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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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You said you saw what other people and their exes were like and didn't want us to become like that. Too late. You left me in the cold when I needed you there the most. I can't bring myself to forgive you for that, I will always resent you. I regret every minute we spent together, every kiss I gave you, and every moment I thought of you including this one.


You said you wanted us to be friends no matter how long it took. How is that possible after you treated me like you did? You think I am going to want to be friends with you after that? You are not the person I met. That person left a long time ago, and I was a fool not to see it. The part of you I loved is dead, and now what little substance you have left is not worth even my friendship.


You told me your friends had gone through heartache and it would only be a few weeks and I would feel better. You don't know ANYTHING about heartbreak, and I am NOTHING like your friends. I suppose these were the same friends that said breaking up with me was a good idea, and advised you on how to do it. Well, if obliterating my heart was your goal it worked so keep taking that advice.


You told me it never meant that much to you to begin with. Don't play someone for a fool, it may seem like a game to you but the person you leave behind can sometimes be shattered beyond repair. I hope someday you feel 1/100 of the pain I felt, but even that might be too much for your arrogant soul to handle. I wouldn't want you to go through what I did, no one deserves that, even my worst enemy.

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Dear ex,


I thought we could be just "close friends." But I blocked you on Facebook (again) a few nights ago. It was a pic of you and another girl. The same girl in the pic I saw in Sept. (when I briefly unblocked you) and in your post-Valentine's Day pic. See where this is going?


I can't let you back in my life when I feel emotionally riled up like this. On one hand, I want you to be happy. On the other hand, I feel like I've been replaced. I feel hurt and even jealous of this girl because she's with you and I'm not. So, it was time for me to block you. I don't know how long it'll last. Maybe temporarily, maybe even permanently. But I can't be "just your friend" when I still have these feelings. I miss the old you, the one I fell in love with...but you've changed so much since then. I miss the good times we had.


Maybe one day, we really can be "just friends." That will have to wait.

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I walked a mile for you and you wouldn't even take a step for me! I think I have turned a corner here. You are on my mind less and less. That gut wrenching ache that I used to get when thinking about us is gone (thank the lord)! When I do think about you now, I remember some good times but then I quickly flash to the cold hearted, insulting way you cut me out of your life. You know what "L"? You were right about some things: 1. I will find someone better than you 2. I don't NEED you 3. I am smart, strong and wonderful and too good for someone like you!


You blew it BIG TIME buddy. No contact is working and I'm feeling better each day. I read people posting that in the early days (2 months ago) and was sooooo jealous, thinking I would never be able to get there. Quelle surprise, its happening! I packed up the rest of your crap you either left here or gave to me as a gift. Seeing it was making me sick. Its in a bag by the front door and someday it will end up on your front porch. I don't need anymore reminders of you. Its been helping me to make small changes around my home, new curtains, moving furniture....it helps. That way I can't visualize you being here anymore. I've lost 25 pounds, exercising and taking care of me for a change. I can't believe I was dating a 33 year old child who didn't even know how to make his own damn lunch for work! Even my seven year old can do that! You suck!


I think you used me for a couple months and it hurts slightly. Used me for money, rides (because you lost your license because you were a drunk and an addict), food, and whatever else you needed. I can't believe I even bought you that stupid computer game! Oh well, now you have the game but no computer or internet to play it.... HA HA HA!


Almost 6 months of sobriety for you eh? Almost time for the relapse. I can't wait! You'll be on your own this time and I will be in the front row watching with a bowl of popcorn! Enjoy!

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Today, I found out you have broken up with me to pursue somebody else. I wish you would have told me when I gave you the opportunity. Instead, I had to find out this way.


I'm a great person and you have lost something wonderful. I hope you realize this when it is already too late.

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Your ex girlfriend makes me feel..... different. lol.


Yes, at first i wanted to use her to just get back at your dumb butthole self because i knew it would burn you alive for me to be with your ex.


But now getting to know her. She's as lonely as me. She's as sad as me. Maybe even little bit more lonely because her family treats her different because she's gay. You talk so much crap about her, yet you knew nothing about her.


I'm smitten, smitten, smitten.

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It's a good thing you don't want me back.

I don't feel good about myself, at all.

While you are out there having this cool and fullfilling life. Doing 'the things you love.

I don't feel like I'm improving..

I feel like a passive piece of &%$#

If I am going to have another depression,

it's a good thing I don't have to share it with you.

It's a sucky thing, not feeling good enough for you.

But on the other hand, your ignorance is a bliss.

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Well it's been over 2 months since I last saw you & almost 4 weeks since we last spoke. I know I'm getting over you. I do think about you, miss you & wonder how you are & what you're doing. I find myself lately feeling a lot of anger. It really blows my mind how we can be so close for so long & for you to just write me off like I was nothing to you. I had a biopsy done last week...you knew I was having it done. I really thought you'd care enough to want to know the results, but no. In so many ways I am lucky, you don't have a facebook, I wasn't real close with your family, we didn't have many mutual friends, chances are slim that we will run into each other before summer. When I do see you someday, I have know idea how I'll feel about you. You hurt me. I loved you huge & I know you loved me too. I think you could only love & commit to a certain point & then you pull away or run. I wonder if you will someday have regrets?? There really is so much I want to say, but I've said it all so many times before. How you can just turn things off & move on is beyond me. I know what I deserve & I'm confident I will someday have someone that loves me deeply, someone that can communicate, work through issues, not put me down every time I express my feelings & someone that I can love right back. I wish you luck finding that "conflict free" relationship that you strongly believe exists.

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dear husband,


it's been 8 days.. almost 9 since we got into that huge fight and you left to go back home to your parents. you broke my heart. why did you leave me? i should have left you, a long time ago but for some reason i'm head over heels for you. you treated me like * * * * , for the last 6-7 years.. i've never learned. sure, i've been a * * * * * .. and stupid at times, but nothing compared to what you've done to me. your angry, verbally abusive, hit animals, you are a piece of * * * * .. but yet i'm hurting. i've emailed you more times than i can count, and you've told me to pretty much * * * * off. why am i emailing you? you should be begging for me back, not the other way around. i facebook stalk you. you don't know that i can see your facebook, but i can. it hurts seeing your status updates, and the fact your talking to all of your ex girlfriends.. but just like everyone tells me.. they don't know what you look like anymore... you really aren't that attractive anymore, and i'm sure they wouldn't be up your ass if they knew that. i dont find you that attractive, but yet i'm still crying and hurting? why? i've changed my appearance in the last 8 days. new hair, new nails, new clothes, new everything.. for once i feel good about myself, because you never made me feel pretty. i want more than anything for you to see me now.. i bet you'd be begging for me back then. i know i'm beautiful now, just wish you could see it. i've gotten drunk, i've talked to my ex boyfriends, i've hung out at the bars.. but i can't stop thinking about you. i was driving back home lastnight from the bar, and i went over a bridge. honestly? i wanted to drive right off it. i closed my eyes, and just held my breath. i guess someone decided you weren't worth it, or .. i did, and opened my eyes. i still went home and cried lastnight. oh yeah, and this morning. and this afternoon, and right now.


i want more than anything to email you right now. you don't know my number, and i don't know yours.. but i have my phone connected to my gmail account, and your the only one that has that account.. so if i got an email from you, my phones going to show me, and to be honest, i'd give anything to see the email icon. sad thing is? i know it won't happen. i know if i email you.. you will talk * * * * to me. so should i do it and get hurt, then regret it? or not. but if i don't i feel like you'll forget about me..


i'm stuck. you've treated me like * * * * , but i miss your touch. i miss dealing with your bull * * * * . i've thought of everything i could have changed, to attempt to make it work. thats another thing that makes it hard.. knowing that i wasn't perfect, and what if i did this or that, would it be different? i also think about fights that started, just because you are an angry person. i remember a couple months ago i told you that something was going to break if you held it a certain way and you told me it wouldnt.. and then 2 seconds later, it broke. you yelled at me like i didnt tell you it was going to break.. and it was my fault. i guess you always did love to blame everything on me.


i've been working.. and it helps sometimes, but seeing couples hurts. i want to tell everyone how big of a * * * * * an * * * * * * * you are.. but talking about you makes me cry. so i just don't talk about you. i wish you'd just email me, say you'd come home.. say that you'd change for me.. i know it won't happen.. i'm just hoping i can get the strength to not email you. i dont think i can take the pain after i read what you email me back.


ps, i hate how much you hurt me and if i could die without hurting my family, i would. i don't think i'll ever get over you.. and i hate you for that. you've ruined my life. i'm early 20s and i already never want to be with another man again. go * * * * yourself. oh, and i really hope these 6 months until the divorce come by fast, and i can move on. i deserve better than you.. i just wish i could move on.

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I find it funny that you just can't leave me alone.

So my attempt at NC again is going great, havent talked to you in what? at least 3 months. Guess you miss my love lol and you miss the way I cared for you.



Should have thought about that before you tore my heart into little bloody pieces.


The silence is getting deafening aye? You can only distract yourself with random girls for so long =).

Even though seeing those emails upset me greatly, it's alright, life really does go on.





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Wow I just checked my phone to make sure I get the number right.... 10 times you called me yesterday. How does it feel to have someone ignore you? I think I have a pretty good idea. BTW, your text made me laugh "You asked me to call so I'm calling. Now be a big girl and pick up the phone" Takes a bigger girl to ignore you! Keep waiting, keep wondering. They say there is a fine line between love and hate and I'm definitely teetering on it right now.

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I talked to you today. I told you how I feel about you. You listened, said you still cared and had feelings for me. Yet you leave and later walk right past me to some other guy. I loved who you used to be. Now, you are a selfish, immature coward. If you really loved me, none of this would have happened. We were victims of circumstance, and you were too weak to fix things. Now, youve pushed the feelings aside. I hate what youve become. I hope you regret this in the future, and when you do, I hope I will have already met someone better. Someone who will really appreciate everything I do for her. Someone who will do everything she can, who will move mountains to be with me. I know this is not you. If it was, we would be as happy as we were before. But youve lost something amazing. And you know that. But I'm better off without you in my life. Just look at me now. I got a job, my grades in school are better than ever, I'm healthy, and my family and friends are always there for me. I am a real person, unlike your petty b*tch *ss.


Youre interested in someone else now. And the funny thing is, he has a girlfriend! I just want to laugh in your face, you dumb girl. But I won't. I'm the bigger person in this. You are a hypocrite, a liar, and a user, just like the rest of your family. I am just waiting for the day I find someone new, and you are eaten alive by the fact that she is way better than you.

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You know what? I think I liked it better when you were in Melbourne. You've done nothing but * * * * with my head since we broke up. But worse than that is coming to the realization that it means nothing to you because otherwise you wouldn't be looking out for other girls. My self love isn't high enough if I can keep letting you come in and out of my life so freely, but you keep giving me something to hold onto, little crumbs that seem to make it all worth it. I don't want to cut you out again but I can't see this getting any easier otherwise...

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You know. Yesterday was the first time ever where I didn't cry after a date. About time yeah? It's nearly 9 months since our BU.

I still love you T. I will always, always love you.



But it's alright. I've accepted things now.


I always thought i was only one who cry after dates.

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How could you do this to someone who still loves you? Is he better than me? more successfull? are you going to do the same to him that you did to me? Were you only with me for my money? are you really back on crack? after all these years of being clean are you really back on it? How could you do this to someone who loves you like I do? Like you know I do. Did you just get bored? How could you pawn the ring that I worked for 6 hard months just to afford for you, because I love you? Is my dog okay? Why do I still love you?


...that felt just a little pathetic..

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You, Mr Popular. The person all the guys wanted to hang out with and all the girls wanted to be with. You chose me out of all the girls you could have picked. Me, the shy little girl who sat alone and never talked to anyone. I found myself plain and boring, but you told me I was beautiful. You told me you'd fallen for me the very first time you'd laid eyes on me. I should have realised how much you cared for me. I should have realised that you would never do me wrong. I was so happy in the beginning of our blossoming relationship. You told me everything about your day, your thoughts, your life. You let me know so much about you. But I was more reserved. I did not have a way with words or expressing myself, but you told me that you'd help me open up. I should have cherished what we had together. How did I slip up so badly? My paranoia and jealousy overcame me before I could stop them. I scoured your facebook for photos of your exes, observed through slanted eyes all of the girls you hung out with. You even gave me your password to your various email accounts and online profiles.. and I went as far as to abuse that trust that you thought you had in me. I judged myself against everything that you were involved in. I was overly critical of all of your actions, trying to see things that weren't really there. I felt worthless after seeing all the beautiful girls you knew, the wide circle of friends you had, how carefree you were. I only ever had a few friends. I never held myself in much regard. What was i jealous of? You? Why did I feel so worthless standing next to you? Why did I feel like I wasn't deserving of our relationship? You were straightforward with me when I became obsessive and temperemental. You gave me so many chances to change. So many chances to see what I was doing wrong. So many chances to fix things. But I never learnt. Always the same mistakes. Always the same ill feelings rising up from nowhere. And then you ended it. I know your reason to me wasn't completely honest. I know because I questioned our friends. But I guess I already knew the true reason behind our breakup. And I knew that I was the cause of it. I know that you were just trying to let me down easily. Or as easily as you could. So I don't blame you for lying. Or not telling the complete truth.


I'm sorry that I couldn't make you happy. I know that you're so much better off without me, and I truly hope that you are happier now. I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you. I know that I can now take our experiences together and learn from them, so I don't make the same mistakes in future. We were together for a year, and we haven't spoken in 6 months. I'm still not over you, to be honest.. but I've accepted everything. If there's anything I want to say to you, it's thank you for choosing me over everyone else. Thank you for seeing something in me that I never would have been able to see. And finally, thank you for helping me grow to be, hopefully, a better person.


(p.s. Sorry for the rant)

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