed. I dont understand.


Why did you break us like this? You have rejected me, dismissed me, and given me reason after reason not to be together. Yet I still feel connected to you and there is this teeny voice in my head that still says to hang on. But where are you? I dont understand. We had it. and now only because you met her, all your ideas about me and us changed.


I dont want to give up on us. I dont know what to do though.


I know that I had to make some big changes, I know that for sure. But now what? Did we only meet so you could eventually meet her, and for me to .. what? Crumble?


Where are you? and why does this ache in my heart for you and the thought of you still just tears me apart. And yet, you are ok and fine .


I dont understand.

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Last night I couldn't even sleep in MY own bed in MY own apartment because the memory of you is too strong. I remember the last night we spent there together and it hurts too much. I walk around here and you're like a ghost to me. Everything is reminding me of you.

I dreamt about you last night and I woke up today feeling empty. All my feelings came rushing back after just one dream and my first instinct was to call you. To ask how your day is and what you're doing, so maybe we can go watch a movie or something. I had to use every ounce of strength not to dial your number.

I want to know if you're hurting as much as I am.

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I was so close to contacting you today, but you called me instead...


We're still broken up (thanks to me), but we're still in love. Nothing has changed, you said...you still want only me and I want only you...but the stuff we're dealing with is too hard for a relationship. So, you agreed with my decision. Now I just wanted closure, and I wanted you in my life, but I'm not sure if I can handle talking to you and not having you how we had it, even if it's limited. I hate this even more...I wish we could go back. I'm so in love with you....tell me we have hope.

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I miss you so much. I wish can talk to you. I wish I can hear your voice again. I wish I can hear you tell me that you love me again, but you blocked me out of your life and you've completely moved on from. I want to hate you, but I can't. I still love you. Why do I love you so much, when you don't even love me anymore?

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