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I wish you haven't changed...i wish you would fought for us....i wish you were my guy again like you use to be.....my baby....from time to time you could be an a-hole but you were my a-hole we always worked things out..until you got that horrible job...i told you it was gonna cost our relationship...you are so stressed...grumpy...bitter and so angry with me for not flying over and sitting there alone 3 weeks a month...

Why can't you understand that? why don't you think about other solutions...

I dont wanna sleep, eat, live alone...i can't it would kill me!


I wanna be with YOU...and not with your dad in home as u suggested so i wont be alone and scared at night being home alone I wanna be with YOU..not with anybody else!

Why can't you understand that? Why do i have to do all the work.... sacrifice my happiness for you...and your life will remain the same..except for when your one week at home i'll be there...then i have to deal with the fact your grumpy and tired..you will sleep alot and still i'm there what's in it for me? When is it my time?

Don't you think that's extremely selfish on your behalf?

Don't you want the best for me?


Why can't you understand that? We had this conversation over and over again...and it always ended you being angry with me. You saw it as a rejection....i told you i would come if you had a different job...but you never really tried...some lame attempts yes....but not really....even your answer was..but i don't have time!!! I tried to be as understanding as possible for months....i try to lift u up...back off to give u time when ur at home to be finally you! Working 24-7 made u different ..and i understand that , you started to push me away..not taking calls...or sometimes...just short messages....and the last week you were avoiding me..till i got to the point i couldn't take it no more...i was getting physical problems..migraines ,stomach pains i couldn't sleep..i just wanted a solution so bad. But you didn't work with me.



I've been chasing you being understanding with to the point i got migraines...from pure frustration...and u kept going being the same a-hole as the last months..

You really didn't care if i would break down and cry...you just didn't care anymore ..all you had to say was...well come here... and i would explain again why...and you would be angry with me again..leaving the conversation undone.


So i never had the chance to really talk this over with you....you always leave....and im left with frustrations...i need to vent...

I miss the old you so so so so so so so much....im crazy in love with that guy still....i hope someday he returns and tells you what a fool you've been.

I hope you come very soon..i don't think you will..maybe never...but deep inside i hope you will. DO IT!!!!


You said the passion is gone...how can u be passionate when your always at work...traveling for work...in meetings for work even in the weekends....you have no time..

That doesn't mean you can't call...or write me a sweet e-mail....your stress level is so high now u got muscle twitches..high blood pressure....and u have some other problems related to stress.....

Is this all worth it? i been asking you that forever....i know u love your job and u hate it too... cause it's just too much...too overwhelming....i never wanted to nagg or something since i know ur so busy at work..so i gave you space...i thought you needed that...then you say you miss me....but then again you have a phone too....call me when you miss me...

I've done everything i could..but it takes two people to make it work it's not a one way street...due to your job it became like this...I HATE YOUR JOB!!!


Lately i have to admit i sometimes didn't feel like talking to you anymore ..because everytime we did you were always so negative about everything...that when i would hang up i would feel miserable and negative too.

You drained me. completely to the point i couldn't anymore...


All the beautiful memories we have together...i miss the funny you...you use to be my ROCK! So relaxed calm guy...you made me relaxed...i loved being around you!

We would laugh so hard you made me cry...MAN I MISS YOU!


I thought we were gonna make it you and i...2011 i would have said YES to you like you wanted and as i wanted...my dreams my future with you is gone

I have to deal with that and it's hard...i always believed we be together.

I"m really sad it went down this way.. You should have fought for us...you just didn't have the energy because of that stinking job.

The job took you away from me...you had no energy left to fight for us.


I miss the way you feel...i miss your brown eyes...i miss kissing and cuddling with you! I loved your hugs!

I'm talking about the old you...

The new you i'm angry at for treating me so disrespectful it's crazy to know your both the same person..how is that possible?


I wish you would call me now and say hey baby i made a mistake i'm a big dork you are my girl i realize how much i love you!

Babe..why can't you just dropp it all and come back to me...

i miss you...i really really miss you


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I don't ever want to hate you, despite the things you did to me. I know you were dealt some bad cards in your life, and I know that will never excuse you for how you treated me, but I know that when you said I taught you how to love, you meant it.


The fact that I gave you that... the fact that I made you believe that love does exist makes all this pain worth it. I have been shattered but I am slowly making myself whole again.


I know I stopped answering your calls, and I know I promised I would love you forever and I would always be there for you... But I cannot do the latter. Time will make my love for you bearable but I will never be rid of it. I want to be with someone who is together enough to give me what I deserve.


You taught me something too. You taught me to love myself.


One day you will realize what an amazing person you are, with astounding potential. One day you'll put down the drugs and the alcohol and look in the mirror and see the man I fell in love with. One day... you will be happy. Truly happy.


I wish I could tell you these things again, but I can't. You aren't you right now. You're never sober. I lie awake at night in worry for you... even now I cannot sleep.


There's so much to say... I'll never be able to say it. I love you.

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You were my first, I was your 9th.

By surprise at a party one night, you took my virginity despite my protests. One would call that rape.

On your birthday night, you drunkenly forced yourself on me until you finished and then passed out. I had to carry you back downstairs to all your friends while I went home instead.

I never heard a word from you when I left the country for a month with my family, even though you promised you'd write back.

I bought you christmas gifts and invited you over to supper. You took the gift then asked me to give you a blow job. Then I heard nothing from you all the way into new years.

New years, you lied to me and told me that you love me over and over again just to shut me up and sleep with me.

I ended up in the hospital one day last summer and you never came to visit, you didn't even reply back to my text or phone call.

You slept in, went car shopping with your friend and uploaded facebook pictures on my birthday but never actually said anything at all to me.

3 months after we broke up, you started dating an older woman that you 'fell hard for'. You threw around I love you's to her even though you 'don't usually toss that word around'.

And all through the year and a half we were together, you barely reply to my texts, barely call and barely spoke. I'm sure other couples out there speak more often that once ever two weeks.

I know my family situation is a tough one to deal with, I know I'm moody and a little insecure and I nag about the same problems to you over and over again. We got back together twice on the promise that you would change and found an even worse way to hurt me. If I wanted to be a worthless sex object, I would rather not be it to somebody I actually had strong feelings for, who could manipulate me in such a way. This time apart made me grieve and make some really stupid decisions, but in the end it made me realize that you were a huge waste of my time. Sure, at least I'm not a virgin anymore, and sure, one could call me experienced now. But I could have cut half the pain if I just had done it on a whim with a stranger. Strangely, I wouldn't have felt as filthy as being with you. You're as good as dead to me now. And I bet you're happy you saved a coupla bucks by sleeping in on my birthday and us breaking up shortly after? I just wish I could get my 600$ back over that guitar I wasted on you. Stupid scum bag. Don't lie to me and other girls that you enjoy being in a relationship when you're the one the goes and ruins everything. I hope you die a lonely miserable life. You don't deserve a girlfriend.

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I keep remembering that night you told me things that I know you've never told anybody. It was years ago when you let out all your childhood secrets, and you cried so hard, and I sat on your knee and hugged you and cried too. I know you put on a brave face, but every time I think of the pain you feel, I still cry for you. You never deserved to see it, I wish your life had always been full of happiness.


You got so drunk that night, and we went out. I only went to the bathroom for a couple of minutes, and you were worrying about me because we were in a new country. You always worried about me and kept me safe. I remember I told you those things about my dad; your whole face changed, like it killed you.


We cared about each other so much. I still do care about you that much. I cry over G for you because I can't stand you feeling sad. I was thinking about that video you took of us while we were on holiday and we were play fighting on the bed. I remember you told me you used to watch that over and over whenever you missed me. I hope you watch it now...


I know why you had to break-up with me, but I wish you hadn't. I remember the last night we ever slept in your bed, both cry and holding each other. I was so angry yet so in love with you all at the same time. It took me hours to get to sleep that night but when I eventually did, I remember waking slightly to feel you reach out and hold my hand really tight. I just wish you hadn't let go.


At least they've finally taken down the Christmas tree near my new office. It reminds me of our second ever date, where we arrived too late for the lighting, but we kissed next to it and passers-by told us what a cute couple we were!


I miss all the days and nights we spent on a pull-out bed, eating food and playing games and watching movies. No make-up, no clothes; just us two completely comfortable and happy.


Look at all our photos and listen to all our songs, and try and tell me that it wasn't good. I bet you can't, because all that good stuff will ALWAYS over-ride the silly bickering. At least for me. Time apart is making me see what's important, and I hope in years to come you remember all the wonderful memories, so we can figure this whole mess out. I'm growing up and becoming a better person, I promise...


I will always love you.



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I'm really pissed off tonight and I really feel like crying, but my pride won't let me. I guess my suspicions were right. You are seeing someone else. My goodness that was fast! Didn't you just get out of a relationship almost 2 months ago??? I hope you didn't work things out with that psycho chick? That would be a total slap in the face to me! Is it that bad to be by yourself for awhile?

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Can we please just stop playing this game? I know really want to come home. Stop using the money excuse. If you want to make it work you will make it work. I know you dont like to admit what youre really feeling which i feel is alittle sad that you have to wait until you are either drunk or sleepy to actually let out what youre thinking. you TOLD me that you have to stay because you feel you have to for your family. I cant even believe youre willing to miss out on something so amazing that we had because you made a mistake. Just be a man. be a MAN and admit that you were wrong for going. I would forgive you. We could start over. But you really are childish. I shouldnt have to tip toe over that I have to say to you because it might hurt your feelings all the time. I dont want you as a friend. If we arent supposed to be together then we really shouldnt talk ever. it is hindering my recovery from all this. I feel sometimes that you did this to finally feel like you were in some sort of power. It burns me up inside that i KNOW you would hold on to your pride so much that you would actually let the person you are supposed to be with get away. that really does disgust me about you. youre sad. and need to grow alot as a man.

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OMG awesome, thank you for starting this although it seems I'm late in the game LOL...again. So much I want to say and scream but bottom line I wish the hurt would go away and my sanity would return. The loneliness and insecurity is unbearable at times not to mention the work and effort it takes from not breaking down. He is a good man-really, he has a great heart just the drinking thats the problem or is it really? i dont know i am just confused by my emotions and the pain. but thanks for having this to vent and express....

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I miss you so much, I don't know if you miss me, I don't know what you're doing, you could just be avoiding me, I know you well enough to know that you're not gonna be going out every night...yeah you would hate that, I know you don't really like that stuff, so I guess you've found something else to get addicted to online, that way you can at least avoid the thing that I'm doing right? You ignored me too, well I didn't say anything other than "hi", since I thought we were going to be be friends like we used to be, thats what they do...and for the first time, you ignored that, I remember, I will always remember that, I've never ignored you whenever you've spoken to me, I couldn't do that...I have too much respect for you, even though you were the one that dumped me...I have no idea whats going on in your head, all I do know is that I didn't deserve that, I didn't deserve any of it. Please understand one day, thats all I ask...


If things are tough for you then that's fine, I understand, accept and respect that, I guess I just can't bear all the wondering...

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very well said and I wish you well. I too wish my ex was feeling the same pain as I am for if he did than the relationship was not in vain.. Having to compete with an addiction is one thing but having to deal with the pain, sorrow and loss seems almost unbearable. You want to wish them well for yourself too but I wish him well with me not without me....time heals they say, i wish i could wake up when it is healed...

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That was beautiful!!!



Thank you He's already made it clear he wants nothing more to do with me though.


We had amazing moments and true love, but sadly they all got messed up with him going through a long period of not knowing what he wanted and repeatedly breaking up with me and changing his mind an hour later. But months later, going through that had made me so insecure and sure that he didn't truly love me, that we just had to break-up altogether. We could never go back now...

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Thank you He's already made it clear he wants nothing more to do with me though.


We had amazing moments and true love, but sadly they all got messed up with him going through a long period of not knowing what he wanted and repeatedly breaking up with me and changing his mind an hour later. But months later, going through that had made me so insecure and sure that he didn't truly love me, that we just had to break-up altogether. We could never go back now...


Too bad HIS LOSS!!!

You'll find WAY better!!!!

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There are so many things i want to tell you.


I love u... so much.


I've invested everything in this relationship. I can't do anything now as everything I do reminds me of u.


I tried to suppress my emotions.. but they always exploded in the end somehow. In my dreams, or when times I just stare into blank space.


I can't tell u all these. I don't want you to feel guilty. I want you to be happy.


But I missed you so much. Even if I find somethings that I enjoyed, I can't enjoy them. I will feel happy doing that activity, and the next thing that comes to my mind is to share it with you. But you are no longer here.... You left me.


I've never scolded you before. Everyday I told myself how lucky and happy I'm to have you as my gf.


I want to marry you. That is my dream.


But now, I am having endless nightmares everynight.


The only thing that makes me feel better is when I suddenly felt like you will come back to me.


I'm not certain if I'm the guy you love the most.


I'm not certain that you will come back to me.


But there is one thing I'm 100% sure of.


I'm the one that love you the most in this world. No one will be able to do the things that I have done for you.


I'm willing to bet my soul that the above is true.


But I don't think God will accept my bet, as my soul is already gone.

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I am so much in love right now. He wasn't you, I know. But I love him.


I just want to let you know that you're still in my mind sometimes. Getting lesser and lesser. I feel like our memories are about to be completely gone. I know I am still holding to it. I don't know why but you were the one for me.


I am sorry for all the terrible things I did. But trust me on this: you will be just fine. You will find someone whom you'll love more than the other person. I was just your backup. I didn't mean anything to you.


I am still in love with you, as a friend. Nothing more. Our moments are gone. They were long gone.


Each breakup finds me a better man. This guy is perfect for me.




Thank you. And goodbye. I wish you the best in life and this would be my last entry about you.



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To God,


I have told you countless times, haven't I?


I said I am willing to give up my talents and passion for her. I did.


I promise I'm willing to give up all the money I have for her. I did.


I said I am willing to do anything just to be together with her, even if it means for me to kneel down infront of people that I hate. I did.


I promise I will never scold her and I will protect her, cherish her and be faithful to her. I did.


I hope that everyone else would be able to find the love of their life, I hope the same to the ones that have destroyed my life. I did.


I said I will feel grateful everyday for having her in my life. I did.


I have done everything.


So why does this happen?


You said Everything happens for a reason.


You took away the only reason for me to survive.


You are the one you taught me, that money, pride, ego and everything I once pursued are nothing compared to her, the love of my life.


You are the one that taught me love is the most important thing.


If you let her back in my life, I will kneel down for you.


I will keep kneeling, until you told me to get up.


Please. Take my hands away. Take all these things away. I don't need them.


I just want her back.

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Its really annoying that although I have moved on, your name still comes up.


The friends have met the new girl. They all love her. Yet somehow, your name comes up. Don't be flattered though. They all say "OMG, she is soooo much better then "ex"" "Shes funny unlike ex" "Shes so much more fun to be with than ex"


Its new and its going really well. Im glad you let me go. This girl is all sorts of amazing.



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I really wish you'd give me a quick phone call, just to say hey. Just so I know you don't hate me. But maybe you DO hate me.


My mum and I aren't speaking at the moment. Her choice, not mine. We didn't have an argument or anything, she just kind of decided to cut everyone except my brother off. I never really told you much about this side of her, but she can turn a little spiteful and change her whole attitude out of nowhere. I'm kind of struggling with it because I'm feeling very lonely as it is.


I've got into this bad habit when I wake up each morning of thinking of you waking up with your new girlfriend, the way we used to. I don't even know if you have a girlfriend... And then I keep replaying you saying you're not in love with me, and all this other stuff about how you don't want to see me again, and I feel like someone has punched me in the stomach.


You keep saying things are too bad between us now; you made it this way. You caused all the break-ups. You did all the ignoring. You threw all the resentment in there Each time you hurt me you expected me to just get up and carry on, and couldn't understand my insecurities. You said 'you should know by now that I care about you'. How should I know that? You disappeared on me for 4 months! You blanked me when I was in hospital. You blanked me when my dad had his heart attack. You've dumped me repeatedly. You kept sleeping with me and promising you'd call, only for me to hear nothing. Do you know how much pain I was in feeling scared that you were using me?


So no wonder I was insecure and got upset with you. You caused all this We could have been happy.

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P.S. Do you even realise how many hints you left me that part of the problem with me is that you don't fancy me or find me attractive? Have you any idea how much that has absolutely destroyed and continues to kill me more and more every day? You should NEVER bring looks or attraction into it, especially with someone you know has had real issues with it in the past. I hate myself so much because of you.

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I can't believe that you have such a nice face and yet such a horrible person lurks within.


You are absolutely repulsive. In every single way. You are so addicted to sex, and yet you tell me that I'M the one who is obsessed with sex? GO F*** YOURSELF.


Were you screwing her before you dumped me? I wouldn't put it against you, knowing your lies and deceitful ways. Stop pretending to be a nice guy. You suck at it. You are immature and insensitive. When I told you that, you thought I was being ridiculous. I wasn't.


You pretend to be this nice guy and then BAM! Mask comes off and all is revealed.


You WILL regret leaving me one day, I promise you this.



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I feel like goddamned Alanis Morisette singing You Oughta Know. You left me for an older woman, and honestly: will she EVER be better than me? Would she do the things I did for you? I doubt it. I doubt that she is even prettier than me. I doubt that she even waxes herself. I doubt she even bothers just hooking up with you -- she's probably looking to dig her claws into you so that she can reproduce since she's approaching the baby-making age now.


You are a moron. You think you can get anything better than me? Yeah, you will if you continue to remain as dumb as you are.


Let me list the things that I hate about you:


- moron

- bad kisser (always too much tongue)

- small penis

- bad at sex in general

- stupid hipster sense of fashion (if your goal was to look like an arrogant douche, congratulations)

- stupid onyx earrings

- no common sense

- lack of direction

- player, knows how to get the ladies

- emotionally detached

- inability to form true and meaningful relationships with others

- cold and unfeeling

- your stupid mohawk (makes you look more like a tool than your previous haircut and I've always hated it ever since you cut it)

- dumb Gucci wallet

- inability to bear responsibility for own actions

- inability to look after self

- oedipus complex

- immaturity

- excessive ego (man, you don't know how big your head really is, do you?)

- haughtiness

- too proud

- weird sense of entitlement (like, what, you're better than this humdrum bullcrap? WELL GO BACK TO DADDY!)

- over-reliance on father's personal wealth (oh, I'm just going to throw this first-class ticket to HKG away because, well, I'm not gonna use it...)

- no idea what savings are

- poor planner

- bad English (YOU SUCK AT IT! GO HOME!)

- false sense of entitlement

- bad communication skills (I don't know what you're like in your mother tongue, but you sure as hell suck talking D&M with people of other ethnicities)

- poor listening skills (you never heard a damn thing I said -- you listened, but you didn't UNDERSTAND)

- tendency to interrupt

- avoidant behaviour/using distractions to avoid the important issues

- fear of confrontation

- passive aggressive

- your stupid navy paisley pants that look really dumb on you

- stupid thongs

- stupid ripped Nike training pants

- stupid man-bags that you have to carry everywhere

- obsession with purple

- your * * * * * * * taste in music

- pathetic "E" for empty on your keyring (this must have been a lie!)

- inability to finish things, whether it be a bottle of wine, glass of water or a painting... or even during sex!

- snoring

- crappy writing

- that stupid default expression that you have when you're uncomfortable, it's like

- your persistent frown

- lack of deodorant and cologne

- stupid narrowed eyes!!! ALL THE TIME!!!

- dumb tie collection

- pretending to listen to me, when in fact, you were planning an emergency escape route





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